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Everything posted by Mord

  1. But isn't it funny, CM2 sucks so bad that 12 years later they are still playing and b****ing about it? Some of them even create scenarios and mods. When a normal human dislikes something they usually ignore it. The solitary dude whistling in the empty room is Lewis, he's been banned more times than a taco in Karen Carpenter's kitchen. Mord.
  2. I am a little over half way through Persian Fire by Tom Holland. All about Persia's rise to power and push for empire and their collision course with the Greeks. I am a sucker for popular history and he pretty much checks that box. I am no fan of the dry scholarly type of history. It bores me. He cites everything without it getting in the way of the story telling so he does his due diligence. My one criticism is that he has some clunky sentence structures sometimes (at least they seem that way to me) and it forces me to reread lines to absorb it. It's like walking up the stairs in roller skates in my brain. Overall I have enjoyed it, though, it's taking me a really long time to finish it. Too much stuff like modding, gaming and Youtube getting in the way. https://www.amazon.com/Persian-Fire-First-Empire-Battle/dp/0307279480/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547081994&sr=8-1&keywords=tom+holland+persian+fire Mord.
  3. That is a dark book. If there's a WWII memoir that would make you thankful you weren't there that'd be the one. Really good read. Mord.
  4. Nice article, man. My only criticism is that it ended. LOL. I was just starting to really dig in and it was over. Well done! Here's something that came to mind just before I started reading. Did it always exist (PTSD, Shell Shock, Battle Fatigue) or is it a symptom of modern-ish (gun powder) warfare and civilization? Is shooting and bombing a man less "violent" than bashing his head in with an axe or spilling his guts with a sword? Killing was surely much more intimate when it was almost solely waged hand-to-hand and eye to eye. Were Romans, Vikings, feudal kingdoms etc. living so close with death on a daily basis and so steeped in their warrior ethos, that we lost the ability to compartmentalize and absorb the barbarity the further we civilized and moved away from day-to-day killing? Was it bred out of us? Ultra violence was the order of the day for Samurai, American Indian tribes, Mongols etc. Just about every continent had warrior cultures. Or was there always a breaking point and just no one to recognize or record it? EDITED: I recognized that Fred Salter description almost right away. I read that book just last year. I was like, man that sounds familiar! Oh, that's that recon book you read about the dude in Italy. Mord.
  5. This song is so kickass it will make you punch your own face. Mord.
  6. A friend of mine was into them when I was 14. He went and saw them on Defenders of the Faith. I told my mom that he had went and she was like why didn't you go? I was thinking you don't even let me leave the house after dark it never even occurred to me to ask to go to a concert! So, technically that could've been my first show ever! That would've been a good one to put on the resume. I also missed Deep Purple's Perfect Strangers tour because I was out of state. My cousin had a ticket for me. That also would've been a first concert. I had that happen with Gordon Lightfoot and Alan Parsons (though I've seen Gord three times and AP once). They are two of my favorites. And it sure does blow sitting around that night knowing they are playing and you are stuck at home! I've got one that tops both of our miseries, though. WAAAAAAY worse. In 87 Pink Floyd got back together. Everybody I knew got tickets including me. We ended up moving so I put the ticket in a safe place so I wouldn't lose it. Come concert time a few months down the road and I couldn't remember where I hid the ticket. I ended up missing the show. Flash forward a year or so and my brother is visiting and is reading one of my Conan comics. He says "Pink Floyd, what's this?" and holds up the ticket! I had a ton of Conan comics and he happens to grab THE one. I told him it would've been better if it had stayed lost! That show was 28 bucks! I missed a 28 dollar Floyd concert because of a comic book and my stupidity! You probably couldn't buy three beers at a concert for 28 bucks now. Yep. THE Cars. My all time favorite band ever. I have a buddy, and he used to love telling me how he saw them a bunch of times, especially on the Candy O tour. My all time favorite album. "Did I ever tell you about the time I saw The Cars on the Candy O tour?" So, when they came around in 2011 I got on the phone and was like WE ARE GOING I DON'T CARE WHAT THE TICKETS COST! It was hard seeing them without Benjamin Orr, but they left his mic stand on stage which was a nice tribute. Yep. That album single-handedly did what Def Leppard, Judas Priest, Krokus, Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, and Motley Crew couldn't — it instantly made me a Metal Head. I went nuts after that. Yeah, then he was killed three months after I discovered them. I saw them on the Injustice tour and lost interest in anything after that. The guy I mentioned above seen them on Kill'em All and Ride The Lightening! A couple years back I started doing searches on Youtube for Synth bands from that era that I may have missed and found some pretty cool stuff. I'll PM you some links if your interested. You cheated. But I did say no NUmetal not NUman. LOL. NICE! Mord.
  7. They definitely should be in CM:Nam. And Battlefront should hurry up and make CM:Nam. It's going on twenty years. Mord. P.S. The blast would look just like the canister charges in those great Stuart screen shots. The Cone of Deadly Shredding.
  8. Ahh! GOOD to know! Thanks! Yeah, the brzs for SF2 are dirty as all get out. There's a ton of left over trash in them, it never occurred to me that that bled into the portraits. The uniforms are a horror show. Mord.
  9. This came out in 2003. Not exactly new, but newer than a band that established their sound in the late 70s or 80s. See if you can hear what I am trying to say about that traditional sound that I talked about. Mord.
