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  1. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Anonymous_Jonze in Any chance of getting the "run around the house and get shot" issue fixed?   
    Wow. I read his commentary as being very on point with some sarcasm tossed in. Apparently, others thought it was some sort of personal attack??? Maybe I come from a less sensitive generation.
    Whatever your FEELINGS are, @General Jack Ripper has made some SOLID points, AND has advised how to get around the game engine limitations...AND shown both techniques in action.
    Now, onto the OP's question: I really don't think you'll see this get changed anytime soon. (<- IMO)
  2. Like
    c3k got a reaction from George MC in Any chance of getting the "run around the house and get shot" issue fixed?   
    Wow. I read his commentary as being very on point with some sarcasm tossed in. Apparently, others thought it was some sort of personal attack??? Maybe I come from a less sensitive generation.
    Whatever your FEELINGS are, @General Jack Ripper has made some SOLID points, AND has advised how to get around the game engine limitations...AND shown both techniques in action.
    Now, onto the OP's question: I really don't think you'll see this get changed anytime soon. (<- IMO)
  3. Like
    c3k reacted to Ultradave in Rome to Victory Release Date   
    In my real life job I design and test the propulsion plants for nuclear submarines. We don't follow those guidelines. Because, ..., well, submarines.   🙂
  4. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Aquatica in Rome to Victory Release Date   
    Thanx for the update. I'm just super excited to see the final product especially the South Africans since I was the person to submit all my research (Info, TO&E, S.A Military Archive & Document Scans) into the 6th South African Armoured Division to ChrisND to properly and historically update the South Africans for the game. So naturally I'm waiting to see what my research looks like in the game
  5. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MikeyD in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    CMFI Rome to Victory force structure and TO&E became so daunting that it pretty much broke one of our 'workers in the vineyard' and very nearly broke Steve too. It will probably influence BFC's future decision making. I don't think they want to experience another R2V. (for example, don't expect a single years-spanning North Africa title from them). R2V isn't merely adding some equipment and moving up the timeframe, its a lot more.
    The R2V French are given the option of colonial (North African) troops or actual French guys. Original French equipment is interspersed among the troops. They're carrying the old M1917 Enfield rifle (new to the game) and the French FM 24/29 lmg. Officers carry a French pistol too, I believe. Their armor gets their own markings. So they're not just copies of Americans with a name change,
  6. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Macisle in Any chance of getting the "run around the house and get shot" issue fixed?   
    Wow. I read his commentary as being very on point with some sarcasm tossed in. Apparently, others thought it was some sort of personal attack??? Maybe I come from a less sensitive generation.
    Whatever your FEELINGS are, @General Jack Ripper has made some SOLID points, AND has advised how to get around the game engine limitations...AND shown both techniques in action.
    Now, onto the OP's question: I really don't think you'll see this get changed anytime soon. (<- IMO)
  7. Like
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in Any chance of getting the "run around the house and get shot" issue fixed?   
    Wow. I read his commentary as being very on point with some sarcasm tossed in. Apparently, others thought it was some sort of personal attack??? Maybe I come from a less sensitive generation.
    Whatever your FEELINGS are, @General Jack Ripper has made some SOLID points, AND has advised how to get around the game engine limitations...AND shown both techniques in action.
    Now, onto the OP's question: I really don't think you'll see this get changed anytime soon. (<- IMO)
  8. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MarkEzra in PBEM game without any cheating   
    He Cheated!
  9. Upvote
    c3k reacted to domfluff in PBEM game without any cheating   
    It doesn't actually work that way.

    When you receive a PBEM, you see the results of the incoming file, then can plot your next moves, and send them to your opponent. There's no option for you to see the outcome and re-do the turn.

