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  1. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    That's a touch uncivil, mate; it was pretty clear what he meant. I believe our comrade's first language isn't English either.
  2. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from MOS:96B2P in Merrill's Marauders Congressional Gold Medal   
    Wow, he was a member of a group of very impressive men.
    There aren't many of their like today.
    About time they got more recognition.
  3. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in Hard Cat Rules v2I - Simple to Use Command & Control Rules - UPDATED 01 JUNE 2022   
    Thanks Bil, good to see them kept clean and up to date.
  4. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Guys, I'm actually in the energy / power business and loves me some blueskying as much as the next guy, but could you possibly take that sidebar elsewhere?
  5. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Heart of the Dying Sun - WIP   
    Excellent - that's was i was aiming for
    Aye these guys were in battalions the size of companies and thus defending 1km frontages with around 150 men. They were steamrollered or by-passed... Not many of them survived the next 24-36 hours.
  6. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Heart of the Dying Sun - WIP   
    Well one Soviet AT attack plan done (Alpha version). This version is the bare bones attack framework. it does not take into account what the enemy (German) player may do. The Alpha version is mainly to check co-ordniation and timings. I always seek to attempt to get the AI plan to 'beat' the other side but running through it but not giving the other side any orders. If my AI plan can rinse the static player its a good indication the human player will have to 'do stuff' to prevent being beat. Now thats not always the case (depends...) but its a useful indicator to the AI plan effectiveness.
    This shows the infantry echelon going into the attack. The assault group is somewhere up ahead...

    The assault group dying their thing.

    The German grunt's eye view of impending doom...

    I'm now playing against my own AI plan to check how it copes with the other side throwing a spanner in the works. This will give me some insight into how I'll need to either adapt the Alpha AI plan to take into account likely COAs by the enemy player and/or provide suitable encounters - which mat mean tweaks to the overall framework. The constraint in this scenario given its a historical one (and one I have a lot of granular detail about) is making the scenario work but remaining true as much as i can - usual caveats apply - to the actual course of events. In truth it'll always be a compromise as the actual fighting and the Soviet attacks lasted a day. I'm focussed on an initial 2 hour slice.
    Now me attempting to screw up my own AI plan.

    Yes, well nothing to see here. Must be hot in the tank...

    Right lets try sneaking up on them.


    That's better!

    On a roll now!

    The above attack I'm using as its basis the actual initial German countermoves. Which saw a swift armoured counterattack by Wiking Panthers which KO'd 12 Soviet tanks and KIA a lot of attacking infantry in the vicinity of Hill 107n just outside Jasienica. In RL this was a very short lived success.
  7. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bil Hardenberger in Hard Cat Rules v2I - Simple to Use Command & Control Rules - UPDATED 01 JUNE 2022   
    @IanL - for your SA
    I have made some additions and small edits to these rules.  I added "designer notes" (look for the green boxes) and cleaned up the rules slightly. The designer notes are intended to supply an explanation for some of the more controversial rules.  I hope they do the trick.
    Post here if you have any questions or comments.
    Here are the basic rules - a formatted PDF Version available at this link This PDF includes all of the latest additions (version 2H) - UPDATED 01JUN22
    Click the image to see full size.

    The following Advanced or Optional Rules also fit on one page, they are on page two of the PDF linked above. 

    Click the image to see full size.
  8. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bartimeus in CMFS2 solo campaign(work in progress) : Oil Thirst - RED(player) vs BLUE   
    Hello ! 
    The third scenario is out : https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2-2/cm-shock-force-2-scenarios/cmsf2-oil-thirst-03-save-our-brother/ 
    A different challenge than the previous one, this time you must save some troops and secure the frontline. Enjoy ! 
  9. Like
  10. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Liveload in Tal Malah   
    Hello again everyone. RL took me away from gaming for awhile, but I'm back onshore now and getting the rusted old machine oiled up and dusted off. First step is to recover as much of my work as I can and then go from there. Getting back into the rhythm of life, yes?😑
  11. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    1. 4+ weeks and the Russians still haven't reached the river behind Lyman.
    2. And to do that, they still gotta clear a small force of 79th AB out of this stuff....
    Swedish-made 84 mm AT4s, American M141s (SMAW-Ds), widespread British NLAWs, and rarer RGW-90 MATADORs, all lean against the earthen trench walls next to machine guns pointed against the deep forest.
    “Our big regards to taxpayers giving us these toys,” the paratroopers laugh.
    “This forest has a lot of destroyed Russian vehicles if someone wants an illustrated cost performance report.” 
    ....“We tried to talk to him. He was 20, maybe 21. He only managed to say that his name was Vadim, he served with the 15th Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade, and that his unit’s main mission in the area was to just get entrenched and wait.”  
    That last bit seems to confirm that the RA objective in this sector is to secure the river line. Whenever that happens.
    3. OTOH, they do seem to be bringing up (towed) guns in anticipation of bombarding the Sloviansk transport junction. 
    4. Classic Russian mech attack (a few weeks back). AFVs turn a building into swiss cheese from a distance, with no confirmation of whether anyone's still in it, or any other kind of fire lanes set up to isolate it. Video is too grainy to see if there are any RU infantry flanking the position, but you just kind of know there aren't. Recon by fire, a pointless waste of ammo.
    Bonus meme...
  12. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to George MC in Fire and Rubble - Understanding the New Vehicular Mot Tag System.   
    I'm liking the new avatar.
    Cover of God Save the Queen '45' by the Sex Pistols. I've got an original Virgin copy in my vinyl stash, but unfortunately not the A&M version.
  13. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to sross112 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Has anyone reached out to the Taliban to see if they would be willing to part with some of billions of dollars worth of weapons systems left lying around their country a few months ago? Asking for a friend.....
    On a serious note, does anyone know what happened to the almost 1000 M109's that were replaced by the Pzh2000 systems in the European armies? If there is a significant number of them in storage they would be a good option to get moving to the UA to help them ween off the 152mm before their ammo reserves get critical. I think most of them were A2's and A3's but those should be really comparable to what the UA is running now so no real loss in capability. They also would have the ability to be upgraded significantly as time went on.
  14. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Vacillator in Missing in action   
    Wondered about him as well.
  15. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Capturing ammo from surrendering guys   
    forumite 1: I want my steak with blue cheese crumbles.
    forumite 2: I would like mine with mushrooms, portabella mushrooms
    forumite 3: how about thinly sliced with horseradish

