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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Yeah, I'll watch the final season because I am a masochist who wasn't subjected to enough pain in season 7. It's been twenty years so I am curious to see how it all ends. Thanks! That was pretty concise, huh? I can think of three off hand that copied Tolkien fairly closely: The Belgariad series, Wizard's First Rule (didn't like it), and The Wheel of Time (about thirty pages in I chucked it). I never read Shannara (didn't like the background) or Thomas Covenant (couldn't stand Donaldson's prose) but I know they are also in that vein. Yes, I've heard many good things about Lies of Locke Lamora. I may read it one day if I ever turn to some newer fantasy. Mord.
  2. Well, that's the difference from being a player screwing around in the game at one's leisure and being a tiny developer dealing with a couple hundred thousand lines of code across six titles, with multiple nations, during multiple time spans, in multiple settings, while keeping track of hundreds of uniform, weapons, vehicle and troop formation variations along with a thousand other things, while trying to run a business. Try doing all that without making some mistakes. It's all perspective. A handful of TO&E, texture and model mistakes over 8 years across six games doesn't make Steve any less obsessive and dedicated to accuracy, it just shows he's human, like the rest of us and can **** up like the rest of us. The fact that BFC fixes these things when they are pointed out proves that obsessive dedication. I've seen textures corrected because a friggin' bolt was incorrect on a rifle. So, there ya go. Mord.
  3. Probably. The books had a fair amount of sex but not as much as the show. After last season I think the show sucks balls and the two idiots writing it need to go off and work for the WB or something. I have Anthony and Cleopatra in my "holy crap I have a lot of books to read" pile but I want to get some of his other stuff first. I'd like to go chronologically as far as setting goes. BTW if you haven't listened to it, the History of Rome podcast is awesome. Yep. The first three are pure classics. I started the series about a year before A Storm of Swords came out and was blown away by it all. It was the first time in years I didn't read some fantasy cliche crap where the everyday-guy and his mysterious mentor from the left hand side of the map venture forth with a myriad of odd companions to save the world by traveling to the right hand side of the map and vanquishing the "Dark Lord/One/God". But at this point I don't even care. He's gonna have to pull a miracle outta his ass to fix the story and finish the series before he or the world ends. Mord.
  4. Yeah, I was disappointed that I couldn't reproduce it in SF2. There's a bunch of info about why in the Screenshot thread, I believe. Can't remember where I wrote it now. Anyway, yeah, it won't work. EDITED: There's a rehash on the first page of this thread about it. Mord.
  5. That's Hans! He was my proof reader. He obviously paid attention to the genius in my words. Unlike some people...EMRYS. Mord.
  6. He's an OCDed completest that loves the East Front. LOL. I am not worried. Mord.
  7. It's a Mac issue. That mod was made way back and I didn't know at the time Mac's use a different khz setting. The mod runs at 44.100 kHz, 16 Bit, Mono. Macs use 48.000 kHz, 16 Bit, Mono. My BS mods don't have that problem if I remember correctly. I have no idea when I can even get the time to mess with it but in the mean time if you really want to get it running you can convert the files in a Wav editor. There might be someone that could just batch edit them and that would fix it period. Unfortunately I don't have a clue how to batch edit. Sorry, brother! Mord.
  8. I've only installed one new driver since I installed this card in Febuary 2017 and that was to see if I could stop Grim Dawn from crashing after two hours of play. It didn't help but started making CM crash. So, early last year I rolled back to that December 2017 driver and everything works fine. I haven't had any CM crashes and every game I own plays without a hitch except for Grim Dawn. But for the record I NEVER install new drivers unless I absolutely have to. There's no point if everything is working ok. Mord.
  9. Well, the one real world piece of evidence/advice I can provide (that I forgot to mention) that is pertinent to CM is that the Firecuda is lightening fast after the second start, which is huge when I mod. A cold boot of CM can be almost 30 seconds for me depending on how many mods I have loaded. The second however, about four seconds! I don't notice that so much with other games because I rarely start, stop and restart like with CM but the drive is supposed to get faster and faster as you log out and log back on, which from what I have read can increase up to X5 the original boot speed. So, I do recommend it if you want to get one. Mord.
