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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Wow, no posts for over 30 hours. I broke the forum...
  2. Hasty minefields often have lots of telltale digging marks in the ground that can be easily visible from the air, if the weather and terrain cooperate.
  3. The L/24 has a very low muzzle velocity, so it is highly inaccurate over any range beyond point blank, or against a moving target. It was never intended as an anti-tank weapon, but rather an infantry support gun.
  4. Perhaps everything had already been replaced with an exact duplicate.
  5. Hot Damn, they finally took the none too subtle hints and latched onto some serious additional talent.
  6. Not unlike the Tiger Ausf E (Tiger I) and Tiger Ausf B (Tiger II).
  7. Nice job. Now the heavy haulers look just as nice as all the sexy vehicles.
  8. Agreed. BO was revolutionary. BB and AK were evolutionary. CMx2 will once again be revolutionary.
  9. Hunter posts infrequent updates. Last one was here.
  10. ^^^^^^ Thanks to him, and many other talented modders, BB and AK still look quite good after all these years. Nothing has ever approached their longevity on my hard drive. They won't come off until CMx2 WWII comes out, somewhere down that dusty trail. They may not even come off then.
  11. nothing to see here [ May 27, 2007, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]
  12. nothing to see here [ May 27, 2007, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]
  13. If you have Americans, you have Poles, Germans, and everyone else that made this joint great....
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