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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Ahhh... juju. Gave me my first arse-beating and education in CMBO. Hope all is well.
  2. I figured the integrated gpu was crap for games and would necessitate a new card. Its still running multi core at 3.4 ghz right? Why is it so much cheaper than i7 980x?
  3. It's been 8 years since my last build, and I'm just now looking around at what's out there. I noted that i7 2600k is at a really good price, but if I'm understanding the relationship between the elements correctly, is it utilizing an integrated GPU that would require a game designed to offload calculations from a video card in order to utilize that integrated GPU?
  4. I bet its learning curve. I was put off by it at first, but play around with it. Print off the manual, read the command and info panel descriptions, then fool around in game with some of it. The more familiar I became with the interface and the commands, the better I liked it.
  5. Heh, I just DL'd the demo a couple weeks back to see if my 8 year old puter could hack CMBN and liked it so much, I bought SF plus all the modules, so I'm just discovering it. I really didn't think I'd give a rat's ass about it. I tried the demo when it first came out and it was buggy as hell. v1.31 is very, very well done.
  6. Seems like they threw satchels at pillboxes in CMBO. Did they take out mines as well? Been waaay too long since I played it.
  7. Wow, haven't seen or even thought of some of these folks in years.
  8. P3 1ghz, 1024 ram, some 64 meg nvidia card & sound blaster with a 12 or 16 gig hd
  9. Well, it looks like today Italy unconditionally surrendered to the allies on this date, but since that's immaterial to Normandy, maybe it will be tonight.
  10. 48, started with Panzer Leader around the age of 14, Squad Leader, ASL, blah, blah. First computer war games I really got into were the old Campaign Series, then CMBO came out and blew me away.
  11. Checking in every once in a while for sit rep on CM:N.
  12. Well, After playing HOI2 for close to 3 weeks, I have had the same experience I had with HOI1. It is addictive for a few weeks until you pretty much figure the game out, then every game is the same and boring. [Edited to include the following:] That said, if someone wants something to screw around with for a few weeks, you can pick up HOI2 pretty cheap.
  13. Don't know if it was a "letdown" because I was pretty dubious that it could be pulled off, but the biggest PoS I ever bought was WW2OL.
  14. ACK - installed the Doomsday and Armageddon addons for HOI2 which came with the pack I downloaded. It added an intelligence system: very, very cheesy. Couldn't uninstall it quick enough.
  15. Yeah, maybe I haven't discovered the exploits resulting from awful modelling yet, but so far I'm enjoying HOI2 - something I could not say about the original. Just curious what HOI3 was like. I'll definitely wait until it gets a few more patches under its belt before puchasing the thing.
  16. Anybody play this? I bought the original HOI way back when, but was ultimately disappointed with it. It had loads of detail but the detail sort of didn't have much affect on the game play - I think leaders, supply, bonuses, etc. were severely undermodled. Just a few weeks ago I picked up HOI2 and it was quite an improvement. Of course, four years and probably umpteen patches didn't hurt. Just wondering if anyone's tried HOI3 yet and if so, what their thoughts were?
  17. Yeah, it was the first Intel with the 800 fsb - April 2003. P4 3.0 (Preston, I believe was Intel's architecture designation).
  18. Yeah, checked out the recommended system requirements and I'd likely have to get a new machine to run it at anything other than a slide show. Always loved Flashpoint, though - best shooter ever made.
  19. Never picked up Armed Assault. Have they added a "lean" animation since OpFP?
  20. Thanks. Prices look pretty decent. Frankly, after I got to looking around on the cyberpower site and seeing what was out nowadays, there doesn't appear to have been much increase in raw CPU power since I bought my 3 gig dual core back in 2003. Not really sure its worth all the expense just to plug in a gazillion megs of DDR-3 in a new mobo.
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