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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Am wondering if it would be useful to allow immobilized vehicles to be mounted. Esp if one could ACQUIRE not only ammo etc but per MOS's TOC concept, some sort of info.
  2. Found this interesting 2016 movie on Netflix. Set in the Congo in early 60's it's about an Irish UN company doing a "Rourke's Drift" defense vs hordes of African and French ex Legionaire mercs. It's interesting to see weapons of that era - Vickers, Brens, Lee-Enfields and what I think are FN's plus some SMG's I couldn't ID. Re the sniping capability of the Bren, a scene depicts the Irish talented sniper exchanging his scoped Enfield for an iron-sighted Bren to take a particularly long range shot. Apart from the first 15 minutes of set-up once the battle starts it's pretty continuous. It also depicts the less than courageous decisions of Conor Cruise O'Brien and the ill-fated Dag Hammarskjold, (then SecGen of the UN). Recommended. More images
  3. Glad I wasn't just imagining it.
  4. Yes, SS may be better off focusing on CMA which has unique features re era and topic and will never be upgraded.
  5. I found a bunch of CMBN SS camo mods on my HD. Not sure if they are by EZ or who. But there are several pea camo including a Das Reich set. If you send me your e-mail I can send you what I have that is in pea.
  6. The IS2 vs JS2. But, maybe it's just the name in different languages as posted above.
  7. As are stretcher bearers rescuing WIA and logistic supply trains and food preparation. But the game doesn't feature those cos they are boring. Boring bits should be abstracted. Since this a game, one wants to as much as possible, eliminate the tiresome stuff and allow the player to focus on the fun stuff. Becoming skilled enuff to master the tactics and game system is what the challenge should be about. Not mastering a UI that is a PITA.
  8. It's something I hope that I remember to check when playing a scenario. If there is nobody to man the radio in a vehicle, then the radio shouldn't be usable. Not sure if that is an abstraction feature (like an FO can always order offmap artillery even without a radio) or a bug.
  9. LOL. Yes, I got that... Glad someone appreciates my humor.
  10. IIRC it was a year or so in the early 90's. DG lost their F&M editor and I agreed to take over temporarily until a replacement was found.
  11. Looking at pics there seems to be a difference in the shape of the front hull armor.
  12. Hmm... that exception is not intuitive.
  13. I think that many of us are not fans of either as cliques can, and have, manipulated the vote system to stigmatize people they don't like or agree with.
  14. So in addition, the vehicle has to be crewed?
  15. Thanks... Fascinating - we could have them in CMBN! "Nonetheless, hundreds of FTs were committed to battle when the Germans invaded France in May 1940. Even afterwards, the Germans found use for them. They patrolled occupied Europe, protecting supplies, guarding airfields and supporting police. When the Allies invaded Normandy in June 1944, they encountered FTs in German markings, thrown into the frontline in desperation. The last examples used in combat were in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948."
  16. Have found that as computer sims get more sophisticated there is less and less reason to have models of any kind. I loved train sets as much a miniatures. But, despite the wonderful tactile fun of having the thing in your hands, the RR computer sims one can now buy are actually more immersive and of course much, much easier to play with - requiring no model-making. Probably the hobbyists enjoy the building and painting experience more than the playing wargames or running trains aspect. Nothing wrong with that of course. I can see that it is very relaxing.
  17. Agreed that is probably the most efficient way to to it and would expect most experienced players to do that. Same with giving different covered arcs to turreted armor at each waypoint as they move so they are watching in the desired direction. But, both techniques waste a lot of precious game time to do well - and are not a fun experience (certainly not after you've done it a few dozen times). Have maintained for a long time that the CM2 system is rather good as is. The main improvements that CM2 now needs is to its UI to mitigate the boring time-consuming bits (like the above) so that players can spend more time of the fun tactical decision-making aspects. But, we will probably have to wait till CM3 to see those sorts of improvements.
  18. Did anyone notice the tanks where the crew's heads move around? Astonishing what can be done. When I watch these amazing models I always wonder why they don't have slower gearing and/or more weight added so they move more realistically and don't dash and bounce around like the toys that they are. Aside from its movement issues per my comments above this one was good with "working" MG's and main gun. This is one of the best I found re more realistic movement:
  19. Wonderful news about the release... and one installer is great. Thank you Steve, Charles and everyone else who contributed.
  20. Wow... you work fast Raptor! I need an attorney like you!
  21. In addition, there is probably a serious chance that CM:ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE or a SCI FI topic eg CM:ALIENS would be a big hit. It's just that any type of fantasy product is probably not something that BF wants to get involved in.
  22. Liked the WW2 Soviet armor poster found in that link: https://pixels.com/featured/soviet-tanks-ww2-the-collectioner.html
  23. Firstly they are all wargames as I live with too much fantasy in my RL (lol). It would take ages to catalogue em and they are at another location so not easy to get at. Re expense, they are the product of 20+ years of cardboard wargaming puchases, so didn't seem expensive to buy during that time. Also, I used to edit a wargame magazine (Fire & Movement) so was sent quite a few cardboard (and computer) games for review. My cardboard wargaming ground to an abrupt halt when computer wargames became sophisticated. I may have bought a few games (eg: Columbia's updated block games like Eurofront etc.) since CM1 was released. But, I don't know why since I don't think I have actually played any cardboard wargames in 20+ years now. I suppose am waiting for the apocalypse when the grid goes down and no more computer gaming. think Decision Games has (or used to have) a magazine (Strategy & Tactics?) that listed for sale hundreds/thousands of games so one can see their prices. It's just sad that these used to be so precious to me and now are just pretty lumps of cardboard. It amazes me that companies like Columbia and GMT are still doing well (seemingly). And there seem to always be new small outfits starting up to produce smallish cardboard wargames these days. I think it's more an urge by designers/developers to do creative work akin to being an artist. But, people do seem to buy em. And yes, the '44 Brit Div is in beautifully painted microarmor. Some guy was getting rid of his much larger collection at a convention in the 90's. If I'd had the money I woulda bought a ton more. And then that would all be sitting around someplace unplayed. Again, it's rather sad.
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