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  1. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to womble in Question about what troop ratio between defender and attacher   
    The other difference you'll see between the types of battle in QBs is where the VLs are placed (when the map's big enough for some variety), as well as the distribution of points between them. Assault VLs tend to be further back in the defender's setup zone, so the defender ought to have more opportunity to set up a decent defense-in-depth, and the terrain objectives comprise a larger part of the VCs. Probe battles split their VPs near-evenly between force and terrain objectives, whereas Assault places much more emphasis on terrain over force. That ought to make the defender's job easier (requiring the increased attacker point allocation) but in practice, the VLs aren't often deep enough and the maps don't all offer the defender sufficient advantage of terrain to counter the force advantage of the attacker.
    So if you're designing a scenario, give the defender enough room and cover to actually have a "defender's advantage" to counter the attacker's numerical/qualitative advantage. 
  2. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Doug Williams in Skill Level: Iron   
    Ok. I'll play Iron instead of Elite from now on.

  3. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to c3k in These games are way too cheap   
    The type of secondary and tertiary costs calculations lead to any number of bizarre results. I could mention how the electricity used for my computers is produced by spinning electromagnetic generators. The increased physical resistance of the increased electrical production produces torque. That torque is transferred to the Earth via the generator's foundation. That force, coupled with the rest of the increased production, is mostly located in the northern hemisphere. This unbalanced force on a rotating sphere is helping to counteract the Earth's gradual slowing rotation.
    By playing CM, I am saving the Earth.
    (And getting a bargain for the cost of entertainment, to boot.)

  4. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Macisle in These games are way too cheap   
    Sad that anyone would downvote the OP.
    Since I started playing in 2000, CM has provided more entertainment for less money by such a large margin, that there isn't even a second place.
    The price per hour is almost negligible.
  5. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in These games are way too cheap   
    Sad that anyone would downvote the OP.
    Since I started playing in 2000, CM has provided more entertainment for less money by such a large margin, that there isn't even a second place.
    The price per hour is almost negligible.
  6. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from umlaut in These games are way too cheap   
    Sad that anyone would downvote the OP.
    Since I started playing in 2000, CM has provided more entertainment for less money by such a large margin, that there isn't even a second place.
    The price per hour is almost negligible.
  7. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Vanir Ausf B in In another blow to transparency, Putin classifies peacetime Spetsnaz losses   
    I see Russians. I see guys named Steve.

  8. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to fatehunter in These games are way too cheap   
    I just get tired of people complaining about the cost of this type of gaming. In my calculation it is one of the cheapest forms out there. 
  9. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to fatehunter in These games are way too cheap   
    I mean seriously. After spending 400+ hours, It's down to 10 cents per hour of entertainment.
    All video game companies should charge more, say by the hour. Going to a movie costs $15 for 1.5 hrs entertainment. So games could be the same. $10 per hour!
  10. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to daz in Having to pay for bug fix!   
    I understand  why they charge for packs that is understandable, when i brought the game CBMN i patched the game a few month later from 1.0 to 2.0 at no cost, the other day as i said i wanted to play a game vs a mate, But was unable to play as he had 3.0 game.
    "OK" so i went to patch my game up to 3.0 and found out that you have to pay $10.00 now, i can understand for pack, they are a lot of work to do, but having to pay for the 3.0 is a bit of a joke.
    So what if a game came out that was full of bugs and then your told sorry we screwed up and if you want the game to work as it should you have to pay use more money to get it to work, would you be happy with this.
  11. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to kohlenklau in Operational Level Game Announcement   
    I had some thoughts in another website forum to answer in my opinion the questions or comments quoted below: 
    Here are my thoughts in response to those type questions copied from that other website:
    I have participated in 2 and organized 3 CMPzC Operations that combined JTS Panzer Campaigns with a CM title.

    Matt does have an opportunity to create a better way than CMPzC. 
    Even without the BFC direct link, there is potential that his Combat Operations game could be written to include several key features that would make it much better versus using John Tiller.

    1. CO should include a simple internal headcount tracker to allow a single place to enter the post-CM battle results. (JTS requires external software or ol' pencil and paper).

