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Everything posted by MeatEtr

  1. The Kingdoms expansion pack is great. Lots of content for a x-pack as well. No self respecting Total War player should be with out it, worth every penny. It's gotten great reviews as well. Oh and yeah, I'm also looking forward to the new Empires: Total War game, finally gonna get huge naval battles. A very long overdue addition to the franchise
  2. Don't forget these places: http://www.the-scenario-depot.com/ http://www.the-proving-grounds.com/ http://bootsandtracks.com/
  3. Yeah its looking good, looking forward to the finished version.
  4. Oh so true, but there are RL distractions that can make 5 mins a little too short a window. Also the flipside of the coin, changing/editing could also save us a fight/ban by having the ability to change a post when cooler heads prevail.
  5. I too wish the links could be at the bottom like it use to be. But there is a "Top" button at the bottom right that boots you back up.
  6. Ahh ok, sweet thanks, had to change it in my CP, much better now. I did discover the "Top" button at the lower right hand corner. But when I went to edit my post I couldn't. Since now we need admin permission to edit after 5 minutes. Any chance this can be changed? Hey look everybody, Elmars a noob, he just registered here back in Dec. haha.
  7. Bah, can't edit your post after 5 minutes, will need admin permission after that. :mad:
  8. Oh and btw, FYI, if your like me and prefer the old forum colors better than the new ones. Just change the UBB style back to classic at the bottom left.
  9. No forum links at the bottom of the page, gotta scroll back up to the top to change forums. Am I missing something or is there no simple link/url button to make a link? Same goes for adding images. I gotta click on the vb code links at the bottom left to see the code.
  10. Ahh man, but what about all those useless recipes and pointless political mudslinging. They added so much flavor and god awful smell to the forum. Our work is cut out for us, time to start all over.
  11. Lol, ahhh yes, oh so true, thanks for illuminating the positive side.
  12. Yeah man, me too... Now I'm off to check the CMC forum...
  13. Ahh man, I just noticed I lost over a 1,000 of my amazing and insightfull posts. I don't know if I'll ever recover from this robbery.
  14. Whoa, the forums are finally back up woohoo!!!!
  15. Sounds great, thanks for the update Martin. Looking forward to the new forum package. I'd love to help out beta testing if possible.
  16. The norm is to 'mod as you go'. It's actually kinda fun IMO. Seeing the default graphics in a battle and then searching CMMODs to see whats available. I also like doing side-by-side BMP comparisons, especially with possible markings options. Also, if you feel like doing some reading/research, just search the CMBB/AK forums with "mod packs" or "best mods". Theres been alot of talk about the must-have mods.
  17. There is no way to find the best tactical routes without gridded terrain. High contrast mods give not that much information at a glance. </font>
  18. Anybody know if this ever happen? I've been trying to track down all the ROW scenarios for CMBB/AK. Found some over at SDII and PG.
  19. I certainly tried all the grid mods for all the CMx1 games. IMO think they're overrated. IIRC most of my opponents(in the hundreds probably) didn't like them either. Besides the lost in immersion, you can still see undulations in the terrain without the mod, although sometimes a zoom-in is needed. The brighter the terrain the higher the elevation and the darker the lower.
  20. As I understand it, BFC isn't paying these guys to make this game. Its essentially a glorified mod for CMBB. It is costing BFC in that Charles has to code a special version of CMBB to interface with CMC. Probably only about a few weeks worth of work too, speculation here. Sure the Hunting Tank Software guys will surely get a slice of the money, but deservedly so. But its hardly a "financial disaster" you indicate to. So for the most part it's being built on their own time & dime. And I bet your also the type to bitch about free mods not being of better quality too. Sure this won't be free, but it probably will be no more than $20.
  21. Great job Scipio, a simple and easy to use site for wargamers of all kinds of games to find opponents. I've already signed up and posted my first challenge. "South of Vevi" anyone?
  22. Awesome to hear Earl, looking forward to anything you decide to do. It's great to see the old CM series still being modded. And with CMC soon to be released, long live the CMx1 series.
  23. Darn, I was hoping it was the mighty HE chucker the Brummbar or Bear. There's almost no mods for it, so it could certainly use a facelift. It would also get double exposure too in both CMBB/AK. I can still dream right? IMO theres already some nice Jagdpanzer mods out there. So this mod will be good for a change from the existing ones. Thanks alot Earl, looking forward to the finished product. [ June 02, 2008, 11:52 AM: Message edited by: MeatEtr ]
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