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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Some of them were on the Repos and got lost with the new website shift. Though Steve said the actual files aren't truly lost. Mord.
  2. BINGO! Nice! First guess..good eye my man! EDITED: I am pretty confident the Spy will be around for a while. Mord.
  3. We just had a pretty big info dump a few months and weeks ago. I could understand the b****ing before that but as of right now it's just pointless. They just upgraded the website, posted a bunch of SF2 stuff with screen shots (though Steve promised some more) and are in the middle of trying to get the game out. I don't care about updates, as of now I want them to get the game into my hands. Once that happens, Ok lets hear more stuff about whatever, but until then. Just. Give. Me. SF2. Mord.
  4. Ok lightened up the Jihadi flag background a bit. Added a couple styles of Combatant and a Spy. Again all preliminary right now, but pretty damned good looking I think, for first shot attempts. There's a particular detail I added, see if any of you guys pick up on it. I am really digging the spy. Mord.
  5. I'll leave the "must have" part to other people but here is Ian's list of where to find most scenarios, if you don't have it already. Mord.
  6. No worries. I rarely leave anything alone for long. He will be worked on. LOL. Probably twenty times. Yep. I went with as generic a insurgent flag as I could find because I didn't want anything specific. I figured this was used by enough different subsets that it would fit well into the timeline without identifying any one particular group. There will be portraits for Fighters, Combatants and Spies, so yeah, there'll be a guy with a different colored head wrap. But the one thing you guy's should learn from dealing with my previews is that even though I may say something is a "keeper" I am a notorious liar. LOL. This dude could possibly be long gone by the time this mod is finished. But so far, I like him. Hopefully after he is tweaked I'll like him still! I am gonna try lightening the flag some more, there's already shadow so we'll see what that does. Black on black is a PIA. Mord.
  7. You are the man, Ironsturm! I have been staring at that decal sheet for a month, wondering what was what and fantasizing about possibly using them. Seems a good portion are unidentified but I'll probably go for it anyway. I've been dreading this question. I knew it would come. LOL. I don't know for sure. I toyed with the idea, the problem is it's taken me about three weeks + just to get to this point with the regular RT portraits. I still haven't locked in what they all will be. There are more portraits at play than you guys have seen or would think of, going by what the game uses. I am saving most of those (and the other backgrounds) for the module release of this mod, so you guy's will have a bunch of new stuff to use when it comes out. There's a lot of I am not showing you. And once I do it for this mod I'll have to do it for FB and FI because my OCD will compel me! So, that means double the portraits. Not too big a deal for RT but that's another 13 (along with the mystery portraits ) I have to find and edit and fight to make fit into the design. I have a bunch of winter uniform pics already but it doesn't mean they'll be any good. LOL. Now, you add in FB and FI, I'd have to come up with 2 seasons of pics for all the US, Germans, British, Canadians, Polish, French, South Africans, Indians, and NZ. Plus all the specialized portraits, black us forces, rangers, Maori, Gurkhas, and whatever else I can't think of. It's a couple months on top of just redoing the original mods. The two main questions is, can it be done, and is it work it? Traditionally, I usually leave any camo for the armored SS Inf. Chicken wire on the helmet for Heer Arm Inf. I want to have a classic (iconic) look for the Heer, as far as uniform and helmet goes in the portrait. I may have another use for those, but it fits your idea. LOL. That's probably because he is using the Heer Infantry guy's body! I am just not real happy with him and now, Ironsturm gave me an idea for the other guy (which saves some work adds some work). So, it may be back to the drawing board. The unfortunate thing is I went ahead and made a decision last night, so I'll have to redo another 84 portraits! Mord.
  8. Needed a little side track from the RT portraits so I started some preliminary tests for SF2. Figured I'd begin with something cool looking that I could design the rest of the mod around. Not bad for a first run. I only had to redo the guy twice. Made him too small the first time. I pulled the pouches up higher (second row pics) so they'd show more in the pic. I am not positive, but one of these may be a keeper with a tad more refining. Maybe lighten the head up just a bit more. It's hard to tell after staring at a screen for a couple hours. This oughta get you jazzed for the release (like you guys need any help)! I know of at least one dude that is gonna be happy I started this. Mord.
  9. OOPS! I screwed up. I meant two dimes and a nickle. Mord.
  10. Go with one of the newer ones, FB would probably be the best choice. Mord.
  11. Emrys' fig leaf was the size of a quarter. Mord.
  12. Emrys once told Jesus to get off his lawn. Mord.
  13. Been trying to nail down the Heer armored infantry. I pretty much know which one I am gonna go with. I've put about six hours in, between the two of them. Neither is perfect. But one I like better than the other. What do you guys think? I'll tell you my choice later so as not to influence your eyes. Once I make a decision on this PIA jerk, I'll really be able to rip on getting this mod wrapped up, at least for the base game version. Mord.
  14. Yep. I went through every option Adobe had and raising the letters (beveling) just looked bad. The best I could do was a drop shadow to get it off the page (see, told you I was a DS fan!). As far as the Cyrillic, I'll make that an option when I do another version. With this new version I was more trying to put my own spin on BFC's RT logo—familiar yet different. I kinda dig the Combat Mission Logo too, thought it looked Russiany without getting to crazy. I do have some other fonts that would work real well with a more Cyrillic style. So, some time down the road I will return to it. And now...
  15. Awesome! Good choice. You are gonna have a blast. BN has a ton of content. Mord.
  16. Updated my RT Menu screen mod. I think they look pretty cool. 6 Menus, two different backgrounds, three different RT logo styles. Only two logo styles are shown. Critiques welcome. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=7061 Mord.
  17. Thanks for the effort. Yeah, the second one is the one I mentioned above. I found it years ago. I could make use of the emblems but it wouldn't even be in the neighborhood of comprehensive. The only way the first site would benefit me is if they showed the tactical/brigade/corps symbols/emblems/markings like the second one does. I went through about three of the links and their sub-links but all I saw was lists. I need info + pictures of the markings. I also found an emblem sheet for modelers, but it appears the symbols are listed sequentially. Without a key I only know what a few of them are. I don't know how many are brigades or corps. There's about 60 I could use so it would be cool, but if I can't identify all of them it backs me into a corner. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ce/03/e8/ce03e8e6ca4a1ede54175338c8979d03.jpg Mord.
  18. Try one of the others, like FB or BS and see if the same thing happens. That way we can begin to help you isolate the problem. Might wanna post your system specs too. Mord.
  19. Thanks very much! The pic you posted is one of the ones I found! I recognized it right away. I got very familiar with it last week. Spent a couple hours deleting, resizing and redesigning them for the mod. It was fun after waiting about four years to find them. The shoulder/collar boards in the mod are just an artistic design to give the Russians something besides plain pictures. Like the shields are an artistic design to display the insignia for the Germans. I needed a form to tie the theme together so I used collar and shoulder boards (shoulder boards aren't shown) The collar boards on the actual portrait are also an artistic design, just a bit of detail to add some subtle flair to the pic and differentiate between armored and regular infantry. Do you have any info on Russian Corps or Brigade insignia/symbols/markings by any chance? I found a website a long time ago but there are tons of holes in it. Mord.
  20. Welcome to the forums. You are in for the time of your wargaming life. CM is the pinnacle of tactical bliss. Mord.
  21. LOL. I figured seeing that we just had the semi-annual Steam debate, it'd be safe. Mord.
  22. You'll have fun. Did you only get the base game? Mord.
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