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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Barely any love for the Homer line...You guys suck! Mord.
  2. Yehaa. Lookin' good and like a PIA. I'd say you pulled it off. Nice! Thanks for doing that. Mord.
  3. He bought main titles and modules from what I gathered. Mord.
  4. Nice! That's a good tactic. I know a little about campaigns but not much. I've spent so much time modding over the years it sucks up a lot of even my regular scenario playing time. There are so many ways to enjoy CM it's hard to cover them all. But one day I will get some campaigns under my belt. Mord.
  5. They never released the French for BN so I'd imagine you'd piss some people off if you put in partisans before the actual army. I've been wondering if their inclusion in FI will facilitate a BN pack down the road. They are pretty much the only force that didn't make it over from CMBO. Mord.
  6. Good point. But I was thinking in terms of the entire series. Does it work the same way for BN or FI? I haven't played any campaigns as far as I remember. Mord.
  7. How about the driver on your vid card? Maybe roll it back to an earlier version? That's what I had to do. Mord.
  8. I think he's speaking in terms beyond a couple of hours, as in lost over the duration of a campaign. Mord.
  9. The Internet Historian rules! His 4Chan vs Shia LaBeouf video is hilarious. Mord.
  10. You're welcome. My settings weren't written in stone, just a jumping off point to get people started. Skip the sepia setting and see what happens. I used to be a diehard AMD guy, for nearly twenty years. But when I built my rig (my first ever hand built) I went with Intel (the new Ryzen stuff wasn't out yet). I agonized over that choice, waiting or just taking a leap of faith. I am glad I did cause I see a lot of people having problems with AMD stuff when it comes to CM. Though I did have to roll back my Nvidia drivers so the game wouldn't crash after a couple hours. Mord.
  11. Check your email (or spam folder if you don't see one). There should be a link in the email they sent you.. Mord.
  12. You don't. The design concept is that they are flying so high you are not gonna see them when they attack. What you will see (and hear) is the munitions they use when they strike, plus the sounds of their departure (and approach). Mord.
  13. Which old man? From your perspective there's three of us. LOL. This reminded me of a funny argument I got into with this chick I used to know when I lived in Maryland. She was in Ohio and worked in Cleveland. This one day were talking on the phone and I was making fun of Cleveland and she says: "Yeah, well Cleveland's pretty famous, we've even got a song called Cleveland Rocks! Ever heard of it? It's even the theme for the Drew Carey show? They play it at all the sporting events in Ohio! What do you have in Maryland? Baltimore? What's Baltimore ever done?" And without skipping a beat I fired back: "Nothing much, just a little old song they call the Star Spangled Banner. Ever heard of it? They play it before EVERY sporting event in the COUNTRY!" There's was a huge pause. Then, "You a**h**e!" LMAO! I lost it! It was the best comeback I've ever had in my life and her reaction about killed me. We must've laughed for five minutes straight. Mord.
  14. Yeah, the only accent I could think of from California was a surfer/valley girl type accent, other than that I don't know what he could mean. Mord.
  15. Texas, you hippy heathens! AND I am not even from there! Whenever other countries try and mimic us it's always with a drawl and a twang. Mord.
  16. They probably bought them from that site. I ran into SF1 Models back in 2010ish or so. Specifically the uncon models. Not every company makes their models from scratch. I could be wrong though. Mord.
  17. Sorry, forgot about this. I just checked. Nope, mine stays the same color. I turned on shaders with shadows, shadows without shaders and everything off, no change in the hues. Are you using Reshade? I tested it with Reshade and didn't have any problems either but your settings could be different than mine. Mord.
  18. With a good deal of Homererotic undertones. Mord.
  19. Considering you were responding to a statement that was formulated completely within my skull, with absolutely no research, scientific data, or studies behind it...I think I can let you slide. LOL. A happy accident. That's badass, though. When they speak my name in Denmark, it's in a whisper. Murder.
  20. I should've worded that better. I wasn't thinking in terms of annihilation because then that too would upset the balance. But I get ya. Mord.
  21. LOL. Thanks! Rejoice, a meme reborn! Mord.
  22. I live in Maine, they'd be wiped out the second they stepped over the New Hampshire border. The call to arms would be a tub of butter and a bib. It'd be a short game. Mord.
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