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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Take a screen shot of the whole map and point to the spot with an arrow. Mord.
  2. Not too far off. The hard part is buy it when it comes out or wait until he releases the rest? I've waited twenty years for George R.R. Martin to finish A Game of Thrones and at this point I'd don't give a crap if he finishes or not. The TV show ran the story into the ground, and if the fourth and fifth books are any indication he's doing it with the literature too. I just hate reading something and then having to wait a year or nineteen in between titles. I guess I'll play it by ear with The British Are Coming. I'll probably fair better if I steer clear of Empire Total War around that time. LOL. Mord.
  3. Has heavy biblical overtones as well considering it's about Ramses calling down the Angel of Death. Yet another thing I've always liked about metal a lot of it's pretty cerebral if you pay attention. And of course some of it's just about drinking and screwing LOL. Mord.
  4. Yeah, mine, "MC Stud Muffins" but I am used to Mord at this point. Mord.
  5. They first appeared in the BN Vehicle Pack, I think they were added in with the 3.0 upgrade or a patch, not sure but it was about four years ago or so. Mord.
  6. Barbarossa is definitely in the wheelhouse. They already created it once before (it was even in the title). They did the entire Ostfront along with Finns, Hungarians, Italians, Poles, Romanians and Partisans. If that doesn't tell you they've got a woody for the East Front I don't know what will! Time is the enemy not the subject matter. Mord.
  7. We have a live one! Welcome to the rest of your wargaming life. You are among fellow addicts. We understand. Mord.
  8. Army uses "smod_american_uniform_ucp-tanker" and Marines use "smod_american_uniform_tan-tanker". LAVs use the Marine tanker uni with tanker helmet Brads use the regular Army uni with a tanker helmet One more question like that and I am changing your screen name to Erwin. LOL. @mjkerner GOOD STUFF, brother! Really nice work, man! Mord.
  9. I never had them. I can't mod vehicles so never had any use for them. @IICptMillerII I think may have grabbed some. Mord.
  10. What it says. I don't know if this is known or not but I've never seen it and one other user, Moose Trot Actual has verified he's seeing it too. Mord.
  11. Go back to the late 70's and early 80's and it explains exactly why role playing games hit so big. I was 11 ( in 1980) the first time I played D&D and it was like being smacked by a train. What a jolt for the imagination! Which also explains why the even older guys here were big board wargame players. We had almost no avenues outside of reading to personally engage us in adventures through history, scifi and fantasy. I was considered pretty weird (shut it, Emrys) for a long time because I played AD&D, Top Secret, Boot Hill, Gamma World, Star Frontiers, etc. Atari and Intellivison were so basic pen & paper rpgs still won the competition for our time and imaginations. Now, I can do it all on my comp. And my biggest problem is too many choices. Good problem. Mord.
  12. That would all depend on how much of a leap the 3rd engine ended up being. If it was like the difference between CMAK and now, that'd be a hard pill! But yeah, I probably wouldn't completely give up on it unless there were too many new features that killed it for me. Example: The differences between Medieval 2 and Rome II aren't enough to where I can't enjoy both. So, it'd have to be a major, major, evolution. Mord.
  13. Excellent! You're welcome. Glad you got it looking good. I'll probably try your settings to see what it looks like. I am always open to getting that perfect look. There are so many variations you never know who is gonna nail the sweet spot. Mord.
  14. This is starting to look like a trend with some wargame/strategy makers. Not exactly the same thing, but close. Individual titles are being supported much much longer than they used to. I was completely surprised when CA added two DLCs to Rome II last year (but then you still get the crybabies whining about it). They b**** when it isn't supported and b**** when it is. Though I understand some of the game play criticism crying about getting new stuff for a game made in 2013 is moronic. But anyway, Field of Glory II, CKII, EU4, and the guys at Matrix are even gonna go the BF route and keep all the Campaign Series titles they create at the same engine version. Longevity in my games is a huge selling point. I am the kind of guy that doesn't give up on something after six months or a year. I think a lot of us here are like that. Hell, I bought Rome I back in 2016 and like it! Anyway, what Hafer, said. Thanks for all the hard work! Mord.
  15. I meant that I'd love it if there was some kind of way to port everything. I doubt it but a guy can dream. They may not even make a version three. Who knows? Mord.
  16. That'd be fine with me as long as I didn't have to wait another 12 years to see everything we have now in CM3. That's one of the only things that makes me fear a new engine. Mord.
  17. I'd say no matter what it is, CM, DCS, IL2, Crusader Kings II, EU4, Rome II etc. the price is only expensive if you buy it and don't play it. If you spent 600 bucks on a game over the years and played it for a couple thousand hours then you got your money's worth. It's all subjective, I think. One man's trash and all that. I sold 30 computer games back in 2000 at about 2 bucks apiece to buy CMBO. For almost three years straight a day didn't go by that I didn't open the game and do something, play, mess around with mods, screw with the map editor etc. Never thought twice about how much I gave up to buy it. BTW you wanna talk about bang for the buck? As of January 12th my brother has logged 3079 hours on XCom 2! LOL. I don't know how he does it. Mord.
  18. I am with @General Jack Ripper SLIM. On both counts. But I'd put a statue of Emrys on the lawn so the neighborhood dogs would have a place to aim! Mord.
  19. Most CM2 textures are hi-res (compared to CMBO) but there are probably mods out there that are a bit bigger than the stock stuff. And if you want to take the most advantage of mods with say multiple textures make sure you have your graphics set to best in the options settings. Mord.
  20. Technically, two titles will be wrapping up full time development on their next release, Red Thunder and Fortress Italy (barring upgrades and any packs that may be released). That leaves Final Blitzkrieg and Black Sea. FB will end after its only module (again same caveat as RT and FI). That leaves BS with one or more modules to be developed. That should open up the pace a bit. But yeah, we still aren't gonna see Barbarossa for quite a while. Interesting part is what is going to fill the gaps when all that is being developed is two Russia oriented titles (RT sequel and Black Sea)? That's all that's gonna be on the table once FB is finished. Are they gonna do a bunch of packs for the people that aren't interested in Modern, or the East Front? Are they gonna venture into a different theater or war? Wooo, the future is filled with mystery! BTW I thought a second programmer was coming onboard? Never heard anything about that after it was mentioned. Mord.
  21. Remember our WEGO conversation? THIS is a perfect case! Could've been anything other than the tube exploding. Were there any shell holes near by? Mord.
  22. I've never joined another forum to talk about CM because I can't stand the negativity. I run into people like that in the real world I cut them from my life immediately. I ain't got time for it. I want the places I join and the people I encounter to enrich my existence not bring me down. I can be miserable on my own I don't need any help. And there are the guys that think they're edgy and every post has to be smarmy or cynical and any kind of positivity is fanboyism. I can't think of any poster we have on the boards right now that hasn't had some criticism for the game. Just most of us know how to use words and tact. And my last point, hiding out on another board, acting all badass and edge lordie isn't gonna affect the game's development. 'Cause the only ones reading it are the other malcontents. If they aren't malcontents, why aren't they here? LOL. Cause a good bit of them were banned years ago because they couldn't keep their hands to themselves. Again, when I don't like something, a game, movie, band, I just ignore it. I don't join forums and spend 12 years crying about it. Of course not every guy on other boards is a malcontent but we know the ones who are. Mord.
  23. Best also decides how many textures the game will use. For example if you had twenty helmet variations and your settings isn't on best the game will only use a few of them. Mord.
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