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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Heh. The best I've ever played. "10" doesn't do it justice. For me, it has been beyond riveting entertainment; it has been educational and a spur to further investigation concerning the Second World War.
  2. WOOOHOOO! Saved that QB last night in the hope you'd have this one done. Thanks.
  3. Have you tried the LOS tool all over the building, particularly around the top of the building? Somewhere in the original CMBO manual I *think* there is a comment that buidlings can be surrounded by abstracted impediments to LOS such as trees, hedges, which aren't graphically displayed. If you wiggle around the visible portion of the building, you might be able to find clear LOS. I assume it works the same in CMBB. Also, I've got a broke-a$$ video card at work and the screen shot is damned near black, so I'm assuming it's not a night time scenario.
  4. HINT - Try the "Scenario Talk" forum.
  5. Looks fantastic in game. PLEASE just do EVERYTHING in this scheme. I've gotten a StuGIIIB that I've installed from somewhere in a QB with your Tiger, PSW 232, spw 250/1s, and AndrewTFs early winter SS - the StuG looks sick.
  6. Try a search on the "Scenario Talk" forum. PS - when you discuss any details of a scenario, you need to try to separate those details from the rest of your message with a "spoiler" warning - like this: *Spoiler* [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ That way, people who haven't played the scenario won't inadvertantly learn anything about the setup or forces they'll face.
  7. Post it in the "Technical Support" forum. Wait for a PC genius named Schrullenhaft to come by and tell you how to fix it. Damn near guaranteed.
  8. Keep rolling 'em out the door! BTW, that link didn't work for me, for some reason.
  9. Yeah, I was one of the ones that gave you some flak over that rust bucket. LOL. These white washed vehicles just look sooooo much more attractive; they're my favorite winter vehicle mods now.
  10. Really nice man. I'll pick 'em up after I get off work. Request - Any chance you could do the entire 250 - 251 HT series in the same scheme as the 251/9 released last night?
  11. I don't design scenarios. I've been involved in playtesting quite a few though. There is really an "art" to it. I've seen a slight change in the placement of a flag, or the addition of another minor flag, which would appear meaningless to the overall goal of the mission for the player, make a huge difference in what the a/i will do. These vet designers here have really developed a super specialized set of skills.
  12. Canon, those are VERY nice. OMW to pick em up now.
  13. He slipped out again. For God's sake, please keep this thing on the first page.
  14. The more "gamey" trick (and if I don't tell you, you'll run into it eventually), is when someone runs an AT team out into the open, with no nope of it actually sucessfully eliminating your tank, for the sake of triggering the CMBO borg spotting AT team fixation (once any unit spots the AT team, all units within LOS fire upon it). While your tank is busy plugging away at the AT team (which is already being fired upon by a half dozen other units), the opponent rolls a tank out from a direction far from the AT team so as to engage your tank while it has it's turret turned. This is not to say that sending a lone AT team out in desparation is gamey: you'll know the "gamey" application when you see it. Resist the temptation, though; a bad reputation travels quickly, and quietly, among players.
  15. Isn't there a short comment, maybe concerning FOW features, which mentions that wind affects sound contacts?
  16. Damned! Impressive. Thanks a ton. I'll probably get flambayed here, but I don't think your long time customers would fault you at all for simply releasing a .pdf errata.
  17. Well, it's definitely a funny thread.
  18. Man, I hate for this to come off sounding like a smarta$$, but this thread belongs in the "Scenario Talk" forum.
  19. ahhh...thanks... I remember a comment that they would check into it, but guess I didn't see the part about "we can't do it". ouch.
  20. The deal is that the rounds which fall in one turn, but have not yet begun emitting smoke, are somehow lost track of by the start of the next turn (or that's my understanding of it). If there is breeze blowing, it dissipates the smoke still existing from the previous turn, and since it failed to keep track of the rounds which had not yet begun emitting in the previous round, you lose the coverage from those rounds and only gain the coverage from the smoke which falls during the current round. Repeat. The experience which reminded me of it last night was that I had a nice cover of smoke forming by about second # 45. I had my StuG IIIs paused to move from behind a forest on second # 50. By second # 15 of the following turn, the breeze had caused the smoke remaining from the previous round to dissipate, the rounds which had fallen in the previous turn but had not begun emitting were lost, and I was bare butt exposed crossing a clearing until until around second #45 - 50 of that turn. [ December 21, 2002, 10:13 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
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