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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Bless you. Bullethead prepared a really nice arty range test setup which allowed a huge number of FOs to be utilized. He couldn't get a single instance of this problem to occur, nor could I, after what had to be at least 400 trials, but I have experienced it in game. It is exceedingly rare and I'm thankful that you were able to save a file and pass it on.
  2. Well, outside our small community, their efforts may be unappreciated and wholly useless but I have to say that the design process is largely "art". Man, oh man, if you've been involved in playtesting, you'd realize how much art is involved in what these guys do. In fact, aside from the serious research involved, the entire process is art. I've noted that many of the designers produce scenarios that so reflect the qualities and skills brought to the table by the designer, that the author can be identified simply by playing their scenario.
  3. I don't recall any news or announcement either, only that a few weeks after the initial lot was available for purchase, people began experiencing backordes. Now that I think about it, though, that may have been related, in part, to the problem with some improperly manufactured CDs.
  4. I believe they've already gone through at least one previous lot of backorders with CMBB.
  5. WHOA! Haven't checked in a few days and I see you've been very busy. Nice, nice man. PS: don't forget the remaining pzgrau units!
  6. Sure. I don't know if v1.0 is still over at the depot or not. I haven't played v2.0, and I don't know what was changed.
  7. Assenois v1.0 - This is one of my favorite scenarios of all time. Outstanding attention to OOB & map detail, thrilling depiction of CCR's relief of Bastogne, tons of atmosphere, and the only way to win this one is to recreate the historical approach. Hell, let me correct the initial statement; this IS my favorite scenario of all time. A Long, Cold Day - pretty fun with a few surprises in it. I think basically I include it because it was the first winter scenario I'd ever played.
  8. It's a map only Scotty; use it in the QB "select premade map" option. It should be available in the "map" section at the Scenario Depot. IIRC, it's called "Berlinmitte".
  9. Exactly. It's a pain in the a$$ to run all over the place searching for scenarios. Then you have to compare the ones you've already dl'd to the ones you find and determine if you already have it. A single site, a staggering # of scenarios - SD just makes sense.
  10. Now, with the demo, there did seem to be a surprisingly high incidence of bogging in the dry terrain of Citadel Schwerpunkt's steppe environment, but I really didn't notice it with the CD. According to the readme, there was a bogging fix with the v1.01 patch, but off the top of my head, I don't recall if it deal with bogging in dry terrain or not. I really didn't notice it in the CD version though. However, I don't perceive bogging to really be any more of a problem in CMBB than with CMBO. Maybe it's the just units I select or the computer gives me, I dunno. Does it suck when it happens? Yeah. Is it something you have to take into onsideration when choosing your route / selecting units for purchase? Yeah. Does it increase the size of the role that luck plays in success to an frustrating level? I guess that's a personal call. For me, no; it seems to provide the result I would anticipate given the ground conditions, and I have to weigh that into the balance in determining what I want to do.
  11. WOOOHOOO!!! Thanks Canon. Glad you rushed through that project so as to get on with finishing these mods for us!
  12. Fifteen hours sounds pretty impressive. I've played hundreds of hours tcp/ip and attempted a few operations in there, but due to crashes, one thing or another, I don't think I've had a single scenario / operation, what have you, go longer than 8 - 9 hours.