    2. The CO operational map will reflect actual dimensions that can go towards developing or adhoc selecting a CM battle map. It can export an overlay cropped specifically  to support the CM map editing. 2 adjoining CM maps being produced will have excellent to perfect match up at the edges.
    (JTS has the hex system derived from the actual terrain and development of the CM battle map is then a liberal process with limitations on tactics and continuity across hexes).
    EDIT: To clarify, the JTS hexes are those typical generic types: Forest hex, village in open hex, clear hex, rough hex. Difficult to then cross over to a CM map. An entire 1km x 1km hex made generic but in a way to make the overall Panzer Campaign maps somewhat pleasing to the eye and run THAT game's engine. Like a boardgame map I suppose...
    2.a. CO Maps are editable and any WW2 battle area could be created in detail. (JTS maps are not editable. You can only crop out from what they have already made. I had to substitute an area of Crete to be Ortona in Italy!)

    3. The specific CM OOB's can be optionally used in the CO scenarios so no adjustments are needed in initial creation or to apply losses.
    (JTS requires some creative assumptions to create the unit to match CM and when you apply losses.)

    4. CO could use the same air power or artillery combinations that CM uses. (JTS air power and artillery strength must be edited to match typical presence in a CM battle.)

    5. CO tactical battle objectives could be available to match the CM objectives. Exit? Occupy? Destroy enemy units? (JTS has an assault system which does not match well to the creation of a CM battle.)

    6. CO could have an internal AAR system to produce a battle report that could be available on the Buckeyebg.com website or posted elsewhere. (JTS is a lash up. Bubblegum and baling wire. The AAR is something that falls through the cracks right away because it DOES take effort. But if folks do not see the fun, then they are not inclined to participate and the popularity of this genre of "OP+Tac" doesn't go upwards....)

    7. CO must have editable saved game files. (JTS does have great capability here but not perfect.)

    Bottomline, I am pretty sure right now I am the most experienced person out there combining CM and JTS PzC and I see that there is definite potential here that CO COULD make the process better/easier/simpler for me or I would not back it up. 

    Then if someday BFC can provide a direct link to create a battle...whoa Nelly!
    Anyway, these criticisms or doubts are very natural and understandable. 2 years ago I shot some of the same general distrust or disbelief at Matt and only recently after 2 years of actually hands on using the CMPzC lash up with JTS Panzer Campaigns in great detail as the organizer handling all the aspects of the operation do I see the opportunity that exists here if the community supports the development of CO via kickstarter.
  12. Upvote
  13. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Ithikial_AU in Modding the Water Texture   
    Non-modder without an artistic bone in his body with a question and a modding request.
    Is it possible to alter the water colour in CM? That is remove the standard blue and replace it with a more green, brown colour? Looking at a few map making ideas for CMBS and a few are around urban/industrial areas. Replacing the water with a brackish dirty colour would help water features fit in with the dirty environment. The perfectly clean blue water would sort of stick out. (or Ukraine has brilliant Environmental Control Officers!)
    Cheers in advance.
  14. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to choppinlt in Operational Level Game Announcement   
    Vergeltungswaffe, Yep, that's me talking to a brick wall over at GHQ! Kinda similar to a real GHQ!!! Actually I do think I have a few new forumites as a result, even though there has been no response...so that's good. I am also on WWPD.net, which is big site for guys playing Flames of War. I am going to be on other sites hitting it hard the next few days as well.
    I'm glad you brought this up though. You and anyone else should feel free to chat me up on any/all sites you see me on to help generate some buzz. And by all means, please tell as many people about this project as you can!
    By the way, Combat Operations with be "premiered" on realandsimulatedwars.com in about 4 hours!
  15. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to rocketman in Long term project - "Scylla and Charybdis" - "what if?" campaign   
    I'm about to finish research and planning for a 3-4 mission campaign for CMFI set during the two last days of the German evacuation from Sicily and will take place in and around Messina. It will feature both US and CW units as "the Race to Messina" very much is on. It will be based in historic events and situations, but will make the assumption that the Allied vanguard manages to interrupt the last units to evacuate in order to make as big a dent in the German foothold on mainland Italy as possible. For example take out the air/sea defenses to clear the straits for the Navy/Air Force and capture military barracks for information on the retreat and as a grand finale - secure the harbor.
    I will start by making maps as I want to see what a future module will bring to the table. I'm hoping for British commandos and large caliber AA units.
    Anyone who has tips on how to best approach a campaign project and avoid uneccessary pitfalls is more than welcome to post here or PM me.
    In time I will start posting screenshots as maps begin to take shape. The main source I use is an excellent topographical map that the US army made of Messina with high value targets marked.
    So, patience - be my friend ... I hope I'm not taking on something I can't handle. But no rush.
  16. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to rocketman in WIP: Guide for buildings, trees, bushes, flavor objects for making maps   
    It is done
    Submitted to TSDIII and soon to the repository and GaJ.
  17. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to choppinlt in Operational Level Game Announcement   
    Hey, I just wanted to give a heads-up and let you know that things are continuing to progress. Last I was told, Combat Operations is going to be premiered on realandsimulatedwars.com starting tomorrow (Monday) night, and we have prepared a small series of posts. Furthermore, our website buckeyebg.com went live yesterday! There isn't much to see at this moment as it is a major work in progress. I'm hoping it will look significantly better by tomorrow night, regardless we have web space now! For right now, my forum will be the best place for information but I am hoping that changes very soon as our website takes better shape. Last item, we currently appear to be on schedule for a Sept 1 kickoff for the kickstarter. More to come!
  18. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to emccabe in emccabe mods   
    I just got bored and decided to mess around with some of the files and this is the end result ,plus I was not a huge fan of the Russian tanker helmet and I also wanted the Ukrainian tankers to more like infantrymen I probably upload them, I might try to do other things too. And all of the textures are not mine but but are made by vein