  10. Best bet is Ebay or Amazon. There's no Digital Download for BB anywhere. BF took the old games out of the store when they updated it but I don't know if or when they'll add them back. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=combat+mission+barbarossa+to+berlin&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=ebay+combat+mission+barbarossa+to+berlin https://www.amazon.com/s?k=combat+mission+barbarossa+to+berlin&qid=1550242598&ref=sr_pg_1 Manual https://www.amazon.com/Combat-Mission-Barbarossa-Berlin-Manual/dp/B002VP4QIE/ref=sr_1_17?keywords=combat+mission+barbarossa+to+berlin&qid=1550242598&s=gateway&sr=8-17 Mord.
  11. It's incredible when used as a force for good LOL. I believe it's one of the top internet inventions of all time. It boggles the mind that you can sit for hours and hours watching videos on specific topics that no network or even on demand cable provider would even consider airing. Youtube has completely removed the middle man that stood between content creation and viewer. Any dude/dudette with nothing more than a lap top and a video camera/phone now has the power of a multi-million dollar corporation. There's never been a time in human entertainment (or knowledge) history like we are living in right now. Most people born after 95 will never understand how fortunate they are and how amazing it all is. That's good that you are getting a few more choices. Always nice to have a local place you can run to especially when it's an emergency. I really like them. They were a nice compromise between the outrageously priced SSDs (over a grand at 1TB back then I believe) and regular HDs. They are quicker than a regular HD, and I got them for $99.00 a piece which was sweet compared to SSDs. I put Win 10 on my SSD and use one 'Cuda for gaming and the other for videos and music. Here's a really geeky tech review on them if you are interested. I believe I used this back when I was researching. I fought as long as I could before I finally gave up XP. Funny thing is I was the same way with Win98. There was no in between, I went from 98 straight to XP then to 8 and 10. I am a stubborn, creature of habit. And yes, I am very happy with the build. It was worth the pain and frustration. After having gotten every computer I ever owned either from a box store or (on one occasion) used, it was the first time I ever had something where I never even bothered to look at recommended specs if I wanted a game. I knew right out of the gate it would take the game and slap it sideways. I max everything and still slay the frames. If I have my way I'll never buy a pre-built again in my life. I know what's in the comp, when it was purchased, when it was installed etc. Mord.
  12. OOPS! I knew he said it, I apparently didn't scroll up far enough. I must've cut that from your reply to him. LOL. Mord.
  13. LOL. That whole build was a horror show. It started with getting it all put together and I had a bad water cooler. Replaced that and got everything up and running and started dling my Steam library. Went to work for about four hours, came back and it was dead. I spent a couple of days trouble shooting everything. I ended up back on Amazon reading some reviews on the FTW card and decided to read all the bad ones. I hadn't bothered before because of how ungodly good all the Youtube reviews and benchmarks had been. That's when I found out about it frying motherboards and catching fire. One guy had a pic of where it caught fire and scorched his comp. I concluded through all my other tests that it had to be what happened. I couldn't get a post. I don't think I even had lights. Yes, go with Amazon next time if you have them there. Their return policy is unmatched. My only screw up was that after I printed out the return labels (that they sent me) I scheduled a pick up with UPS. It took about ten days to get my refund. However, if I had taken the packages to a UPS shipper I wouldn've gotten a refund immediately after they scanned in the boxes. That's what happened when I returned the Titanium board. But that time spent waiting on my money allowed me a bunch of extra research time. I was all ready as soon as the money was back in my account. That's when the RAM jumped 30 bucks. The rig was my first ever build. A 48th birthday gift to myself and a dream I'd had going back to like 1995. That Titanium board was probably a better board but it was overkill and I wasn't happy with it. So, I opted for switching it out. I told myself it'll be a VERY long time before you'll be able to do this again, do it right and make sure you are happy with your choices. It took just over a month from when I placed my first order to when I finally got it all built and running. Almost a year to tonight as a matter of fact. I started two weeks before my birthday and had it finished two weeks after. These are my specs. i7-7700k 4.5 ghz MSI Z270 GAMING M7 motherboard MSI GTX 1080 Gaming X 8GB DDR5x 32GB Corsair Dominator Platinum Series 3000 mhz RAM Samsung 850 Evo 250GB SSD Two Seagate 2TB Firecuda SSHD Pioneer 16x BDR (Bluray burner) EVGA Supernova 1000w 80 Plus Gold PSU Corsair Hydro Series H115i Liquid cooler Corsair Graphite Series T760 Full Tower case Windows XP Just kidding! Well, I hope your next rig gets you everything you want and the vid cards are flowing like water at good prices. Mord.
