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Everything posted by Mord

  1. I am glad we will be able to use all the old scenarios but it was never a deal breaker for me, if they couldn't have done it. Having SF2 in 4.0 was the most important thing. So, as far as I am concerned, it's icing on the cake. Mord.
  2. Lots of game play differences. The difference between SF and BS is large, but the difference between, say BN and SF/BS is vast! The weapon systems, the lethality of handheld ATS and tanks, the unforgiving death that is dealt for small mistakes, I could go on and on. The modern battlefield compared to WWII would probably equate to the technological differences the Civil War had with WWII. I'd recommend all of the WWII titles but as many have said before it depends on your interests. BN has the most content, FI is second, and RT is tied with FB, though RT has a module on deck. Each one has its own distinct flavor. Mord.
  3. After reading your reply in the other thread I understand what you meant about subtle now. Mord.
  4. Good eye. I am a big fan of "drop shadow", so yes, there is some shading beneath the soldiers, the shields and small flags. That was a very painful lesson I learned in the middle of making version three or four of the BN mod. Before, I'd just put the pics on top of each other and they'd lay flat, then I discovered how much volume and flare a little bit of shadow added to the entire pic. A thousand or so portraits into that mod and I had to start all over. It's taken many a mistake to get here, let me tell ya. Mord.
  5. Maybe drop box, but unless you pay for bandwidth there'd probably be a cut off per day after a couple DLs. Plus, just uploading multi-Gig files would probably be a VERY slow process. Best to zip them into say less than 100 meg zips and host them there. Do like all uniforms, or vehicles, in one zip, theme them up. That's just my advice. Somebody might have a better suggestion. Mord.
  6. Yep, nothing but rubber and canvas, wouldn't even make it through a school year. Amazing what trends can do for something's worth. Mord.
  7. Good luck, man. Let us know how it works out. Mord.
  8. In the tank with the chicks. Excellent. LOL. Which pic were you looking at? The pic Aragorn quoted has the new guy vs the old. The new dude is wearing the helmet, the old guy has a cap. Or did you mean subtle compared to the Heer Infantry? But anyhoo, thanks. I am happy all you guys are responding with enthusiasm, means I am on the right track. Mord.
  9. Do that! Absolutely, do that! Much, much, much, much easier on you. Mord.
  10. We called the flat-top versions "fish heads" when I was around seven, back in 76. They went for five bucks a pair and only came in black or white. By the time I was 16 (in 85) all the punks and skaters drove the prices (at least for high-tops) through the roof. They were going for 30 bucks and you could find them in just about any color you could imagine. The 80s really made Converse. Mord.
  11. As long as you keep them out of the whipped cream. Mord. P.S. Now he's just trolling us.
  12. Poor Sequoia, what one missed consonant can do to a thread. It was a vowel movement of epic proportions. Mord.
  13. Well, with Google's new night vision capabilities I won't need to. I can finally retire my glow-in-the-dark banana hammock. Mord.
  14. Awesome, we can now surf the net in complete darkness! Mord.
  15. Thanks, friend! You'd be really amazed if you could see where each portrait choice started. Page 1 gives an idea with the infantry, but man, you think the tanker in the pic was bad, you should've seen my first choice! It's funny how I'll be cool with a portrait for a day or so and then it begins to annoy me until I am forced to find better. Yeah, the Armor and Arm Infantry have been replaced in the other thread. The crappy ones you are talking about are forever gone. It's funny you bring this up because it was a big goal in how I wanted to present them. The first pics I chose for the Heer just weren't immediately identifiable because of their clothing. After removing them from the context of their original pictures and resizing them, they looked like fantasy WWII Germans. It was hard finding the iconic presentation I was aiming for once they were shrunk down. And yeah, that was yet another limitation of the old style, where my only way of differentiating between the heads was the helmet, which as you say, could be interchangeable, even though I used flash for plain infantry and chicken wire for armored. Those were my only options. This is light years better. Mord.
  16. Yep. I was just showing him that Chris didn't mention Greeks. Mord.
  17. Don't want to burst your guys' bubble but CMMODs can't handle files that size or the bandwidth it would create if it could. Multi-Gig mod collections are way too much. Mord.
  18. Thanks, Badger. I have seen a bunch of them. Problem is finding just that right one. I'll dig through them when I have some time. BUT, take a peak in the RT mod thread I started. I believe you will be happy. @Erwin: LOL. Almost tempting...almost. Mord.
  19. This is what ChrisND, said: "The following services will be added: British Indian Army, South Africa, French Expeditionary Corps (including Moroccan Goumiers), and Waffen-SS. Of course, existing services will be filled out with all of the new formations that have been created for other Combat Mission titles since the last Fortress Italy module released: Gebirgsjäger units, Luftwaffe Field Divisions, flamethrower units, etc. All currently existing formations will be updated to 1945 TO&E. Also: US Mountain units." Mord.
  20. Check and make sure you named the BMPs correctly. Next check and make sure you saved them all to BMP form. It's process of elimination tracking down a screw up. If it's an independent building try just naming it so you will overwrite it. I am not sure if Independent buildings can have more than two texture sets. Mord.
  21. Sure, I'll give that a look. I am basically taking pics from where ever I can find them. It's a real struggle because I am fighting two things. 1.) Trying to keep all the portraits looking like they are from the same design and not a motley collection of disparate styles. And 2.) Finding something really cool looking then having it be unusable after the backgrounds are deleted and they are shrunk down. So many awesome candidates have become complete crap once they get below a certain size. Only having a 51x57 pixel area really stresses one's ability to create! Mord.
  22. A temple to Cthulhu...or as the Russians call him, C'thul'huski. Anytime, my man. Mord.
  23. Here's a tip for you in case you don't already know. You can number your new building consecutively with Kieme's if you want. That way you won't overwrite any stock buildings or his. Ex: if his last building bmps end in 12, make all yours 13, then 14 etc. Technically we could have as many building mods as our comps can handle. Mord.
  24. It's a whole different ball game, in a whole different ball park. You are gonna dig it! Mord. P.S. If you don't dig it, I'll slap ya until you do. Your enjoyment is guaranteed.
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