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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Yes, it's very important to be as vague as possible when explaining things through the written word. Coincidentally, that's also how wars start. Mord.
  2. I prefer a guy with big thumbs and Parkinson's. Mord.
  3. Holy s***! I feel like Sherlock Holmes looking for a lost sock. Okay, I think I finally have it: "Dear Battlefront, please don't put Combat Mission on Steam because *this, *this and *this happened to me. And the Steam Admins did *this, *this and *this to me. Thanks." -Artkin. *this = examples of what actually took place. Mord.
  4. What does that have to do with Combat Mission? Mord.
  5. Artkin, if this is how you speak in real life I would murder you after one conversation. LOL. I haven't been this confused since my proctologist sent me flowers and a Thank You card. Mord.
  6. You'd make a killing writing instruction manuals for Ikea. LOL. Don't do what? WTF are you talking about?! Mord.
  7. What in the h*ll are you talking about? I went on Steam and then they said go away, and then some comments were deleted, then Combat Mission, then you don't own your games, then EULA stuff...then I passed the bong. This is like a an acid trip where I didn't get any. EDITED: Yes, I know, I mixed my drug metaphors but it seemed to fit into the gibberish theme this thread evokes. EDITED: I do not condone drug use except on days ending with sunsets. EDITED: I don't do drugs. I can barely do mornings. Mord.
  8. You absolutely never want to pack anything into the original install brz files. That's a recipe for disaster. Plus there is no reason you would ever need to. Nice work, btw. Mord.
  9. If you down loaded the full install before you bought MG it will already be on your comp, it just needes to be activated. Go to documents/battlefront/CMBN (or the equivalent depending on where you installed BN) you'll see a an icon for "activate new products", open it and type your MG key in the info bar, then you should be good to go. Mord.
  10. Thanks very much guys. I hadn't been posting much because I found the constant updates were taking too much time and distracting me from getting stuff done. I actually had to take one full week off because my eye was starting to get too muddled and I found I was making too many bad choices. To give it some perspective, I redid the Herr armor and armored infantry four times and the PzGr twice! Just those adds up to 1388 portraits. That's more than what I released for this version! Stepping away for a bit helped recharge my batteries and refocus. I was becoming really fatigued. But if you guys like this, just think, it is just under half of what I am creating for this mod. I am going balls out to make it as accurate as I can within the limits of the game to give the Ostfront the detail it deserves. There is way more to come for the module version. I think you will be really happy. I have to say I am very proud of what I have gotten done so far, and it is the best work I have done in my modding life to this point. @Aragorn2002 I gave you a little compromise knowing you are a GD fan, so you got two types of helmets for them. Glad you like the battalion/Kompanie versions, I figured you dig them. @Erwin He's looking to the right, it's hard to tell, but it was a compromise. I tried adding dots but I didn't like it. Once you acclimate your brain to it you'll see it. @MOS:92B2P Just wait, you'll have double the choices. There are a lot of surprises coming in the module version! @Ironsturm I was just typing about that. See the following. I wanna leave you guys with one little portrait I designed to give you an idea of how dedicated I am to making this the best it can be. I needed something for the Heavy Panzer Abts that would distinguish them form the Panzer divisions. So I decided to use the Heer armored infantry guy that I had originally used as a place holder when I first posted about this mod. So first I went with this: I looked at it for a while and thought that's not right, he just looks like an infantry guy wearing his side cap. So I designed some collar boards, and started working on his cap, bringing out the insignia colors to make it more in line with an armor uniform. It still didn't look right. Then I realized the collar boards weren't the right color and that he was missing the skull pips and needed the eagle on his cap to stand out more. So, I ended up with this. LOL But now I just realized I will need to fix this again, when I update the mod because only assault gun crews have green side caps. Tankers wear both black and green uniforms but apparently only the officer has a green hat, side caps are always black. ATTENTION TO DETAIL! Anyway, there you go. That's a fraction of what has gone into the creation of this mod, just figured I tell you guys about it. Mord.
  11. Base game portraits are finally finished. A lot changed. They are up at CMMODS. As it stands right now there are 2500+ portraits for the module version of this mod (which isn't done yet), and just over 1200 for the base game. Have fun. Mord.
  12. Roughly there are 247 German divisions in RT. That includes doubling the portraits for Heer Pz and armored infantry, and SS Pz and SS armored Infantry because they share a shield. So not counting all the generic versions, summer background, summer background with flag etc. there will be 1729+ portraits just for the Germans for the module version of this mod. And trust me that is very conservative, because I left out some stuff I haven't even begun to tally. The math works out to 1 division x 7 backgrounds. You guys won't have to wait for all that though. I am concentrating on getting the base game stuff finished first. The goal is to make this as comprehensive as the BN and FI mods but with better graphics. Mord.
