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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Personally, I wouldn't go as far as "best I've ever played", but I definitely enjoyed random everything QBs; having to "make do" with whatever units you were provided is quite a challenge.
  2. Good. Now maybe the "space lobsters 4 cmx2" crowd will be sated.
  3. Seriously, iIrc, release is scheduled for around the end of this year(?). Shouldn't we be getting a few wip screenies?
  4. I think it's actually installed on one of these machines around here. No. Nevermind.
  5. A, but I only play tcp/ip anyway.
  6. Tarnished achievement. Do it against the default scenario setup, then you can brag.
  7. If no one else offers before I get home this evening, I'll send it to ya.
  8. Okay guys, as CMMODS has no screenshots available for CMAK terrain elements, I need your recommendation for the BEST LOOKING tree, tree base, Grass/sand mods out there. Stock theatres only (i.e., not NW Europe, Pacific). I'm not concerned with elevation contour visibility and don't want any gridded terrain; just what are the best looking, high res basic terrain mods available. Thanks in advance.
  9. As Mr. Knives, of the flaming variety, stated, HQs only spot for on map mortars, not for spotters. Redwolf also noted for you a notorious flaw which rears its head once in a blue moon involving spotters with direct LOS to the target. These are two separate matters, however, and the flamingknives' explanation is what caused your problem.
  10. Crap. You're good man. Going to try those out now.
  11. Yep. One of the few modeling deficiencies of the game.
  12. Susceptible to that human deficiency known as burn out.
  13. Oh, I guess I'm a 'puter performance fanatic and after 6 months or so of not playing it, I deleted it for the imperceptible increase in HD performance. Ridiculous, I know. Anyway, it's back and was on my HD longer than any game I've had; by a lonngggggggggg way.
  14. That is the origin as popularly understood amongst the present day cajuns themselves.
  15. Odd. I type MSCONFIG in run and on XP-Pro and it works fine.
  16. I'm not even thought M. Dorosh had need of one.
  17. Mentioned this about a year ago, but the ability to have the squads within a platoon align in formation (e.g., wedge, V, line, column, etc.) by clicking on the organic HQ unit then choosing the formation from a popup menu would be WAAAY helpful during setup, saving tons of time. I suppose ideally, the distances between the squads could be user-customized as well.
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