  16. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Vanir Ausf B in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If years of playing CM have taught me anything it's that cheap HE-chuckers are always useful 😉
  17. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Absolutely me. Had to do a double take.

  18. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Splinty in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Absolutely me. Had to do a double take.

  19. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from chrisl in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Absolutely me. Had to do a double take.

  20. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to c3k in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Shutting down sources of US oil production helped worsen the supply imbalance of oil products...and raised the prices. 
    Massive printing of money has led to inflationary pressures resulting in raised prices.
    I'll ignore the statement about climate change and budgets. (But, if you'd like, you can venmo me some money and I'll apply it to carbon offsets in your name.)
    Fiat currencies, politicians fueling the financial crisis, kicking the can down the road to future generations, deficit spending, short-sighted government policies...that is what is causing the current inflationary spiral.
    But I'm not sure what that has to do with Ukraine kicking Russia's ass?
  21. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In nearest 1-2 weeks we will see culmination of Russian offensive. Their pressure now is unprecedent. Lyman and Avdiivka today were shelled severly during several hours almost with all calibers and systems. Siverodonetsk and Bakhmut also under fire. Russian use own usual "burned earth" tactic. 
    Russian penetrating around Popasna stabilized by elements of 80th air-assault brigade, but heavy clashes are ongoing. Villages Viktorivka, Oleksandropillia, western part of Komyshuvakha still a grey zone and arena of clashes. Russians are digging in Volodymyrivka and in 1,5..2 km south from Vasylivka - Lypove villages. Locals wrote in twitters - the endless stream of Russian armor and concentration of troops in Alchevsk, Kadiivka, Pervomaisk town. Reportedly at least 18 BTGs now on Popasna - Bakhmut axis
    Russian commander of "Popasma group", mayor general Avdeev is relatively young general and he uses more flexible tactic, than direct assaults after artillery fire. He use HUGE amount of artillery and aviation support to supress resistsanse but instead direct assaults he uses outflanking and infiltrations of relativelly big number of small combat groups (1-2 reinforces platoons), consisting of mix of 76th VDV division  and PMC units. Our soldiers point that PMC have many experienced troopers, which passed many wars - they are dangerous enemy, which never surrender and never take prisoners. This actions and lack of troops on Popasna-Bakhmut axis (as well as retreating of some TD units) forced our command to pull our right flank. 
    Today UKR troops on Svitlodarsk bulge destroyed the bridge through reservoir of Luhan' river and abandoned Myronivskyi settlement. Looks like we will retreat soon also from Svitlodarsk beyond the river and all efforts will be concentrate on defense of Bakhmut area. 
    Destroyed bridge near Myronivskyi
    Russian occupants (PMC?) in Myronivskyi

    And hypothetical solution...

  22. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Bartimeus in CMFS2 solo campaign(work in progress) : Oil Thirst - RED(player) vs BLUE   
    Hello again, 
    The second mission is out : https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/cm-shock-force-2-2/cm-shock-force-2-scenarios/cmsf2-oil-thirst-02-striking-the-hornets-nest/ 
    This time syrians forces must destroy USMC units. Red vs BLUE to play as RED. 
  23. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just seen this on another site I follow and just made me smile...
  24. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Schrullenhaft in What computer specs do I need to run the CMx2 games well?   
    CM is single-threaded in its execution with a few exceptions in the code that do utilize more than one core (loading scenarios and possibly some other things). So more cores in a CPU doesn't benefit CM a majority of the time. For CM's purposes single-core performance will be the feature that has the biggest impact. Within the same brand and generation of CPUs, clock-speed would be the most noticeable difference, though you can have differences in cache sizes, cache-efficiency and sometimes multi-core arrangements all within the same family that can have significant impact on performance. In general, CM does like higher clock speed CPUs, but a difference of only 100MHz might be almost undetectable in a majority of situations. 
    Artkin's 5GHz CPUs require overclocking to reach those frequencies (which can potentially shorten the life of them if higher voltages are used). The 3.7GHz of the 3900X should be fine, in fact a single core on that CPU can boost up to 4.6GHz (without manual overclocking). There are some performance improvements with newer AMD Ryzen and Intel CPUs, but you're going to pay A LOT more for them and the performance difference may only be 20% in some cases - so a mildly noticeable improvement, but possibly not worth the price difference.
  25. Like
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Captured documents with 1st Guards Tank Army losses through March 15:
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