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Everything posted by Mord

  1. You guys didn't hit any fast food joints in that period did you? My brother had that happen after a Burger King visit, once. Mord.
  2. Teacher says whenever you hear a tank explode, a German gets an iron cross. Mord.
  3. I loved his voice. He was an endless well of movie trivia. You do know Emrys is gonna come in here and tell you how when he was a kid they'd take a blanket out to the fire pit and wave it through the smoke. One puff meant a dial tone, two meant the other fire was busy cooking a rabbit. Mord.
  4. Ok. I guess traffic barriers could be science but tanks are MORE SCIENCE! Mord.
  5. No need to apologize. I thought you might be going in that direction but then the head gear would have to be for the Special Forces because then EVERY body else (Mech, Reserves, Guards, Airborne) would be wearing it. It's a complete conundrum. It wouldn't work with the Uncons because they don't have any helmets. It's a Gordian knot and we can't cut it as far as I can see. The key to all of this is locked up in those mdses somewhere. EDITED: Or come to think of it maybe not. I think they rewrote it so that you don't need separate models for separate textures. Mord.
  6. Best thing that could've happened to this thread. Mord.
  7. The Thunderbirds. We had Creature Feature in Maryland, it'd come on Saturday nights after The Cisco Kid and The Lone Ranger. The host was Count Gore De Vol. He was Captain Twenty during the week days. Mord.
  8. It mus boil down to fidelity issues because that wasn't the case in CM1. Vehicles could knock each other out and also push wrecks out of the way. Funny thing is, we are 1:1 now, with a good deal of WYSIWYG yet we have some bigger abstractions than the old games. I can live with the friendly fire stuff but tanks moving through tanks drives me crazy. It just looks bad. Mord.
  9. Not necessarily. There are a few exceptions, like weapons and flavor objects. but you can't take Muj from CMA and get them into SF2 if that's what you're hoping for. There's no way. Read my quote of myself above, it'll explain it. I am not exactly sure what was needed to be done with the beret but whatever it was it won't work with cross game models like soldiers. I'd love to be wrong. But I don't see how it could be done without completely hacking the code. But ANYONE is welcome to prove me wrong! I'd be thrilled if they did. BUT whatever they did it wouldn't be the old way of hex editing. Anyway, I'd kill to get the MUJ to take the place of the Uncons. Mord.
  10. Oh, and I can say they don't model vehicle to vehicle friendly fire. I set up a test in BS one day with Russians on each side of the map and had them fire near each other. There were no direct hits and the only damage was caused by secondary explosions from the ground. Mord.
  11. I tested that in SF1. There's a thread on it somewhere. I think it was 50 cal and up that could kill friendlies. Found it. I don't know if it still applies. Mord. P.S. Can't believe I found that. I checked that thread as a lark. I thought my post was in a thread I'd created myself. LUCKY!
  12. Man, I was watching that and going, that really is some ancient tech. Been quite a while since I've seen one. But funny as hell, "resetting" it. LOL. Mord.
  13. Man, that was a blast from the past. I forgot all about him. They used to have him on WBLM I think or WJBQ. Good god, man! You just hammered me with nostalgia! My butt was parked in front of the TV every Saturday afternoon, a pile of Marx cowboys and indians and dinosaurs in tow. Attack of the Mushroom People, War of the Gargantuas, Gamera/Godzilla vs what-the-hell-ever, Daimajin/Return of Daimajin/Daimajin Strikes Again, Attack of the Colossal Man. Then the Movie Loft on channel 38 that night (always seemed like they were playing a Billy Jack movie)! Mighty Mouse and The Mighty Heroes after school. All you forgot to mention was Dr. Demento, Space 1999 and the Irish Rovers. Isn't the theme music by Emerson, Lake and Palmer? I thought I had that CD at one point. They get extra points for always showing that hacked together Johnny Sokko flick. It was my favorite show (after Ultraman when I was six). When I moved to Maine they didn't have it up here. All they had was the pseudo-movie on CDF. And one more. If you've never seen this commercial you literally slept through the 70s. Mord.
  14. Ah! DUH! I gotchya! Yep! Sorry! LOL. Yeah, it screws up the model swapping. I tried mixing the Combatants with Reserves and all it did was change all the Reserves to weird looking Combatants. I wrote about the non existent hex editing in the Civil War thread I think. But at least we have this. It's better than nothing. EDITED: Here's the post "Textures, yes, depending on how different the models are. Model swaps absolutely can't be done. I spent a good four hours or so the other day dicking around in the hex editor eyeing up the Syrian mds files. Charles locked them down hard. @Blimey reported this waaaay back when BS came out but I wanted to see what was what for myself. The Brain some how tied ALL the Syrian soldiers into a single set of mdses. ALL their codes point to lines entitled "placeholder uniform" "place holder skin" place holder boots". The old mdses had a set for each soldier type and their code would point to something like "syrian reserve soldier" "syrian reserve uniform" etc. In effect there is no way to trick the mdses because every single file, no matter what it is, says "placeholder uniform" etc. The only reason Mikey pulled off that weapon swap was because the weapons files hadn't been screwed with." LOL. I got so excited with CptMiller's mod I confused myself. Mord.
  15. Reserve has it's own uniforms and helmet. Mech/Guards share a uniform and helmet, Airborne and Special Forces have their own uniforms and helmets. Mord.
  16. So, my guess would be one of those models is Reserve and one Guards/Airborne/Special Forces? Mord.
  17. @Battlefront.com Steve, seeing that you around can you move this to the Mod Forum? I PMed you October 12th about it. LOL. Mord.
  18. That's exactly what I was getting at when MJ posted that Cheese maker video in the screenshot thread. Mord.
  19. Maybe he was into Homererotic literature... Mord. P.S. That's right I am using it again. Seeing that all you guys ignored it last time it's what you deserve!
  20. After that f***ing book post, I don't blame you! I don't think I've read much of anything on it since school. Which is curious because it was my favorite war up until I got into my 20s. I've been meaning to read Shaara's books on the Revolution for years and still haven't bought any. I read his father's Killer Angels book and liked that a lot. I am gonna join you. No new books in 2019 until I read at least 20 that I already have! It works out though, I'm broke so I can't buy any anyway. LOL. See how I timed that? I am not sure where I acquired my bibliophilia from but damn, I've been like this as long as I can remember. Mord.
  21. Funny part was when I was watching them put them together I was thinking that looks like I toy I would've got for Christmas in 1974. Mord.
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