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Everything posted by Mord

  1. If it were up to me there'd be names like, Ass Kicking Death Bat, or Skull Crushing Reaper Manta, or Kick Sand In Your Face Battle Tuna! I know how to name weapon systems. Mord.
  2. US wins on attack helicopters, fails every where else. Hellcat being the exception. Mord.
  3. I'm not looking to die, at all. But if I should end up like Carradine, Operation Tiger Shark goes into effect! Mord.
  4. I have no idea. Most everything is digital now a days. Look at it this way. I built a 2400 dollar monstrosity for my 48th birthday a year and a half back. The first thing I did was install Steam and download my games. If it was a danger it wouldn't be on my computer. I don't do anything remotely risky with this beast. You would love it. You know how you are always b****ing about dealing with mods? You know what you do on Steam? You check a subscribe button and they are automatically installed. If you don't want to use one in game, you uncheck it. For a mod fiend like you, it's a dream. And every game you buy goes in your library under one UI. You can even play them offline once you DL. It's a no-brainer. Not to mention the sales they run. I just got Sniper Elite 4, for $8.99. It debuted at $59.99. I thought Steam was stupid, 9 years ago when I first had to join it, after buying Left 4 Dead. Not any longer. Don't be a Luddite, Erwin. The future has arrived! Mord.
  5. ARMA is on Steam. The Workshop holds all the content. Your wife will have to pry the mouse from your cold dead hands. There are 54,317 mods as I type this. Your computer will blow up before you get them all. The other game is MP only. On Steam as well. You can pretty much assume if a game isn't by Battlefront or Blizzard it's on Steam. Mord.
  6. Or in a closet...in Bangkok...from a faulty half hitch. Mord.
  7. And remember, when new features are introduced all games benefit from them. Unless it's something specific to a title, like say IEDs for example. You will never suffer from feature envy in CM. Combat Mission: Leave no game behind™ Mord.
  8. I like that. After the death of David Carradine, I told my brother if he ever finds me dead in an embarrassing position, like laying naked in bed covered in fudge, or croaked on the toilet ala Elvis, he is to get me dressed, go out and kill a shark or bear, tangle us up, destroy the room, and put a knife in my hand to make it look like we died fighting each other. I want to be a legend around the police station water cooler. Moral of this story? That's my shoe size talking...on just about any topic. I always say, life is what you make it. If you choose to believe the world is a horrible place than that's what it will be. I find happiness in the smallest things; a nice summer evening, a crisp autumn afternoon, a brand new pair of socks, a fresh piece of paper, a new book, some cool music, etc.. If you learn to appreciate the seemingly insignificant then your existence will be filled with many joys and surprises. And of course find the humor in everything. @Erwin. Yep, if you think about it, all this board is is a collection of (mostly) grown guys still playing in the backyard with their army men. Mord.
  9. I stumbled across Earl Grey's splash screen for his old CMBB portrait mod on CMMODs. And it gave me the idea of how to finally give the Russians at least some generic formation insignia. Then about a week later I found a chart with all the Soviet WWII collar boards. So, I was able to design my own insignia. Funny how that works. I spent many hours on the original version of this mod searching for anything I might be able to use for the Russian formations and came up empty. Now years later it finally happens, mostly by accident. The Russians apparently didn't use divisional insignia. So I figured I'd go for either higher or lower insignia, but all I could find was a few corps or brigade samples. But It's not enough and there'd be too many holes. Awesome. Thanks! Mord.
  10. I absolutely LOOOOVE Sniper Elite 2 and its sequels. The X-ray kill cam is one of the greatest creations ever put in a shooter! It makes me laugh and hoot. Shooters can be a lot of fun. I played most of the classics (Doom 1,2&3, Half Life, Delta Force, Blood, etc.). Just like wargames there are different styles for every taste. From realistic ones like above, to mindless mayhem like the new Doom, to "HOLY CRAP DID YOU SEE THAT?!!!!" Sniper Elite 2. You should try a single player game one time and see if you find it fun. Great way to blow off some steam. Mord.
  11. You're welcome. Thanks, man. The RT base mod shouldn't be all that much longer. There are updated pics here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/127153-mords-mods-red-thunder-edition/ Mord.
  12. Yeah, I was talking about how lethal the Modern battlefield is compared to WWII, but Mark's experiences could be different. Mord.
  13. That must be why I couldn't get on the site last month. Mord.
  14. All new. Most of them are just updated Forensic Hit Decals. One is just for Modders. One is an RT Menu mod. Mord.
  15. Holy crap, that's a nice find Hapless! Very cool. LOL. Man, every time you think you pretty much know all about CM, it surprises you. Mord.
  16. @Fizou I was wondering when you'd drop by. Thanks, brother. Did you notice the Ruskies even get some minor formation insignia this time? Brand new to this mod. You can follow the main conversion for this mod on the RT forum. There are some updates not seen here. Mainly a much better Heer armor portrait. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/127153-mords-mods-red-thunder-edition/ Mord.
  17. He couldn't buy CM1 stuff even if he wanted to. There are no links for them. Mord.
  18. It's worth it. There is so much cool stuff included. Mord.
  19. LOL. Steve would probably hang himself and Charles would leap out of his jar. But man, it would be SWEEt to see all those models updated, especially all the infantry! Mord.
  20. No, they just didn't add them in. It's too much work and they are already behind. The big buildings you are seeing the periodic destruction on are all Independent buildings. You won't see that on say a 14 story (modular) building in BS. Mord.
  21. SF2 won't have independent buildings, so there will be no visual degradation to see. Modular buildings only have two states; wall, and no wall. That's what the controversy was about. Mord.
  22. If somehow the rights to CMA could be crowd funded and bought would BFC consider updating it? Yeah, it's a long shot. But what would Snowball care. They abandoned the title in less then 6 months after it was released. Mord.
  23. We are all getting older, brother! Just some of us quicker than others LOL. I am staring down the short barrel looking at fifty. Mentally, I still feel like I am twelve. My friends and family would agree. Mord.
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