  19. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe got a reaction from Bud Backer in Boring?   
    Not at all boring.  I love scenarios that reward patience and decision making. 
    Doesn't have to be much combat at all to be rewarding.
  20. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to rocketman in Preview of the first Battle Pack   
    Speaking of urban sprawl. I'm in the planning/research stages of a "what if" campaign for CMFI set during the last days of the German evacuation from Sicily. I will recreate large parts of Messina. Needless to say it is a long term project.
  21. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to Artemis258 in Windows 10 is Upon Us! Oh, Woe!   
    still running windows 7. Not changing. No need to. 
  22. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to rocketman in WIP: Guide for buildings, trees, bushes, flavor objects for making maps   
    Like the title says. It will be uploaded within a week.
  23. Downvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to CarlWAW in CMRT module. A rough estimate will do.   
    I am wondering if you guys even have any schedule at all...
  24. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to MarkEzra in Battlefront products on Amazon ?   
    The Following statement pertains solely to me.
    Since 1983 we've had a small business  directed at a very tiny market group in an other wise huge group (Healthcare Professionals).  We recognize our target group and do some print advertising in specific professional publications.  If we widen the net it's a dead cert that more people would become aware of our products.  It just won't convert to revenue.
    We love what we do (service to humanity!) but not nearly as much as our family, friends, and personal lives.  Growth is not our overriding concern. Happiness is. 
    As some of you will note I'm a long time player of CM and QB Map Maker for BFC.  I don't pretend to know How BFC makes it's business decision's. But I do know they are fun group of guys who seem to enjoy what they do and how they do it. 
  25. Upvote
    Vergeltungswaffe reacted to rocketman in WIP: "The Last Resort" - scenario   
    A straggler group of wounded Germans are hiding in the local church, awaiting rescue. The church sits on a hill overlooking a lake - a vital position to take to observe the German retreat on the other side of it.

    You command a small recon force whose task it is to as quickly as possible seize the church, a local bridge, destroy the German troops or take POWs who might have valuable information on the retreat. We can't wait for a bigger force to help. Some heavier weapons will arrive soon.



    Small/tiny scenario. Soviet vs AI only. Should be ready for play testing in a few weeks.
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