  10. Yeah, Celtic Frost was one of the bands that made me a Metal Head. After I heard Master of Puppets in 86 I was like where has this s*** been all my life? And I started seeking out Speed/Power/Thrash stuff. I actually bought them because I loved the cover on the cassette. Back then there was no way to hear new bands unless you took a leap with your very light wallet or your buddies passed you a mixed tape. I just checked out Mastadon "Motherload" and liked it. I am gonna check out more of their stuff. Killswitch Engaged, and the other stuff you mentioned before just doesn't speak to me. If you listen to any of what I have been listing and then some of these bands like Hatebreed etc. You can tell the difference in the styles. Metal is like obscenity, I know it when I hear it LOL. A lot of those bands just aren't Metal to me. They are heavy, yes, but different. An offshoot that's just never captured me. kinda like Grunge. I just could never identify with it. That's why I agreed that it was an age thing. A lot of my buddies feel the same way. There's something to be said having grown up with a lot of it as it came out. I don't know how to describe it. But there's definitely a traditional sound a lot of these newer (90s on) bands just don't have that's important to me. I listened to some Punk growing up. Seen The Ramones twice, got in a fight at a Butthole Surfers concert. That's pretty punk LOL. My buddy was a big Dead Kennedys fan when we were kids so they were played a lot. I leaned more toward New Wave which evolved out of Punk, Adam Ant, The Fixx, The Cars, Gary Numan, Human League, Ultravox, Kraftwerk, Devo, B52s, stuff like that. But I'd have to say The Ramones is my favorite Punk band. Been into them since I was 14. Mord.
  11. That's a sweet line up! I never did get to see Priest. Saw Testament in 99. I turned to my buddy and said why is Chuck Billy standing on the amps. Then I realized he wasn't! 98-99 was one helluva a year for seeing live music. We saw a lot of bands in that time span. Let me tell you something about RDJ. We saw him in a small club in Pasadena Md in 98 or 99. After the show a bunch of people lined up out back at his tour bus to meet him. He came out and started shaking hands and signing cds and albums. After about ten minutes his handlers started telling him they had to go and he kept replying that they could wait until he was finished. I was standing with a roadie talking and he said the night before Dio met about a 150 fans and signed autographs for them. And he didn't leave the night we saw him until he'd met everyone in that parking lot that had been in line. He was the real deal and truly appreciated the people he knew gave him the life he was living. You hear a lot of these guys talk s*** about loving the fans but he really did. I personally didn't meet him, just watched my friends and other fans do it and I'll never forget how gracious and friendly he was. He was a great man and very generous with his time. Seen Anthrax in 88 in Portland Me, then the CoT tour I mentioned, and then at the state fair in Md with John Bush singing, White Zombie opened for them, I think that was 92. And yeah, much better with Joey. Though I did get to see Bush in his natural state a couple years back fronting Armored Saint again! Yeah, that SUCKS! They were one of my greatest concert moments along with finally seeing The Cars. I saw Sabbath at Ozzfest in 96 or 97 at the Nissan Pavilion in Virginia. Then I was supposed to see them a couple days before my 30th birthday in 99 but they cancelled and we ended up seeing them a month or so later. That was in Philadelphia. Bill Ward was with them that time. I never thought I'd see them. I knew the words to the entire Paranoid album when I was seven. My brother used to play that album non-stop. So, it was cool seeing them twice. We ignored his attitude and he eventually calmed down. Tom and Jeff were way cooler and very friendly. LOL. It took us like three hours to get everyone's autograph. I missed work the next day. BoC! They were the very first band I ever met (same club I saw Dio at). Some chick dragged me along with her and broke my cherry. They were pretty s****y dudes. Very uppity. But after that I started getting autographs when I saw bands. Mord.
  12. You can add Army Mech Infantry portraits to the list. There's no formation that utilizes them. The only Army portraits that show up now are Infantry, Stryker, and Heavy Infantry. Mord.
  13. Cool. The vids look fine with them in but just wanted to make sure you knew. Mord.
  14. That's damn nice considering you have to work around the head wrap. Mord.
  15. Your vids are really looking awesome! Good job, man. In case you don't know Rambler has a mod that will get rid of the red cross. Makes for even more immersive screens and vids. http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=2012 Mord.
  16. Thanks. I don't understand what you are saying. The two statements contradict each other. But outside of the Armor portrait there really isn't any way to tell Armoured Infantry from Mech and regular. They all wear the same thing. I'm probably gonna make the guy with the goggles Mech, though. Mord.
  17. Hold the phone on the Syrian Armor portrait! It does work. There are so many tank options under other formations I missed it. It comes up when you choose tanks under Armor. Sorry, I must've only looked under Republican Guards and Mech Infantry the other day. When you choose tank platoons under them you get the Mech and Rep Guard portraits. Everything else is is correct though. No US armor and Spy portraits and the Reserve camo is still there. Again, sorry for the false alarm on the Syrian portrait. You guys got enough to do without needing to chase your tails. There's a similar problem in Black Sea where no US formation will use a US tank portrait when tanks are involved. and the Russians and Ukrainians don't use their Infantry portraits. Mord.
  18. Managed to knock out all the Brits today! I got on a roll and couldn't stop. I'll be glad when I finally have all the base portraits down so I can start putting the formations together. That's gonna be a bit of work. I also included some pics of the Marines tanker. You guys haven't seen him yet. You would not believe just how many separate pictures make up the Brits and the USMC tanker. Unreal. I think the Marine tanker alone was 7 different pics. Mord.
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