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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Judging the CMSF release based on the CMSF Demo when it first came out, because I didn't purchase CMSF until just recently at v1.31, YES, CMBN is a pretty polished release.
  2. Yeah, I run nVidia gs 7800 and it looks identical to that.
  3. Oh God, if it weren't so hectic at work, I would in a heart beat!
  4. I know its been years, but damned. Panthers & Stugs just roasted my Shermans in a QB.
  5. I feel like I'm going to kick off before I get the game.
  6. I can probably count on two hands the # of times I used it for AA.
  7. Ya, great reverse slope defense gun.
  8. Ya, 20mm flak guns. Those things were killer. Good buy on the point system, iIrc. [Edited to include the following:] Doesn't appear on the TO&E, so I'd guess its not in there.
  9. The camera controls are different, but you get used to them pretty quickly. Off the top of my head, mouse top of screen = forward, sides = L/R, bottom = back, top corners = rotate L/R. Mouse right click and manipulate moves camera relative to map. Mouse scroll wheel increase / decrease height. Finer control is gained from WASD (forward, left, back, right) and QE = rotate left / right.
  10. I don't know if you will hear it at below veteran level or not if you click on the unit, but if this carried over from CMx1, then you may be able to mouse over to the screen area where the sound contact was and hear something. It used to work that way.
  11. Just guessing, since the comments are made within the context of what information is revealed to the player on various levels of FOW, it is referring to what the player can hear. In CMx1 you could move around the map and hear voices / machinery.
  12. Done that more than a few times.
  13. It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen It's gonna happen
  14. HAAHa. Yeah, tried that Friday night. After about 10 minutes, I surrendered to see wtf was going on.
  15. Tried at lunch. Thanks. Really helpful feature.
  16. I haven't seen any bug complaints that are some sort of show stopper. Quite a few "bugs" appear to be simply events within the range of variability.
  17. I've seen mention in several posts here that you can click on a way point, choose "target", and check LOS from the waypoint. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but this is not working for me. Each time I click on the way point, the target line / los originates from the current position of the unit selected not the waypoint location. Do I need to hold down shift or alt or something? Is this a RTFM question? Thanks in advance.
  18. Yup, release would be very timely. I've played every scenario from both sides about 4-6 times now (well, not Road to Berlin).
  19. HEheee... Forgot about preturn barrage. Let me tell ya, its a meat grinder without it.
  20. Got to say, that was a more reasoned and calm response than the initial post deserved. Great news.
  21. Concur. Another gig of ram but the GPU memory @ 96mb looks really low.
  22. ooooooooooo.... I forgot how much fun those wirbelwinds were.
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