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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. I have Kieme_s_Modular_Buildings_Add_On_Pack in my Z folder. Have sent all the mods I have to Bootie for CMMODS IV - so you should be able to get it soon.
  2. Have been out of touch for a while and just got back and found this thread very useful and interesting. Thanks guys. Keep it up! Question: Does the above imply that designers should ensure that the Red forces have enuff artillery so it can emulate the pre-planned bombardment tactics described? It often feels that the Red forces in CM2 scenarios have inadequate artillery to conduct such fires in sufficient mass - and that is when we players start to try and use Red artillery as if we were playing with western Blue forces.
  3. Have to be in UK for a while, so setting up new office. Need to get new monitor. Consumer Reports recommends either Dell U2713H (27" 2560x1440) or Asus PQ 321Q (31.5" 3840x2160"). Anyone using one of these or recommending something else? Also, since UK TV's are higher resolution than most (non-4K) US TV's am wondering if simply using a 30"+ TV would work as a monitor giving resolution equivalent to the above monitors. Anyone have experience of this? Thanks...
  4. Thank you Elvis. That was exactly what I needed. All ok now.
  5. Yes, but I do not have an "Activate New Products desktop shortcut". How can one get that back? (I activated the base game and other modules successfully some weeks ago, then deleted the activation shortcut - but looks like I forgot to activate the Marines module.)
  6. I have CMSF2 installed on a new computer and everything seems to run successfully - except that the Marine module didn't get activated. I have the code but do not see any link to activate. How to do this? Thanks...
  7. Have to be in UK for a while, so setting up office. Need to get new monitor. Consumer Reports recommends either Dell U2713H (27" 2560x1440) or Asus PQ 321Q (31.5" 3840x2160"). Anyone using one of these or recommending something else? Also, since UK TV's are higher resolution than most (non-4K) US TV's am wondering if simply using a 30"+ TV would work as a monitor giving resolution equivalent to the above monitors. Anyone have experience of this? Thanks...
  8. Good idea. I turn to Grigsby's almost unplayably massive WITPAE (War In The Pacific Admirals Edition) or a sim like Wolves of The Pacific etc.
  9. Maybe am not reading it carefully enuff, but it sounds like the same ideas that were being talked about 20 years ago but using new fangled jargon and cool new words as in a academic, ivory tower marketing piece.
  10. Wow so - 3 versions!! Do you recall the differences?
  11. Yeah, after playing versions of CM for 20 years now, burn-out is a regular issue. Sometimes it takes a few weeks or months away. Take a break. Too many talented modders and designers have vanished over the years after making huge efforts, never to be heard of again.
  12. make sure they are in same platoon. IIRC can only share if in same formation.
  13. Good "camerawork" and looks great. For some reason my graphics even at 2700x1800 doesn't look as good. However, for only half an hour of combat seems to have taken more casualties than desired (for the 4 hour scenario).
  14. So long as the air intake doesn't go underwater stopping the supply of oxygen, the engine keeps working. Impressive nonetheless.
  15. Should be called the Entire European Union Guard of Honour... or EEUGH.
  16. Got it - thank you... BTW: I notice that I have a "Barkman's Corner Revised" dated March 31 2019, and a "Barkman's Corner Revisited" dated Dec 14, 2016. Wondered if they are the same. (The original scenario is dated May 15, 2011.)
  17. Thanks Michael. Up for a few breaths of air and then down again...
  18. I still have the 8mm version in carrying bag and handle etc. Imagine it's museum piece now. Moving house, so will be offline for at least a few days. Good luck all!
  19. Not a clue... I have no problem running CM1 on Win 7 or Win 10, so never needed the hack. Will be moving house and traveling without internet for a few days now. Good luck!
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