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Everything posted by Mord

  1. Absolutely, my friend, anytime. I am glad the thread has helped so many people. I almost didn't write it, glad I did. Mord.
  2. Nevermind, buddy of mine in Md is gonna take them. Has an uncle that likes Red Lobster LOL. It all works out. Mord.
  3. and want to make a dollar for dollar trade or I could knock off five bucks or so? I just got a bunch of gift cards in the mail from my father. LOL I don't know what he was thinking (he'd already given me a birthday present) but among them he sent me two 50 dollar Red Lobster gift cards. We don't have any Red Lobsters restaurants in Maine. Nearest one is Connecticut! So I don't know what else to do but try and trade them. I called him and we talked so he knows they can't be used here. Funny thing is I don't even like seafood and he knows that. LOL. He spent my whole childhood fighting with me to eat something besides french fries and Spaghetti Os! I know this is out there but I don't wanna waste the money. I can Priority mail them at my cost. I'd do Paypal or Steam trade. PM if interested. I am sure this will get locked. I have no where else to ask. LOL. Mord. P.S. I validated them on the Red Lobster site and they are for those amounts.
  4. Somebody was saying my listing for the CM logos I had posted on CMMODs wasn't flashy enough and I should make a video or something to get people interested in down loading it. LOL. Oh and BTW, I didn't create the logos just packaged them all together. I am not exactly sure but I don't think akd has those mods anymore. I could be wrong though. Mord.
  5. I knew you were headed in this direction. Nice work, buddy! I'll get in touch with you in a few days. I have some very old work you may find interesting. Blimey and I actually put a lot of time into working on an Afghanistan mod about 8 months before BS came out and then scrapped it. He had a ton of stuff but I don't have it anymore. A lot of it wouldn't work in SF2 anyway. Mord. P.S. You weren't the one complaining about my lack of flash on CMMODs were you?
  6. I started with D&D but it was never a favorite. I was more into Top Secret, Boot Hill, Talislanta, and Marvel Super Heroes and a bit later Call of Cthulhu. On the reading side I was more a Howard and Conan freak than Tolkien and Lord of the Rings. In the last four years or so the only "fantasy" I have played gaming wise has been Grim Dawn and Battle Brothers and neither of them has Elves and Dwarfs. Most of the games I really love are history based. There are some exceptions, but my true loves/addictions are historical heavy. I wish more RPGs would try that avenue. Mord.
  7. I'll just go ahead and kill myself now and get it out of the way. Mord.
  8. Well, jokes on you 'cause I just signed the papers, MFer! My new avatar is gonna be a grim reaper in mouse ears. You'll ALL fear me then! Mord. P.S. One E -ticket and you can die all day.
  9. I see you have failed in understanding the pecking order of hierarchy. Your name presides over a kind of murder but my name presides over ALL murder*. Welcome to the big leagues...Patchouli sniffer! Mord. *At least in Denmark...your mileage (and murder) will vary the further away you get.
  10. You do realize my name means "murder" in Demark, right? Uh huh...keep movin'. Mord.
  11. Yep. They are the original LARPers. More power to them but it is a geekfest. There's actually a pretty good documentary about them on Amazon (I think). I wouldn't be caught dead running around in leotards screaming "FIREBALL! FIREBALL! FIREBALL!" while I pretended I was casting spells on a 4th level Ranger-Elf-Assassin with blue hair. LOL. As it stands now I can't stand most fantasy in books, movies and video games. It's just soooo cliche. That's badass. Did you ever imagine one day you'd be able to play that battle in your kitchen or living room, with nary a fraction of the setup time or worrying about the rules? It sucks getting older, but having lived through cardboard and pen & paper games we can truly appreciate the gaming times we are living in. TSR was a big part of my childhood. I had just about every RPG they put out between 1980 to 1985. Two friends turned me onto D&D and that was it, my life was never the same. It's your thread, you can do with it as you please. Besides there are a hundred just like it stretching all the way back to CMBO. I even made one circa 2000! Nobody's gonna care, no worries. Mord.
  12. That's pretty helpful. I'll have to look it over more once I know how I am going about this. People, refer future replies here so we don't completely kill IICptMillerII's thread. Mord.
  13. Yep! @37mm. Another good one! @General Jack Ripper SLIM's was cool too. Thanks, fellas. You know I am to the point where about 90% of my "TV" watching time is game plays/game movies on Youtube. What an amazing thing that some guy sitting on his comp a thousand miles away could be creating content that is more entertaining to me than multi-million dollar Hollywood crap. Must be why they are doing everything they can to destroy the amateurs ability to make a living on YouTube. Mord.
  14. WTF? LOL. You are giving me a headache! Ok, so I just make division portraits for ALL Army types? Say 1st Div Stryker, 1st Div Heavy Infantry, 1st Div Infantry? Armor will still be under Arm Div, yeah LOL? Airborne can go under what, Infantry and/or? So, this is WWII structure correct (minus all the engineer attachments etc. stuff)?: (Infantry) Division A.) Regiment > a1.) Battalion a2.) Battalion a3.) Battalion B.) Regiment > b1.) Battalion b2.) Battalion b3.) Battalion C.) Regiment > c1.) Battalion c2.) Battalion c3.) Battalion My formation portraits for BN and FI went Background Division/Small Patch Regiment Now what does modern structure look like? I can get a little more defined for SF2 and do Background Brigade/Small Patch Division. That's not that big a deal. MUCH less work than the WWII stuff from what I am guessing, just more confusing since I haven't attempted it yet. LOL. I don't think 5% of the people even use the s*** to be honest but I like being thorough. There's a certain pride in the detail. last question is what divisions would be included? I know they won't be full divisions strength wise but I need an idea so I know what patches I'll be using. Mord.
  15. That's not a bug it's a feature. It's Battlefront's way of punishing you for doing something that no one else in the history of computer gaming thought to do...delete something that isn't there. Mord.
  16. Yes, Mord likes that answer. However, now the question is what divisions fall under Stryker, Heavy infantry etc.? Mord.
  17. Is that what you meant by "not alone"? Well, hell using that criteria I am a serial polygamist! Awesome! I worked at the Renaissance Festival when I was 18, almost joined Darkon but it was stupid compared to the SCA. Mord.
  18. LOL. I wrote that to simplify what took place. I didn't exactly say Steam Wallet to him. I had to explain it. But if you don't know, all a Steam wallet is is an account that you transfer funds into. Same thing that happens when you get a Steam Gift Card or an Amazon Gift card, you load the amount into your user account and whatever you purchase is subtracted from the total. Mord.
  19. Your silence is all the "amen" I needed, dear and gentle Ian...bless you, brother. Bless you. Mord.
  20. I had a steady chick back when I first got into CM, and let me tell you, she didn't like it. Pay special attention to the very important word "had". LOL. Mord.
  21. If you owned all of SF1 you can get the entire SF2 package for $35.00 bucks. Mord.
  22. If I were married or had a girlfriend I'd already be a eunuch. Can I get an amen, married guys? Mord.
  23. Hell yeah! I don't know how much more "challenging" it might be, that's kind of subjective but the 10 years of progress the engine has made since 1 is phenomenal. It's really a completely new game. Mord.
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