  14. Best way to test it would be to double one of the tracers, like red, make one purple or something crazy and try it out. The only thing the new engine (as in newer than SF) added that SF didn't have, as far as I know, was the ability to have multiple vehicle textures. Other than that there hasn't been a lot of changes in that department. But I could be wrong. I usually just test these things once and then move on. Mord.
  15. Yeah, I am not in the market but was brushing up on some knowledge while helping a forum member. I think the prices will come back down to earth. Just wait until all those Miner cards start flooding the aftermarket. I don't necessarily think it was the manufacturers but people on Amazon and Newegg using the drought to gouge the crap outta everyone. I saw one guy selling my MSI Gaming X for a grand! That RTX 2060 is now a NO-brainer. There's no way in hell 6-10 extra frames is worth 500-700 more dollars LOL. So, those new RTX cards should also help bring the 10 series back down too. I've periodically checked on my specs over the last two years to see how the prices have been. Apparently a couple of choices for my build were done right in the nick of time. RAM doubled within a month or so of my purchase and has just now started to drop. You can get my RAM config now for 10 bucks above what I paid. At one point it was over double the price! I had an EVGA 1080 FTW card fry my motherboard on my first build attempt and had to return 90% of my parts to Amazon. In that interim the RAM jumped 30 bucks. After that it went nuts. I started with the Maximus Hero IX but didn't replace it when the EVGA card screwed me. I went with an MSI X Power Gaming Titanium and then turned around and sent it back and got a MSI Gaming M7. LOL. THAT build took quite a bit of time. And I'll tell you what I'll never buy a vid card from EVGA again. Come to find out, they knew their 1080 was killing boards, and in some cases, catching fire and never recalled the cards. They did however send out thermal pad kits to customers who requested them so they could fix the problem themselves. That's if you knew about the problem. Nice, huh? I returned about two grand worth of hardware just to be on the safe side. Mord.
  16. Thanks! That was something I made to get a break from making portraits. They start to drive me crazy after a while. That RT portrait mod will be updated once the module comes out. There's a ton more in the module version. Glad you got it worked out. BTW if you are looking for a new card anytime soon I just saw the RTX 2060s (the 1060 is coming soon which will be the non-RTX version of the 2060. Yeah, they named it 1060 AGAIN.) are running frames just shy of my GTX 1080 and they cost 500 dollars less! My specific 1080 is going for almost 250 more than when I bought it in 2017! But now that the bottom has dropped out on all those jerkoff Bitcoin miners the market is hopefully gonna stabilize. They about destroyed the vidcard market for gamers over the last two years. Mord.
  17. Have you tried the in-game AA after you fixed the Nivida problem? And so you know, Movie Mode (alt-M) will turn off AA if you use in-game AA. Just in case you try Move Mode and wonder what happened. Mord.
  18. You live with 7 chicks, 6 I am assuming are your daughters. How do you think your night is going to go? LOL. If you want to survive it, that is. You must've spent 300 bucks on flowers! Mord.
  19. I don't think so. But adding mods in CM is simple, all you do is drop them in your mod folder. That's it. Mord.
  20. @Digger_au You should be alright if you activate it through the game. I have a 1080 and use AA under "Options" in the main menu and have never had a problem in any of the games. Mord.
  21. Yeah, it won't work. Effects won't use multiple textures like uniforms and vehicles as far as I remember. I tested that at some point, probably back when BN came out. Mord.
  22. Anytime. You won't need the mod tools to install mods. All you have to do is drop the mods in your mod folder and start the game. You just want to make sure you don't install two of the same mod. If you do the mod that has the name furthest down the alphabet will be the one chosen, EX; Allen's Tank Mod would be passed over for Mike's Tank Mod. Mord.
  23. RT is pretty sweet straight out of the box. I'd recommend: JuJu's UI http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=703 Vein's Effects (can be used with all titles) http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=703 My portraits if you want a different style to JuJu's and/or want specific German divisions and backgrounds. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=7136 And whatever sound mods are to your taste. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?cat=36 Mord.
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