  10. Upvote
    c3k reacted to General Jack Ripper in Any chance of getting the "run around the house and get shot" issue fixed?   
    The "traffic jam" was a feature of the game BEFORE version 4, and was FIXED in version 4 by the new infantry behavior; I.E. Infantry no longer "bunch up", "move in single file lines everywhere", and "respect each other's space". This problem is not nearly as large as people are making it out to be, mostly because people would rather have their squads all run around together instead of splitting them into teams at the sharp edge of the attack.
    A four-man fire team is rarely a critical puzzle piece, and a four man fire team rarely tries to run around a building in order to enter it. There's an entire subsection of commands that allow you to split your squads down into various types of small teams for different purposes, with different weapon loads, and different equipment. If you can't seem to operate a three squad platoon with one or two squads split into teams, then I don't know what I can say. Maybe you shouldn't play on urban maps. Try playing on open fields instead.
    If I can learn how to use effective micromanagement in a graviteam title which supposedly "punishes micromanagement", you guys can learn to split your squads into teams to make them more flexible and responsive. If I'm using a two-up one back scheme with my infantry companies, both of my leading platoons will be split down into teams. That's around eleven teams per platoon, across both leading platoons. It's only twenty two units on the sharp edge, of which maybe only three or four are even moving or receiving orders on each turn.
    It's not like someone's asking you to break a battalion into teams.
    Generally speaking, this is what the computer already does. Plot a move command directly across a small patch of marshy terrain, and sit back and watch your guys doggedly trudge through the sludge instead of simply taking the faster and easier path around it. Unless there is physically impassible terrain in your movement path, your troops generally go directly where they're supposed to, with the only deviation being the tendency to follow action spots in either straight lines, or diagonal lines.
    The problem observed is the fact that building walls are IMPASSIBLE, thus forcing the ai to make a decision, and it may not make the decision you want, even if it means that the squad will arrive at the 1st floor of the building faster if it splits up and uses two doors.
    Doors seem to have a position in which the soldier is "moving through the door", several positions in which soldiers are "waiting to use the door", and if all of those positions are occupied, then the remaining members of the squad look for a new door that is currently not being used.
    So here's a simple rule of thumb for entering a building:
    Split your squad into teams. Order the first team into the building. Give each other team a compounding five second pause I.E. second team five seconds, third team ten seconds. After inputting your pause commands, place a movement waypoint for the following teams on the building, staggering between floors if necessary. I typically have an assault team go in first to the first floor, followed by a weapons team to the second floor, with the remaining rifle section going to the third floor, if able.
    When I'm ready to exit the building, I recombine my teams on the first floor prior to exiting, if not under imminent threat.
    Otherwise I exit each team separately and regroup the squad in a safe location.
    Here's a squad doing exactly as I have described, while a second squad simultaneously fails to do as I have described:
  11. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Carl Puppchen in Improvements in 4.0 for CMFI   
    Hello all.  I used to play Combat Mission back in the day and build my own scenarios but stopped playing for a long time (10+ years!).
    Recently I got back into Combat Mission and started playing CMFI.  I have played maybe 6 or so games since the patch was applied.
    I noticed that the observer for off-board artillery actually adjusted shots!  I had an 81mm mortar that was shooting at a Sherman tank and the observer actually moved the fire when the tank switched positions.  I hadn't noticed this behavior previously and when my shots were falling away from the target they never seemed to get any closer or adjust.
    In reading through some of the older posts I saw that people said that they rarely saw AA fire as being effective.  I started playing against my usual opponent with "rarity off" and now I'm buying a lot of the AA halftracks in our quick battle scenarios and I had 2 on a small map and I actually shot down and allied strafing attack aircraft!  It was the 37mm gun - the 20mm gun (quad) put up a lot more noise but the 37mm was the one who received the "plane destroyed" note.  One airplane shot down isn't a large sample size I realize but it was heartening to see that happen.
  12. Upvote
    c3k reacted to John Doe in Terrain Readability Suggestion   
    What about fighting on this?

  13. Like
    c3k got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    I'm sorry, did someone mention "flare"? 

  14. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Michael Emrys in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    And even more nationalistic.
  15. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Pete Wenman in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    I'm sorry, did someone mention "flare"? 

