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Everything posted by Mord

  1. I wasn't blaming them for anything. My point was what a crazy coincidence it was that I got hit after this thread was started. My breach is totally different than everyone else. They didn't have my card info they somehow got my password. They made the purchases from within my Paypal account not from the website where the products were being offered. The Paypal chick was able to see when they logged in and sent the money. I was lucky. If it'd been the other way my card would've got cancelled. " I thought it was weird as hell considering this thread but it has no connection as far as how I was compromised." How'd you get I was blaming BF from that? It was actually paid to Sony Interactive Entertainment Network not "Sony Playstation". Mord.
  2. 2:24 Now THAT is some stellar voice acting! That guy deserves a statue! 4:53 That was so nonchalant and badass. That's one of the coolest things I've seen in the game in a while. Mord.
  3. That CMBS patch is old, even though I just discovered it last week. I must not have been around when it was released. It's 2.1 Mord.
  4. My Marine says "Not bad for a blind man!" Page 10, 2nd post. Mord.
  5. I don't know how to answer your question other than to say, tastes change, people change, Interests grow and shrink and warp. When I started out comp gaming wargames and WWII were a tiny fraction of what I played. After CMBO, WWII and Combat Mission were a huge fraction of what I played. Then in 2014 my cousin's roommate managed to talk up Shogun II and Rome II (despite my so so memories of Shogun I and thinking TW as a whole was gamey) enough to get me to want to try them. Now wargames are a huge fraction of what I play but tanks and machine guns are slowly being replaced by an insatiable appetite for catapults, phalanxes and cataphract. I still love WWII, I still love modern arms stuff, but I have expanded further than I ever thought into areas I was only mildly interested in. Why did my tastes evolve? I don't know. But I am glad they did. Slightly OT but I was thinking about historical era game trends the other day. And I am beginning to think that Rome is becoming the new WWII. Not that it's replacing WWII but beginning an ascent like say happened around 2000. I don't remember any other time in gaming where there have been so many options for ancients/Rome focused titles than right now. Rome II released two DLCs in 2018 (one in Nov 2017), we have Field of Glory II + DLCs, Aggressors Rome, Paradox is working on Imperator Rome, and AGEOD is coming out with Field of Glory: Empires, previously they had Alea Jacta Est with 5 DLCs. There's also been interesting little titles like Quadriga (what a gem of a game!) and Mare Nostrvm. I could go on and on. My prediction is that it will continue in popularity over the next decade. Why now? I don't know. But I am glad it's happening. WWI seems to be on an up swing too. Any thoughts? Mord.
  6. Get this, been selling a load of my stuff on Ebay the last couple weeks so LUCKILY I've been monitoring my Paypal everyday to check for sales. I wake up this morning, log on and find I was hit for $109.00 and $86.00 both from Sony Playstation. I don't even play consoles. Funny thing is it wasn't a card breech. Some m*&*&$' slimy, worm-infested, crotch-rotted, scumbag piece of %$^& apparently got my password, hopped on there right after I went to bed last night and loaded up. From what I gathered they sent money directly from my account to Sony so they didn't need any of the card info. I am guessing that's why both payments said preapproved, which I'd never seen on a payment before. I don't know how they thought they were gonna get away with it. Ironically, if it had been any other time in the past three years there wouldn't have been any money in there until around the 30th. They picked the perfect time where I actually had more than a few bucks online before the end of the month. Maybe they were watching it? So because it just involved my password the card didn't need to be cancelled. Thank god, 'cause it would've screwed me big time. I use that for auto bill payment on the 1st of every month and lately for food and such. I absolutely couldn't afford to wait 10 days for a new card! Paypal was cool and took care of me after I circumvented their stupid forms that the first phone call pointed me to filling out. And of course there was no way to contact Sony Playstation on a Sunday. Why would a multi billion dollar corporation be open on a Sunday? I thought it was weird as hell considering this thread but it has no connection as far as how I was compromised. 16 years on PP and this is the first time I've ever been hit. I can't figure out how they got my PW. But according to the chick on the phone that was all they had. We changed it and everything was cool. I try not to get too personal on here, but I'll tell you guys it's been one thing after another these last few months. Every time I turn around...Luckily this one was just a blood pressure test. ADDENDUM: So my best buddy takes me for a pre-bday dinner this afternoon and afterwards we stop at the grocery store. I go to pay for my groceries and my Paypal card gets declined. Try it again, declined. He pays for my stuff and when we get home I use his phone to call them, again. This time there's a bug in their system and people's cards are getting flagged, their maintenance guys are working on it blah, blah, blah. Chick fixes the block on my account and we talk for another 15 minutes about scamming internet scumbags. LOL. Been an eventful day. At least I got to eat a big ol' sirloin! Mord.
