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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. It will take more time for us all to get comfortable with making maps and putting in AI plans, and then testing to see if they cause the desired results than days of yore, I suspect.
  2. I would have to vehemently disagree with this. CMx1 vehicles generally behaved predictably and didn't need massive amounts of micromanagement. I suspect this is due to the nature of the larger terrain tiles, whereas the SF vehicles have to make a lot more decisions on where to go to cover the same distance. But, the SF vehicles act like the old CC vehicles. Turning around for no reason, going around the block instead of hunting straight forward 10m in the middle of the street, etc. Things I never saw, even in BO.
  3. Interesting how the missiles motor plume is directed out the back, like its presented in SF, rather than out the sides like the others I've seen.
  4. Last 10 minutes of the QB I played last night had 8 different Syrian squads walk out of a building and across a wide street with 2 Bradleys sitting on it. Every last one of them was gunned down laughably quickly and only 2 guys from one squad thought about crawling back towards the building. But then, they just had to come back out and walk in front of the firing squad too. AI self preservation and pathfinding would have to be the two things I want to see worked on most.
  5. I haven't seen that, yet. So far, they have faced up nicely for me.
  6. I always just give a tiny move command in the direction I want the unit to face and that has the same effect for the same effort.
  7. Be patient, young Padawan. It is coming, but it will be some time, yet, with modern modules, etc. However, I am still ecstatic that the bugs and glitches will be worked out in SF, so WWII can be that much better at release.
  8. Watch this to see how tough a vehicle can be.
  9. Fast accumulates fatigue very quickly. Only use it to cross a street or a short distance that you think/know may come under fire while transitting.
  10. When your squad is inside the Stryker, go to Special Commands and use the Acquire command to get the Javelin launcher and also missiles for it. Its in the manual, p. 65 and in the tutorial campaign. The Stryker with the Mk 19 can be targetted with a cover arc, or better yet, use an area fire command near something you want to receive 40mm goodness and it will spray the area. You can also target buildings and it will pepper them.
  11. I think a lot of us are spending all our time playing SF atm, but the continuous stream of goodness here is noticed and appreciated.
  12. The Stryker itself isn't armed with the Javelin. You need to deploy the squad and make sure they have equipped the Javelin and ammo and they will take care of the T-72.
  13. Martin, I like SF more than I thought it would, but, I think I fall in dalem's camp of making sure you don't deny the customer base things they want, within reason, for philosophical reasons. For instance, I know there was a space on the CD issue with AK, but not having Cromwells and KT's because they weren't in that theater was disappointing to a ton of people. Imho, there was no reason to deny the many customers that wanted that. Same with SF. I don't like a few minor things, such as the camera and UI, but I'll get used to them and they may well be tweaked after lots of thought and input, but don't deny people the ability to tailor unit purchases if they want to. I don't do a lot of it, but I certainly want to be able to when I have the desire. I understand there are C & C and point value issues that have to be dealt with. Let's deal with them. You have a dedicated and resourceful bunch of folks on these boards. We'll help with whatever we can. Anyway, this could really get longwinded, but its just a plea to make absolutely certain that the reason(s) we shouldn't have something we want are sound and don't do anything to hurt BFC future sales. After all, one thing most of "we" want is for you guys to stay in business forever and keep on providing us with the only games I spend any of my free time on.
  14. BFC will quickly sort out anything that needs it and go through patch cycles, just the way they did with BO, BB, and AK.
  15. Seem to recall something about the effect of heat haze on distant terrain.
  16. He asked about the acronym. Clearly it means: Wonderfully Engineered Gaming Orders
  17. Just target a spot, not a particular enemy unit and fire will be directed all around that "area". Was the best way to use the Mk 19 for me in the training missions.
  18. 2.8 GHz Pentium ® D Win XP Pro 2 GB RAM 7900 GTX 256 Mb RAM card Runs well on highest settings so far. Haven't tried anything overly large yet.
  19. There isn't one. But,...you can bet there will be a slew of maps available, post haste, from the community, so you shouldn't lack for variety.
  20. Go to CMMODS.com and d/l McMMM. It is simple and works great. After you register and login, search CMBB for McMMM.
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