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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I agree whole-heartedly with Steve's premise about game players. Its no different in IL-2 and flight sims, et al. For all the many people that frequent the forums and like to play against other humans, there are innumerable people who will never even think about playing against anything but the AI. Sales figures are the proof. Single player games will probably always far outsell multiplayer games, in general. Online MMO's show the same trend. Tons of people play them, but the vast majority will never fight against other people in pvp or rvr, but rather against monsters/npc's etc.
  2. The early British Cruisers, Stuarts, M-13/40's, II's, and IIIF's all match up pretty well and are a hoot, especially at longer ranges. They shoot like crazy, miss a lot, and you and your opponent drive them like race cars from cover to cover, trying to get close enough to hit anything.
  3. David, That is much better. The washed out tones look a lot more realistic.
  4. Blasphemy. Still incredibly fun vs human opponents. Truer than you know. Won't matter whether we use big maps frequently or not. We just need the capability to be able to when we want, so I, personally, am glad 4x4 is in.
  5. Maybe someone who trusts Gamezone will youtube it.
  6. We are using .txt files to list units in ME's. I think the GM's decided Excel was more trouble than any benefit it had over plain text files. Higher command doesn't really get involved in your battles. As tactical commander, when the unit you are in charge of comes in contact with the enemy, the GM's will set up a battle between you and the enemy commander. You will go into it with instructions and a goal from your Divison/Corp Commander, but it will be up to you to carry out your orders and achieve your objective, be it attack, defend, probe, delay, or whatever. Battle reporting is between you and higher command. Significant developments and an AAR at the end are typically what gets reported. As soon as you have access to the rest of the forum, you'll be able to see a lot more of the process.
  7. Good deal. One of the GM's or higher echelon Germans should get you lined out with access to the German part of the forums in the next day or so.
  8. The grids are a very elegant solution to avoid having to check LOS between every unit on the map constantly.
  9. BigDuke6's Lauben Campaign is not a tournament, but its an incredibly immersive experience. A couple of German players have had rl issues and we need a new person or two. Hit the forum in my sig, read up and if you're interested, sign up and get in on it.
  10. Always a wise thing to do, but remember that 1C never had their hands on SF. :cool:
  11. I'm in. Enjoying BD6's BB campaign too much to worry about playing SF anytime soon, but BFC needs my money.
  12. Not at home to dig through my books, so just going on memory. I'm certain about development starting in 43, but I may be remembering wrong about them replacing ZiS-3's at the end of the war.
  13. Development started in 1943 and it was in service during the war. Still quite a number of them in service today.
  14. I will happily toot his horn for him and add that musts also include David I.
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