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Everything posted by Agua

  1. Just do a search for "Cemetary Hill" in the "Scenario Talk" forum. There are several threads there where the same assessment is expressed. For CMBO, try "blackshear.cmb" as allies for a comparable treat.
  2. Also note that HQ units have field glasses. A higher level HQ with decent experience will "spot" enemy positions more quickly than less experienced platoon or section HQs / squads / teams. Just another use for them.
  3. TRL, Nope. Only indication is their dogged "to the last man" behavior in the face of what should be known, overwhelming odds. You can figure it out sometimes when you have like a squad in a foxhole that simply won't break despite tons of fire coming down on it as the squadmates drop.
  4. These comments will probably be too abstract until fleshed out by your own experience, but in any event, look at the strengths and weaknesses of the units you have (including their ammo loadouts), in light of the terrain. Choosing the appropriate unit for the appropriate task, in light of the terrain, in coordination, is the crux of the game.
  5. My dad was a member of "Merrill's Marauders" in the CBI theatre. No chit. Can get no info out of him, at all, and only learned of the crap they went through by reading.
  6. My dad was a member of "Merrill's Marauders" in the CBI theatre. No chit. Can get no info out of him, at all, and only learned of the crap they went through by reading.
  7. My dad was a member of "Merrill's Marauders" in the CBI theatre. No chit. Can get no info out of him, at all, and only learned of the crap they went through by reading.
  8. As an aside, there was a poster here 2-3 years ago who claimed to be a vet of Monte Casino seeking any CMBO scenarios depicting combat in the region. Not an attempt to hijack, just some tangential info.
  9. Happy holidays, guys and gals. God bless.
  10. #1. You can save each individual turn and watch them individually. You can't watch them in a continuous, non-interrupted manner.
  11. JasonC has probably already got this figured out.
  12. And I just got through posting I wouldn't likely be installing any mods. Stupid me.
  13. Ahh.. Canon. Glad you're doing well, but so disappointed you lost interest before finishing the winterized sets for the Germans. Yours were my personal favorites.
  14. Yeah, but it's a wipe out. Not reccommended. Well, if you want to watch the Brits get waylayed, then yeah, it's good for that.
  15. Limited strictly to traditional "wargames", I'm currently enjoying Airborne Assault: Highway to the Reich (HIGHLY RECOMMEND) when I'm not playing CM. I go back and forth with others such as Squad Assault, Uncommon Valor, Korsun Pocket, HPS' Bulge '44, occasionally I even pick up the old Talonsoft Campaign Series, but one of the CM iterations is a constant with me. As far as *other* games, I fool with Flashpoint (especially with all the ww2 addons available now), Ghost Recon (War of Infamy Mod) to a much lesser extent, CoD and H&D2. Those are all the games I presently have on the HDs of my various rigs.
  16. Somebody has GOT to save one of these files when it happens, so it can be sent to bfc.
  17. Probably not a published one, yet. Chris Hare ("Wolf") compiled such lists for BO and BB. If he gets around to it, maybe he'll do the same for AK.
  18. Yeah, got to agree. I'm not likely to install any mods for CMAK unless a super-attractive grass mod surfaces.
  19. There's a noobie help thread which generally stays on the first page. The name is continually changing but it always contains the word "Peng" in it. The current iteration of that thread can be found here: Peng "noobie" help thread Feel free to jump right in there and ask anything you're curious about. I'm sure you'll recieve a helpful and courteous response.
  20. Russellmz made a scenario for CMBO with the names recorded in an early "member directory" that was created and (somewhat) maintained by Kingfish.
  21. May be attributing too much here to ya, but in one of the ambient recordings (the setting was desert / day) there was the occasional sound of an incoming artillery shell. It was so infrequent though, that I had to look around and replay the movie to determine if an spotting round had come in. Really adds to the FOW. Didn't know if that was done intentionally or not.
  22. Hell, I'll ask one then. Where did the various ambient "environmental" sounds come from? Want more specficity? How about that 5000.wav that Monty was wanting a copy of yesterday?
  23. Canon did a great job on winter camo for several german AFVs. Unfortunately, I don't believe he ever finished the complete set.
  24. I hate to come off as a butt-kisser, but so be it. The sounds are outstanding. I realize it was not specifically engineered for surround sound, but it still sounds great on 5.1. Great job.
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