  16. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Vet 0369 in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    “Patience is a Virtue”
    I recently listened to a news report that said how societies are becoming less “virtuous” because many have no patience. The study attributes it to our modern “conveniences” such as cell phones, laptops, tablets, computers, and most importantly, the internet. “We’ve” (notice the apostrophe that indicate this is a contraction for we have) become so used to instant gratification, that we get stressed when we have to wait for a stop light to change, or for a walk light to cross the street. I grew up in a time when the F-51 Mustang and F-4U Corsair were still front line fighters, and the P-9 Panther and F-86 were developing jet fighter tactics in the Korean conflict. If you wanted to read the “latest” book, you walked or rode your bike to the library. I was a teenager when jet-powered commercial flights became viable for the masses, so we developed patience. I remember setting for one or two hours, patiently untangling a bird’s (notice in this case, the apostrophe indicates possession, the nest of the bird) nest tangle in my fishing line because the the only alternative was to cut the line and lose half my line (as an impatient person would do) that would mean that I’d have to buy a new line, which I couldn’t afford.
    What has this rambling have to do with the thread? The BFC staff and owners are patient. They are not rushing pell mell to create content for sale, not caring if that content is correct, accurate, or as free from bugs as possible. While we are all free to “suggest”changes and “improvements” to the BFC business model, NONE of us know anything about the specifics of their decisions. “We” are nothing more than the children who constantly whine “Are we there yet?”
    Take a break, sit back, and play a scenario that you haven’t played yet. BE VIRTUOUS!
    A previous poster sardonically questioned some word usages;
    Loose - the opposite of tight (My trousers are so loose that they fell down in the middle of the mall.)
    Lose - the opposite of win, or to misplace something (I hope the New York Yankees lose the next game to the Boston Red Sox. They might if Mookie Betts doesn’t lose his edge)
    Whose - generally used as a possessive for a group (The council, whose responsibility is to manage ....)
    Who’s - possessive for an individual (That loose woman who’s dog peed on my trousers on the floor of the mall ....), or the contraction for “who is” (who’s going?)
    While a spellchecker can be a buddy (I actually consider it a crutch for the lazy), a dictionary is your best friend. I was a technical writer for more than 30 years, and used a dictionary for that entire time, unless I knew that the spellchecker was correct.
  17. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Glubokii Boy in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    Honestly...I don't understand why requests/suggestions for strenthening the BFC line-up has to be so vastely exagerated every time...
    No one is suggestion that BFC should hire "a massive amount of people"...and perhaps move their office to some Manhattan penthouse.
    One...or perhaps a few more guys will be a nice step in the right direction...No need for a massive migration 😎.
    That being said...I understand that the economic side of things has to be taken into account...If they can't afford more people...they can't...unfortunatelly
    but when they can It will indeed be very welcome news to hear... that BFC are strenthening their manpower...It would be a good thing !!
    It's a god damn shame that not more people are buying these games...What's wrong with them ?  😉 Why don't they understand that this is the best tactical game avaliable...uummpf, uumpf..
  18. Upvote
    c3k reacted to rocketman in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    "Prodcutivity" - prod-cut-ivity: the ability to produce output and cut the amount of remaining work to do at the same time.
  19. Upvote
    c3k reacted to MikeyD in Here is What I Dont Understand about BF?   
    Being greedy is liable to get you killed.
    There's no guarantee the increased overhead from expansion will be offset by sufficiently higher sales. Admittedly maybe it will be high enough, but if you guess wrong you've just killed your company. Let's remember Kurt Schilling (shudder) losing a whopping 75 million loaned to him from Rhode Island and 50 million of his own money on '38 Studios'. BFC is not about to follow Kurt's example and rent 30,000 sq ft of downtown office space an time soon.... that I'm aware of
    Plus they did hire additional staff recently, anyway. BFCElvis, with his CM hat perched on his noddle, as been as busy as a one-armed paper hanger these days.
  20. Like
    c3k reacted to PIATpunk in New "02" patches for Game Engine 4 are now available   
    REPRODUCIBLE BUG - file attached  for @BFCElvis and other interested parties
    So I replaced part of Elvis's test file low hedgerow with tall hedgerow.
    8 out of 8 replays later, there were dead Germans in front of the hedgerows, having charged through the tall hedgerow gaps by the end of the first turn.
    I hope others will see what I am seeing!
    Foliage Runners Flat Map_PIATpunk.btt
  21. Like
    c3k got a reaction from General Jack Ripper in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    I think I'll start a thread: "Let me know if you'd love to have a thread about things you'd love to have in the game." 

  22. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from sburke in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    I think I'll start a thread: "Let me know if you'd love to have a thread about things you'd love to have in the game." 

  23. Upvote
    c3k got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    I think I'll start a thread: "Let me know if you'd love to have a thread about things you'd love to have in the game." 

  24. Like
    c3k got a reaction from Freyberg in A plea for a French Army DLC   
    1. French DLC gets my vote. For whatever it's worth.
    2. UNFUK also gets my vote. Because somewhere, someone will do it.
  25. Upvote
    c3k reacted to Bootie in New CMMODS IV   
    Hello Gentlemen
    I had hoped to delay the announcement of this until the new CMMODS site was 100% finished and all the mods uploaded however due to circumstances I am pulling the announcement forward to... well now.
    After recent discussions between GreenAsJade and Battlefront it has been decided to relocate the CMMODSIII site to fall under the umbrella of The Few Good Men where The Proving Grounds and The Scenario Depot already reside. 
    To this end work has begun on moving the modifications currently hosted at CMMODSIII to their new home at CMMODS IV.  As you can imagine this is a major job and will take a few weeks.  CMMODSIII will remain open until the full transfer has taken place so for now I request that no new mods be uploaded to CMMODSIII. 
    Within the next few days CMMODS IV will be opening the requests section for folk interested in becoming Creators (formerly Authors) and at this time the new upload process will be implemented.  This will be under the Instructions section of the new website but I will post in this thread to keep you all in the loop.
    A few points about the new website worth mentioning... all files will now be held in cloud storage so even a catastrophic website crash will not impact any loss of modifications.  All files from the old CMMODSIII site will be relisted and recently with the help of @Erwin I have acquired approx. just shy of 300GB of modifications with quite a few that slipped through the net between the Repository and CMMODSIII transfer over 3 years ago.  So as you can imagine Im going to be very busy over the next few weeks.
    Please do not subscribe to the new CMMODS IV just yet or you will be inundated with copious amounts of uploads... I think I uploaded over 100 today... you really don't want that many notification emails dropping in your inbox anytime soon!
    In closing I want to thank Martin for all his sterling work over the years keeping CMMODS running and it's an honour to pick up the gauntlet where he left off.
    Without further ado, here is the new site, still a work in progress but getting their quickly.  
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