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Everything posted by Mord

  1. They are actually immune to rabies AFAIR and quite a few poisons as well. He probably got wailed by a car, or lost his sunglasses. I have had many experiences with possums over the years. I took this in Maryland a few years back. One night as I was going into the house, just as I was putting my hand on the rail, the motion sensor light went on. LOL. I was inches from grabbing him. Just a baby.
  2. in the 3.0 overview under the highlights section, first sentence: " Here are a few of the most requested features that are part of Game Engine 4." Mord.
  3. Don't know if you saw the other message but two of the SF Brit screenshot galleries aren't working. Mord.
  4. Apparently it is 'cause I couldn't find it in the NATO manual. Mord.
  5. Some very nice screens, the vehicles, equipment and soldiers are all top notch looking. Very cool. BTW I noticed someone left the anti aliasing off...again. LOL. It's like a tradition. Glad to hear there's gonna be a demo. I was blind sided by the "no later than the end of September" announcement. So, four missions to screw around with until then will be great and help ease the pain! Mord.
  6. @Battlefront.com Steve, the SF British Module 2 and 3 galleries are broken. Mord.
  7. One of the screenshots show Uncon Fighters using a mortar. It's probably a mistake . Besides, Steve confirmed red force mortars a while back. Mord.
  8. Cut and paste mistakes or unintentional bones? "Supported for the long haul with patches, upgrades, and expansions" "On map mortars, mortar vehicles, drones, anti-aircraft fire, and other modern warfare features" Mord.
  9. LOL. That's probably been most soldier's experience since Roman times. Mord
  10. Yep. Because SF lead the way for CMA and BS, things that may never have been considered if they'd only stuck to WWII. And it opened a lot of peoples eyes to the fact more modern settings could be really interesting and fun. I was on the fence in 2005, by the end of 2008 I was completely hooked. I want as much diversity as I can get, within the scope of WWII and outside it. Mord.
  11. The wish listing aside, I think some of the frustration may stem from finding out some of the 4.0 engine isn't making it into SF2 (and it spilled out here) Independent buildings being a major one. Any terrain features, buildings, etc. left out are more things that will hobble and limit designers. Other than that it's just a normal day of b****ing on the forums that could've been more tactful in its delivery. It's very much appreciated. I personally would've hated it. Just look how long RT and BS have been without any new forces. That wasn't meant as a jab, just a statement. All us SF1 guy have already been down that road once, so it's nice to know we won't be walking it again. That's one of the reasons I don't look as forward to CM3 as I should, is knowing how long it took us to get here with all the games and modules at 4.0. Mord.
  12. Well, that's what I was saying in my first response, probably just too many bodies to create that kind of fidelity. Ideally the troops getting up and displacing would be the happy medium between modeling them being squashed or what we see in the pic. But again, most likely that is a coding nightmare. It was easy to do in CM1 because 12 guys were abstracted into three and they were considered spread out over a 20mX20m area. They could just move a little bit out of the way and all was good. Mord.
  13. That's my thought, at least as far as Muj go because: 1.) The TO&E structure could be pulled from SF2 Uncons/Fighters and tweaked to fit the specific forces. 2.) We'd only need about three or four unique soldier models. Like in CMA. 3.) What vehicles they would use are already in SF2. No need to create a bunch of new models like you would if it was say, the French army or something. 4.) It would take far less time than creating a module. 5.) It would be a great experiment to see if customers would go for something like this. After all the vehicle pack and 1st scenario pack were all testing the waters when they were released. The funny thing is, look at just how many scenarios that were created based exactly on that. And a lot of them have proven it's damn good fun. I never understood the stubbornness regarding that. Three of our last four wars were basically centered around it. So, it's not like it is unrealistic. And it's there in the game already, it just needs to be a little less confining to make it all it could be. Mord. P.S. Do I sound desperate?
  14. I meant Bil's old SF mod would have to be updated, unless he made one for BS, then all is good. Mord.
  15. I believe he'd have to update them. They've added quite a few to the mix since SF was released. Mord.
  16. Of course, but my point was that in CM2 they don't. It's all abstracted. Just laying there while a tank rolls over them is supposed to represent them scrambling and not being crushed. LOL It doesn't work visually whatsoever. The best you can do reality wise is avoid the situation, if you can. Mord.
  17. Probably something to do with the amount of different textures Modulars have compared to the two or three choices of Independents. It's too bad they couldn't come up with a damage overlay along the lines of hit decals, only on a bigger scope. I am surprised though they left Independent buildings out of the mix. I guess they didn't want to have to create new models to fit the setting? Mord.
  18. I was thinking the other day that it would be cool if they'd just make some insurgent/uncon packs for CM. EX: A pack with Muj for SF2. Much less work than a full module, and bam, modders and scenario designers could go to town on creating A-Stan stuff. Mord.
  19. Here ya go. This illustrates what I mean. I mean, it is what is at this point. Been that way for at least 7 years, but more likely 11. I never bothered to try it in SF. Mord.
  20. That's what I mean. That isn't blocking you. In CM1 you actually had to physically push the vehicle (if your vehicle was big enough) out of the way. If all you had was a halftrack and a tiger was knocked out on a bridge, you probably weren't gonna get by. Now, you just merge through anything that is knocked out. It's an abstraction. EDITED: I'll go give it a test and see what happens. It may be different if it's an enemy vehicle. Mord.
  21. That's funny you said that, I actually did that the other day as a test. However I mixed all of the bmps to see what would happen. I'll give your idea a try. Mord.
  22. That was one of my first questions when CMSF was announced, whether leadership would be passed on down the line. In CM1 games, If your unit was lead by Lt. Jones, it stayed Lt. Jones. Leaders could never be killed (become a casualty) before the unit reached it's last dude. This seemingly minor thing made a huge difference when introduced in SF, for the immersion factor and how it could effect the next guy up. Lt. Jones might have been a +2 hard charger, but Sgt. Baker might end up being a -1 incompetent. Important distinctions in the heat of a battle. Mord.
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