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Everything posted by Mord

  1. 1.) Because there can be multiple sounds for each weapon. 2.) I don't have access to files on this comp so I can't answer this for sure but I think the mg34 either had it's own file, or shares it with the mg42 3.) Yes, unless there is a special weapon sound that wasn't included in one of the games but I can't think of anything off hand. ALL sound files are interchangeable across all the titles except for a very few modern ones found in BS/CMA/SF that won't work with WWII. Mord.
  2. SF1 $15.00 SF1 + all modules $35.00 SF1 + 1 Marines Module $25.00 SF 1 + British OR NATO Module $25.00 SF1 + British and NATO Module $35.00 SF 1 + Marines and British Module $35.00 SF1 + Marines and NATO Module $35.00 That should cover everything. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/126835-the-state-of-cmsf2/?page=1 Mord.
  3. At first I thought JK was being over dramatic but I gotta say it was damn surprising and historically speaking, amazing. Quite a bomb shell. I think you should watch the whole thing, MJ to get the full effect of what actually happens. It's worth it. Seriously. Good post, John. Mord.
  4. Well, we had a scenario pack for BS, and the 4.0 upgrade for all five titles. So, there was stuff that was released, just nothing sexy. And then Chris left, which slowed down FI apparently. So, we'll see I guess. Mord.
  5. Nah. This crap always blows over the minute the games get into our grubby hands. Then a new kind of b****ing starts! This is the typical pre release frustration. It's probably worse this time because it's been over two years since we've had any new modules or titles. Mord.
  6. Ahh, well when you said this, I figured you wanted it added to the game. Anyway, you still have the option as I stated above, to try it out. Mord.
  7. Making holes in walls and buildings so your troops can move without having to go around a structure or if they want to move unseen or avoid being targeted by the enemy. Mord.
  8. They'd go broke on server fees in three days. If the site didn't explode first... Mord.
  9. It's not a risk. It was tried. It was dismissed and rejected. And it doesn't really fit the 1:1 scale or real time play. I am sure there are all kinds of RT guys out there that want to issue orders and not have any of their units move for 10-30 seconds, kinda defeats the purpose of RT. Besides you could create your own command delays right now, just give all your units pauses for whatever time you think each experience level deserves. You are the one always talking about wasting coding time on such and such feature, that would be a waste of coding time. It can be reproduced right now if it is that important to you. I can think of half a hundred features that I can't reproduce, that I'd rather see. Play one game like that and be honest with yourself and see how much you like it. Then imagine it in EVERY single game you play (just without you having to manually do the pausing). I just don't think it would be a good match for 1:1. I think WEGO is enough of a command delay. Mord.
  10. One more day and we can have a thread on the game being late! Oh boy, that will surely bring us all together! I heard a rumor through a VERY reliable source that Steve signed a deal with Paradox for SF2! Mord.
  11. Doesn't fit the fidelity of CM2 in my opinion. What might seem cool for 3:12 isn't the same on a 1:1 scale. Smacks of game board stuff to me. Plus, we have other factors that will delay men, such as what @llCptMillerll pointed out. And I'll guarantee you, you'd like it for about five seconds. LOL. We know you too well, Erwin! Mord.
  12. Ask the Japanese and early war Russians. LOL. Yeah me too, and it works 30% of the time 100% of the time. As long as you are faster than your opponent! Mord.
  13. Ok. I have read enough of your posts now, that I have to say this so that you will understand the concepts in CM. Firstly, YOU have to WIPE your brain clean of all the RTS nonsense. Take it out of your skull, squirt some Windex on it and give it a nice scrubbing. Now, put it it back in and away we go. CM isn't gonna give you power ups, weapons upgrades or healing/resurrection (they have their place in other game but not here). You MUST forget all that stuff if you want to learn. You have to approach it as if you are a real commander, on a real battlefield, with real men, using real weapons for the time period you are playing. It's more of a simulation than a game where exploits replace actual tactics. Battles can take place anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours, no tank is gonna get upgraded armor, no soldier who just had his leg blown in half is gonna get a magic bandage, or a green squad that just killed three Germans is gonna advance in experience, within those time periods. On the contrary, it would take a few days to up armor a tank, the wounded soldier would be shipped home, and the squad would slog for weeks before they learned everything they needed to survive. Think of it this way, if it doesn't happen in the real world, it doesn't happen in CM. Once you rid your mind of the gaminess of other games you'll be better suited to absorb the nuances of Combat Mission. It's a whole different experience and very rewarding. Have fun with it. Most importantly read the manual! There is a wealth of info there. But don't hesitate to ask more question on what you don't understand. It's nice to have new blood playing the game. Mord.
  14. Just goes to show you how gamey all those "realistic" RTS titles really are, don't it? Real world tactics invoke real world outcomes in CM, more so than any other game at this level that I can think of. No health bars, no armor hit points, no base rushing, just good old fashion tactics. A lot of your problems will be unlearning exploits and "tactics" that you picked up while playing pretenders. The CM1 guys had a similar problem when they transitioned from the old titles to the new engine because of the change in fidelity and abstractions. But whatever you do, don't get frustrated, once you get it you'll be rewarded with years of fun. Mord.
  15. WEGO is absolutely the way to go. You will be blown away by all the cool little moments you will eventually see, that you would've otherwise missed playing in real time. You will end up watching these scenes twenty times over, jaw on the floor in amazement. If you stick with this game it will reward you with visual stories that even movies aspire to. When you pulled the trigger on the purchase you unknowingly got one of the biggest bang for the bucks acquisitions you'll ever make with your entertainment dollars. Mord.
  16. Your head count, ammo count, and status (ok, rattled, panicked) etc. are your "health bar". That's how you'd quantify the situation within your squad. If you are attacking a position with 12 men and all of a sudden you have 5 left and the enemy is still pouring on the hurt, well that's a decent indication that things aren't good. The game is very intuitive just by observing how many guys you have, their ammo count, and how they feel about the situation. As far as knowing when, well that can't really be answered. It's gonna be different for every situation, which there could be thousands. It boils down to just playing and learning through experience. EDITED: And then there's playing against a human...and it's a whole different ballgame. Mord.
  17. That's an area that I have been wanting to delve into reading wise. I have Blaze of War and it covers that. I haven't played it much, it's got a steep learning curve but it's a pretty immersive tank sim. According to his barber, it was more like a skirmish on a golf course. Mord.
  18. To piss you and Vinnart off. But joking aside, the title of the thread is "They meant September of next year". Did you guys really think this would be the thread where Steve would announce the game? Your best bet would be to follow Steve. I believe that will let you know when he posts. Until then we are all just blowing off steam. Mord.
  19. THAT would surprise me considering the 30th is Sunday. LOL. Mord.
  20. "Amazing how you guys keep going on and on over such trivial life matters. Definitely unfollowing this one. My entire mailbox if full of this whining" It's the internet wtf did you expect? They built it so we could argue about nothing and watch porn. Mord.
  21. Did he get them off a giant toilet seat or at Red Lobster? Mord.
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