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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Not sure where to find them if not in Repository, but there were some good Mods and new scenarios and campaigns available for CMA. I enjoyed it as a change in pace from CMSF. I'd play CMA more, but now there are so many CM2 choices.
  2. Very much hope we'll see Afrika Korps make an appearance in the series. As a huge fan of the CM series, I starts find it getting boring having basically similar vehicles on similar-ish terrain where tactics and techniques for winning are also similar. In brief: The WW2 series games now feel too similar to each other. Loved CMSF and the wide open spaces and long range battles, plus maneuver on large maps. The youth market for cell phones seems to enjoy buying a slightly different new model every few months for the new flashy gadgets regardless that they are almost the same as the one 6 months ago - in CM terms they would want similar-ish big tanks and guns and blow stuff up. But am thinking (hoping) that the CM market is more mature and would purchase early war versions where entirely new tactics have to be learned, and it's harder to get kills. I loved seeing Koh's series of vehicle mods for desert warfare. Good job, mate! (Am in the process of upgrading and buying new machines for my locations, so I can get back to playing. Horrified that due to events over the last 12 months, I am about 9+ months behind acquiring all the new mods.)
  3. My memory is hazy, but I recall a thread back in CMSF days that due to optics etc. some vehicles can spot better when buttoned up - in that everyone is inside looking at screens rather than eye-balling out the hatch. Probably when dealing with long range spotting?
  4. If you can make the surrounding water shallow in places, maybe create "tanks as subs" to move in underwater (per the thread on that phenomenon elsewhere).
  5. I especially liked the one with the tanker trying to fight off the rotating gun with a stick. (Ands were all those transporters just not wide enuff? Didin't look like they should have slid off.)
  6. In the scenario lists you can sort by ascending size. The probability is that the smaller scenarios will be easier, if only that they require less commitment of time and you can try em again and again.
  7. Going to CMMODS and seeing the long list of your mods is absolutely staggering.
  8. Thanks Euri. Looking forward to playing your scenario asap.
  9. Sounds interesting. Only problem was that the d/l was blocked by an MS filter as a potential threat.
  10. Lovely. The soldiers' insignia is a bit bright tho' and need wear and dullness. (I need to get a larger HD as both my computers are now full of your mods!)
  11. I thought that mods change only the graphical look, and NOT any actual effect of fire or stance. Otherwise two players one with the mod, one without, would have an unfair H2H game.
  12. I tried using 180 degree arcs towards the "rear" wall so the units would end up against the rear wall. Then change the arc to the side you want them to fire out of. Maybe works in a short arc ambush situation. But, generally as soon as the troops see or fire at an enemy, they all rush over to the wall/window closest to the enemy.
  13. "Beautiful" footage. Looks like a sci fi movie. Must be private/amateur drones since altitude is often very low.
  14. I had forgotten what a great job you did on that Pacific Theatre mod. Yes, I also would love to see a ME/North Africa mod variant.
  15. I would also love to see WW2 in North Africa - all those long range engagements, fast-moving recon vehicles that were actually useful, wide open spaces. The lack of mobility in most of the small CM2 maps leads to nearly all scenarios being straight ahead assaults with little or no opportunity for the sort of mobile outflanking that occurred in the desert. Given that we have the desert already modeled in CMSF, and many WW2 vehicles as well, one would think that there would be relatively few new vehicles required to be created (mostly Lee-Grants, Crusaders and a bunch of light recon vehicles).
  16. Regarding the H2H issues raised here, am wondering if setting the unit parameters to lower levels would result in units that were realistically disinclined to "fight to the death" and would rather rout or otherwise disengage before casualties became excessive.
  17. Ah, yes, I was thinking vs AI - since the vast majority of us play that way. Apologies...
  18. I have to agree with Pansaur... We learned the lesson that the ME despots (with brutal methods) were actually doing a good job controlling a bubbling morass of hatred and violent insurrection. We have to face the good possibility that Assad is the best person to hold back the tide. I would not be surprised if our leaders in the "west" are jumping for joy that Putin is beating up movements apparently indiscriminately. It has been thoroughly embarrassing to watch our ineffectualness - caused arguably by the PC notion that we must get rid of despots in favor of western style democracy that has proven not to work in this region - against ISIS (or any such militant extremist group). Perhaps a deal was struck to allow Putin to do the necessary dirty work for us, while we in the west can continue to be the good guys and "tut tut" about Russia's perfidiousness.
  19. The better CMSF scenarios didn't seem to have a problem "forcing" players to limit friendly losses. For one, I really miss those. Can't quite understand the previous discussion here re what is or isn't possible, when it was already accomplished in CMSF.
  20. Grunt's idea of making this an escape and evade scenario sounds good. Why would one want to stand and fight? And I think Grunt was saying it was a cakewalk for the Red/Russian player, with the Blue/US player getting his butt kicked. Is there a misunderstanding?
  21. Just curious. Does CMBS not have the civilians that could be used as spies, IWD triggermen or plain civilians that CMSF featured? Am a bit surprised as that was always a very cool feature.
  22. I really like this effect. Love to see a scenario where one could advance via several such shallow rivers like subs. Or maybe simulate subs off the coast? But, I play CM for fun rather than any other RL reason.
  23. not sure what the weight limit is. But, the point of vehicles like the Stryker was that they could easily be air transported. If they keep adding weight...
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