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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I think the hi end CM mods look better than TOW. The proportions and colors just don't look as good in TOW to me. Its hard to put my finger on exactly what.
  2. They look good. Start making 2000x2000 BB maps for CMC now.
  3. Awesome, hope you sell millions. Now, back to work on CMx2.
  4. And of course, that is a simple brake the left track and use the right to pivot turn. Easy, plenty quick, and nothing overly involved mechanically.
  5. Panzer Command: Operation Winter Storm looks like the typical Matrix beer and pretzels to me.
  6. God bless and keep you, and hold you safe in the palm of His hand.
  7. If only CM would let us use multiple mods of one vehicle at the same time. You're putting out so many nice cat variants that its hard to choose. :cool:
  8. Damn that looks good. Wish I had that same cammo on the JgPz IV's. AK finally gives the loader his chance to be the man!
  9. Fantastic. We just need DavidI to drape Mikey's ambush over it and we're golden.
  10. Agreed. I love the prospect of not knowing what I'm defending against, and having to make the decision to conserve my forces and try to withdraw orderly. Conversely, it will be fun to attack and find that the defenders are too numerous to succeed. Basically, after years of playing mostly balanced battles against people, I am looking forward to the challenge of more realistic battles.
  11. Thats great news. On a related note, as much as I hate to say this, and as good as Gordon's mod is, you're going to have to do the KT too, so it will have the same crisp hi-res redraw to match your other kittys. Preferably with the same ambush as the G late.
  12. That ambush version makes me all misty. Absolutely gorgeous. Jagdpanther, I hope! Then everything else not yet MikeyD-ified.
  13. Holy Cow! First Hunter sighting in 3 months.
  14. Cabe, MikeyD hasn't done everything. Yet. But he's getting there (thank goodness). However, for infantry you'll want AndrewTF and David I's mods.
  15. Ausgezeichnet. Those are the best yet. That late G has got to be the most incredible mod thats been turned out.
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