  13. It was to differentiate the PzGr divisions from the armored infantry Panzer divisions. I try to give every infantry type it's own style. To do one variant on the PzGr Div would be another 65 portraits. However, to do one variant on a Heer infantry would be 940, that's how many of those guys there are! Mord.
  14. Yep. I believe some of that stuff was added in the 4.0 upgrade. There were even some blank text files labeled French, Brazilian, South African and Indian names in the 2.0 brz. Mord.
  15. Sometimes I imagine you guys saying to yourself, why is he so picky? Why is he always changing things, that last portrait looked fine etc. I imagine you saying that about the armored infantry pics I posted above. Well, here is a case in point. I've had a guy picked out for the Heer PzGr for about a week. I have been staring at him off and on, trying to decide when I was gonna go ahead and make him a keeper but I wasn't completely happy with him. I mean, off hand he is pretty decent. Passable. Most people would dig him. But the lack of any definition in his face was really, really, really, bugging me. The color just looked too flat, which tends to happen when you shrink pics. So, I said let me check some stuff and see if I have any pics I can use to maybe blend and give him some depth. So I cut out a face and worked some magic. I grabbed me some goggles (told you I had an idea for them, Erwin) and got exactly what I wanted with about an hour of work. This wasn't skill, it's one of those moments where I get lucky as hell and have enough knowledge in Elements to pull it off. So, this is why I get so anal. Because when I really push myself sometimes good things happen. He looks way better than the guy above. Gents, here is your Heer Panzer Grenadier. Hope you like him. EDITED: Now the dang Pz Commander is starting to look out of place. Rrrrrrrrr! Mord.
  16. HA! At BF's rate I just may! Glad I finally hit the mark, it was becoming frustrating after a few tries. Black on black are hard colors to deal with in such a confined area. LOL. I shall! You were only partially to blame. LOL. But seriously, the true hold up was thinking I was gonna do them in the old style. Without access to the new SF2 models I couldn't even start. Now, if I can find enough good stuff to use I can do all the generics then concentrate on the formations after all the research. That one link you sent me was fine, everything I could need for the most part. The big question is what to use? As for the Army, I have plenty on them, but again. what to use? And these modern formations are a PIA! I like divisions and battalions/regiments much more. Thanks, Fizou. Here's hoping I can pull it off. Mord.
  17. I don't know if or when BF will release them in a module/title but rest assured I'll have them covered! Mord.
  18. I completely agree. I've made a list, a few times, about how many ways you can enjoy CM, and bang for the buck, I don't think there are too many pieces of software let alone games, that can match it. You know, some of my most memorable moments in the game were from little throwaway setups I created in the editor just to test a mod. A lot of people don't realize how powerful and fun that editor is. Most games you have to have some kind of programing knowledge just to make a map. Here, it's as easy as plopping down some terrain, throwing some units on each side and playing as the attacker. Probably not the most sophisticated scenario, but it would do for testing tactics or how certain things in the game work. Which is another way to enjoy CM, testing things, which has its own subgenres. Mord.
  19. No, I get it. JuJu set a president with his seasonal portraits. But he was much smarter than me with his design style. By recoloring black and white pics with two tones (flesh and olive) he was able to tie a lot of disparate pics into a cohesive look. He even took color pics (some of them from models) turned them to black and white, then colored them. You'd be hard pressed to know which of those portraits are actually not real people. And you'd be hard pressed to find one that felt like it didn't belong. It was damned ingenious, and by doing it he avoided a lot of the problems I am having. I actually considered it but I didn't want to copy him, and I stumbled across the Russian tanker and then that was all she wrote! So, no worries my man. I get it. Mord.
  20. Alright, ya blind b****rds, how's this? I think a big part of the problem was the bright white background influencing the colors. If you can't tell the difference now you need to see your eye doctor. The original doesn't even look bad with a black background behind it. Mord.
  21. I'll try again, but it's gonna get to the point of diminishing returns. At some juncture something is going to cease to be black. The fighter is already slipping into an artistic interpretation of black. He's not too far from going gray. Someone needs to write the selectman at the International Board of Jihadi Flags and lobby them for a new color scheme if not in banners than in pajamas. Mord.
  22. We had this discussion awhile back I believe. I understand where you are coming from and what you are saying but visually it just doesn't appeal to me. It's something with how my brain works. When I flip them they don't look right in my head. I can't design that way. The weird thing is, it should be second nature. I mean, I read from left to right so you'd think it would be a no-brainer. But it feels mentally how trying to throw a ball with my left hand feels physically. That's the best way I can describe it. Mord.
  23. Yep! One of the many beauties of CM, all the games within the game. They are can be just as addictive then playing. Excellent work, btw. Mord.
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