  13. Okay, I think this was the first scenario I played once I recieved the CD and I just used the hints in the manual, but I got out with a major victory, first try - anyone who has played me knows it is not due to any great skill on my part, so it is winnable by your average joe. ****SPOILER***** [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ As I recall, all the German AFVs were taken out with a loss of between two, maybe three (one was gun damaged), JSIIs, simply by assembling the JSIIs in a row, just beneath the ridgeline overlooking the valley, then assigning very narrow "cover armour" arcs to them, combined with "shoot & scoot" commands, along with the use of "pause" orders that resulted in the JSIIs popping up to shoot at any vehicle in a very narrowly defined area, in alternating locations along the ridgeline. I tried to time it so as to have each JSII pop up over the ridge (into hull down, as determined by estimation, rather than use of the "hull down" command) a good distance away from the one which previously fired. The idea here was that the target acquisition time (through the covered arcs), as well as time exposed to the German fire (by use of short "shoot and scoot" commands) and area of the vehicle exposed (by directing the "shoot" portion of the "shoot and scoot" command to terminate with the JSII in hull down) were kept to a minimal, while alternating the location at which the Germans would see the JSIIs would increase their target acquisition time. Worked like a charm. I'd have to say, though, I can see that even with this approach, a bit of luck was involved in my success. The SU assault guns moved to stand off positions behind the woods and assisted the infantry that cleared those woods and the road leading to the village / town. I moved several of the JSIIs down from the ridge, towards the town, with several left then moving up to the edge of the ridge, hull down, for overwatch protection in the event more German big cats showed up. Once in town, it was a grind 'em down action with the infantry. I lost an SU-152 to an 88(?) along the road on the opposite side of town during the clearing process. [ January 07, 2003, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  14. I realize this is somewhat off the point of this thread, but Mike's comment has provided a vehicle to make a comment I have wanted to communicate to the authors for a while now. I imagine my comments would be echoed by a lot of folks who use the depot. I have played an obscene number of scenarios. I have downloaded numerous scenarios that I have never gotten around to playing. I have, however, only reviewed, probably, somewhere around 25 - 35 of them. The reason is I REALLY try to only provide reviews for scenarios that truly *impress* me in a positive way. It is difficult to determine how an author will react to negative comments, or even ho-hum comments, so, in general, unless the author is someone whom I've worked with before, I don't provide a review that would leave a bad impression of the effort for the public to view. Now, there is an exception here and there, but this is done when I find a scenario that has a lot of promise, that displays a good bit of raw talent, but for some reason, be it the briefing, the number of turns, what have you, the scenario just falls short. In the case of a really bad scenario, I have e-mailed the author and provided a private critique that, I hope, was constructively received. My point here is, the consuming public appreciates the authors' scenarios; GREATLY appreciates those efforts. However, I venture a guess that a lot of folks take the same approach and simply do not provide feedback for anything they cannot *honestly* provide a very positive review. The direct point I'm getting to here, or trying to make, is that I hope the authors understand that lack of feedback in the form of a review at the depot should, in many cases, be taken as politeness, or courtesy, rather than selfishness or a lack of appreciation. [Edited to lower the estimated number of reviews identified in the second paragraph of my comment] [ January 07, 2003, 12:37 PM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  15. Well, thanks for trying the search anyway, but it worked for me: Jaegermeister AAR Another Jaegermeister AAR It helps if you try alternative spellings (in this case, the way it's spelled in the style of the scenario) and search the entire message. [ January 05, 2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Agua ]
  16. Yup! Looks outstanding Canon. So, as long as you're dawdling with the Soviet stuff might as well convert the previous two efforts. PLEASE~~!! Seriously, looks fantastic.
  17. Ya, I'm in the same boat here Canon. I'm going to use all your whitewashes for my Germans (that is, if you continue to make them *hint* , but the Soviet armour looks too similar.
  18. Thanks Apache. It appears that I performed the setup for the first battle correctly last night before seeing your comments this morning, just by sort of half-reasoning through it. An FAQ will be a big help for folks wanting to try this out. This was an extremely ambitious project, and I'm very impressed with the effort put into it.
  19. Yes, Please. I can't make "hide nor hair" of this. For the first battle, do you include those extra points that you rolled up for infantry / support, vehicle / armour / large arty? Is this the "provisional force" that is excluded from the first battle or what? How do you determine the point size to make the battle if it's, say, an "Axis Assault"? is it whatever point size, as an assault, is closest to the 653 points for the motorized infantry coy, pz II, III & IV? Sorry, but these basic portions of the rules are very unclear. Is there an FAQ anywhere?
  20. Guys, There is already a discussion with a lot of pointers in the "Scenario Talk" forum. I don't know why folks have such a hard time using the proper forum. It is winnable by the Allies, but you don't go "toe to toe" with the German AFVs, at least in the sense of slugging it out till the Germans are out of tanks. Go search for that thread and there are several posts in there which tell you how it's done. And I apologize for coming off like some sort of ninny, but scenario discussion is what the Scenario Talk forum is for.
  21. Could you please send these to the Scenario Depot as well. It's difficult to tell at a glance whether you've downloaded a map before or not because so often they are similarly named (e.g., "village" "oldvillage" "vilagedefense"). This is why I had hoped we wouldn't start having maps and scenarios scattered all over different websites again.
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