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Everything posted by Mord

  1. I highly doubt that will happen. It's one of the reasons Steve won't allow the time frame to be stretched even by a year. He doesn't want to deal with TO&E changes. I personally don't agree with it. And I'd be willing to sacrifice a dead on accurate month by month (whatever) TO&E change for the full range of seasons and weather. Mord.
  2. You could say the same thing about the Syrians in SF. They share the same equipment, why have Guards, Mech, Conscrips etc. we could just mod them? Well, what if I want to play a game where Russian Separatists and regular Russians attack a town? I can't mod that. And neither can anyone else. They will always be mixed. More options is better than no options. Mord.
  3. Nah, no worries brother. I saw your posts, you'd fall under the level headed title. And no, I don't think that the whole site is like that. Just noticed the typical hate pattern with the CM thread and one particular culprit who basically poisons any well he gets near. And for what it's worth I have found your CM critiques to be decent on these boards. As we both know there's a difference between critique and outright destructive behavior. Mord. P.S. The "video game" thing was a dig at the ridiculousness of the poster. Trust me, I had to correct an old GF back during CMBO when she called it "that video game you play"! She didn't appreciate my definition or sarcasm.
  4. I'd really like separatists in the first module. Because at this rate it'd be three years before they'd get another chance to show up. Mord.
  5. I asked Steve. He said he'd tell me early November, at the latest. Mord.
  6. And for the record, I am not talking about level headed criticism, I am talking about outright vitriol and bile. Mord.
  7. So, all the guys that said they'd never play or buy a CM game again and blah, blah, blah. These are the guys I should worry about? These are the guys BF should cater to? Gimme a break, man. One guy even said he hadn't played a BF game in 10 years but he sure had a lot to say LOL.They were only there to puke hate and their bitterness and prove how edgy they were because they dislike a video game. Pretty big waste of time if you ask me. But like I said that wasn't a good example. To be fair there were level headed people there but the truly angry ones were the same old same old, with the same tired beefs. EDITED: And yeah, The GS CM forum predicted BF would be outta business back in 2007 because of the new engine. Now it's one guy talking to himself while we are waiting on version 2 of the game they said would kill the company. Meanwhile, one of the original perpetrators had to migrate to Grogheads because there is no one left to listen to his cancer except for the lonely guy that hates him. Even angry people can't stand that kind of toxicity, it kills forums. Mord.
  8. LOL. I read through one thread over there. Nothing but the GS CM Forum 2.0. Same hate, same bile, same environment of constant negativity. Christ, one guy was even wishing for BF to fail. And low and behold an appearance by everone's favorite toxic stalker-troll to boot (still acting the same cancerous way he always has) which was no surprise considering the atmosphere. Yeah, we may have problems here, arguments and what not but at least it isn't constant. If that's your idea of how "senior wargamers" act and the kind of interactions you enjoy, well that's your business. Me, I'd rather not even be on the internet than to hangout in threads like that. I come to forums for fun and laughs and a little bit of discussion, not to read pages and pages of bitterness and hate. And the hilarious part is most of the guys that were really nasty claim they don't even play the game. Same old #$%^ different year and forum. I agree with some of what you said in this thread, but that was a bad example of why anyone should care what the outside thinks. Mord.
  9. For the record, MichaelH, these guys are wish listing. I figured I'd mention it just in case you misinterpret it. Mord.
  10. I guess there's a lot to be said for being first. When SF was literally the only game in town designers had no choice but to create for it. Kinda like BN was for the WWII set. Yeah, it will be cool getting SF2 in all its evolutionary glory. I keep saying it but one of the things I am looking forward to the most is hit decals. I love battlefield forensics, it adds so much to the immersion. More than I would've thought it would. Mord.
  11. Plus a patch for the 4.0 upgrade. That's all we know for now. Welcome to the forums. Mord.
  12. Very cool, man. Thanks for the leg work. I would've never guessed that that many scenarios were made for SF. Mord.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my man! Hope it is an excellent one! Mord.
  14. WAAAH! I had many a frustrating but fun night playing Trespasser. Man, that game had the absolute WORST controls ever seen! I actually finished it, though. As far as the dramatics go, I just wanted to know if SF2 is gonna be late, so I can re-calibrate my expectations. I think that's all most of us wanted to know. But at this point it's looking like it will be LOL. Three more days and the question will be moot and answered. Mord.
  15. If you could draw a line (like we can with arty and mortars) that would be the optimal solution. Call it "Target Line" or something to that effect. Then MGs could sweep from point to point along the line. As far as rifle squads go, they already have the ability to shoot in as many directions as they have men so I don't think it would be outside their ability. Each man would fire at an interval along the line or something. Mord.
  16. That's evil...but a nice bone! I wasn't expecting that. Mord.
  17. Joking aside, actual fog when a scenario uses the fog setting. The highest fog setting in CM2 doesn't even look as thick or as good as the weakest setting in CMBO. It's one of the lamest of the environmental settings in CM2. The rest look pretty good and are atmospheric...fog just sucks. Mord.
  18. My improvement suggestion is release SF2! Mord.
  19. I play lots of different games for different moods and I have had no success by societal standards. Then again, I am a non-perverted hedonist, so I go by my day-to-day happiness as to how I measure it. Anything after that is extra. Mord.
  20. Yeah, like me. Give us a heads up, Steve. What gives? Mord.
  21. September 24th. Are we close? You need more time? What's the story, Morning Glory? Mord.
  22. NICE! One of my all time favorite bands. I was lucky enough to see them with Yes in 98 or 99. With that said. Give us some info! Are we close or is it gonna take longer? I was hoping to at least see the demo by now. Mord.
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