  7. Yes! Exactly the reason he should buy what's already there! Who knows how many months/years we have left on that fabled module! But, I am just teasin' you, General Jack Ripper SLIM! I still love ya, man! Mord.
  8. Good choice. But you couldn't have gone wrong either way. They both are fun! Mord.
  9. Think about what you just said, particularly, this part "I would wait for the Rome to Victory Module" Now, tell me why that isn't a good idea! LOL. You crazy, you! Mord.
  10. I just wrote about this a week or so ago but here goes (it's worth pondering). Both FI and RT will wrap up with their coming releases. That will Leave BS and FB. FB will wrap up after its first module. Which will only leave BS (we don't know how many modules they plan for it, my guess is at least two). Now, if Battlefront goes straight to an RT sequel that will leave one Modern and one WWII title both Russian focused. Those are fairly narrow topics for the less die hard among us. So, there are only two options I can think of for people that aren't interested in them, start creating packs for the West Front WWII titles or come up with something new. Mord.
  11. RT hasn't hit winter yet, that's coming in a module sometime this year. There are mods for winter but they are cosmetic only. FI can do Casino but the full forces that were involved (French) are coming in a module some time this year. FI does have winter settings. It all boils down to if you want more Western Allied forces or something more exotic like the Russians? FI provides more content with the Gustav module. Mord.
  12. Thanks back, my man! Your work just keeps getting better and better! Awesome stuff. Good job, buddy! Mord.
  13. No. It comes out looking weird. These are Syrian reserves with a helmet mask and a quick and dirty uniform swap. Hex editing isn't doable with the models. More here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/134204-the-civil-war-is-back-on-the-menu-boys/ Having said all that, feel free to hail me anyway! Mord.
  14. HA! I did that a few weeks back, twice! I spent a couple hours trying to figure out why my tall grass mod wouldn't show up. I painted various grass terrains different colors to see where the problem was. Ended up being I had one of Kieme's mods installed deep within some sub folders. And before that I think it was a helmet or something I didn't know was in a folder. Drove me crazy! Glad you figured it out. Mord.
  15. Extremely under rated singer. His pipes were crystal clear. I think his style over shadowed just how remarkably good he was. Mord.
  16. Thanks! But save it for Tuesday LOL. The way things are going it may be the only one I get. And yeah, where does it go? I was 31 when I joined the forums. Remember your table manners. We don't want any international incidents involving your inability to function around cheese. I think that's pre-programed into every male on the planet. 46-48 were pretty good for me. Mord.
  17. LOL. Good stuff. I watched a few vids and most of the players were so zoomed out they were moving NATO symbols around. What's the point of the detailed graphics if you are so busy clicking you can't enjoy them? It's idiotic. If you can't play the game utilizing the graphics WHY HAVE THEM? That immediately killed it for me. Mord.
  18. Well then, BF gets +5 for extreme attention to detail. And it's easily moddable with a mask texture any way. I've never liked the infantry chinstraps they look like steel bars. Ok NOTHING TO SEE HERE. Mord.
  19. Well, that's good to hear, man. Sincerely. Hope you stick around for another 20. Take your time. No rush. I've got so much real life s*** going on right now I'll refrain from the Metal assault/torture. On top of it I am gonna be the big 5-0 Tuesday! I don't know whether to cry or be happy I made it. I can remember when 30 was unfathomable. Mord.
  20. @CMFDR I am glad you are doing this. You just removed a VERY old to-do off my mod list. I've been wanting to creating a BMP "naming" list for at least the unis for about five years LOL. So, THANKS! BTW any way you can add notes to whatever format you are gonna compile these to? If so, I'd put something to the effect that the uniform naming conventions in BN are void before 2.0. Mord.
  21. That's easily fixable. The vehicle crews (at least LAVs) don't share unis. He shouldn't be shoveling anything, he had heart surgery a year and a half ago! I'd kick him in his ass if my foot could reach. Mord.
  22. Yeah, no problem with posting it. And yes, at this point I can handle the weirdness parts so until they cure that or add some major new effects I'll just stick with 4.0. That sucks for you, 'cause I bet you were crossing your fingers. The problem is a lot of these idiosyncrasies are probably game specific. I highly doubt they even have CM on their radar. Well, maybe the next big version will cover you, 5.0. Mord.
  23. Unless it offers some major changes I'll probably just keep using the version I have now. Mord.
  24. When you're this sexy you gotta go plural, anything less is an affront to God and nature. I like those last three screens the best. Mord.
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