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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Way to copy over games which need installs: 1) Install game on new system in the same location. 2) Patch up to whatever version you had on old. 3) Copy files from old system over new system. Boom, you can have your hacked HL install. WWB
  2. 120 turns is for scenarios only, Ops still have a 60 turns per battle max. Briefings need to be in plain text, not Word format. To go from word to plain text, just choose save as then choose plain text from the drop down list of filetypes. I suggest using the format one sees in the CD scenarios as that is a kind of de-facto standard for briefings. WWB
  3. IIRC, usually malliable, softer metals. Like lead. WWB
  4. Running 2 parallel will not work so well for CM, as DirectX items only display on the primary monitor. So, having a 2nd card just means a black monitor when playing CM. WWB
  5. I would say no. Nothing is really using that kind of RAM is currently on the market, though the next generation stuff (HL2, Doom3) might well. As for CM, I have seen very little real difference between 64mb and 128mb. Anything over 128mb is likely overkill. WWB
  6. One point--water in CM is 20m wide. Or 60 feet. Most things we call rivers are not even that wide, and I live on the rather wet east coast. WWB
  7. Overall, I do think the 88s accuracy is a bit low without TRPs. Combined with dust breaking LOS to targets, borg spotting, and some funky behavios, it can lead to unrealisic results. Especailly on open maps with lots of targets. I dont think there is much that can be done save the engine rewrite, as alot of the flaws go back to fundamental mechanics, not anything that can be tweaked in the unit modeling. That said: As the designer of the scenario in question that is pretty much how it worked out historically. Wolz held fire until they were inside 1200m at least--I suspect 800m. When the full fusillade opened, it was something akin to the end of the Charge of the Light Brigade, with tracks. It should be noted that original version of the scenario started with the 88s emplaced. They were bloody slaughters. Very bloody slaughters. WWB
  8. Yeah, great idea if you have production lines making .45 caliber pistol rounds. WWB
  9. No uninstall for CMBB, just delete the folder & shortcuts. Dont worry--CM does not make any registry entries, so there is no collateral damage. WWB
  10. Actually, that is a very good suggestion, and I dont see too much trickle down effect. It would make them behave more like they were intended. The main effect will be that units dont try and retreat out of them. WWB
  11. I too have seen this, and have desparately tried to replicate with no success. But I must say that one bomb leveling downtown stalingrad was entertaining. WWB
  12. Therein lies the problem. It should not need any compatibility mode. CM runs just fine as an XP native program. No need to putz around with any compatibility mode. And make sure you are not playing directly off of the CD, like last time. That is how one has that little prefs issue. WWB [ April 13, 2004, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  13. How exactly does a brain in a jar with a firewire connection to 2 G5 boxes operate a motor vehicle, join a monastary or play an insturment? WWB
  14. Yup, server load rendering the very busy forum is to blame for that. Forums in general are a bear on servers. To the point that most cheap webhosts ban them in their terms of service. WWB
  15. Historical tactics work--use MGs and arty to strip the tank of infantry protection and keep it buttoned. Then use tank hunters and infantry (those grenade bundles are nasty) to take out the offending tank. If you have to duke it out with a T34, the early models can be penetrated in the front turret inside 250m or so by 50mm short and 37mm AT guns. WWB
  16. So use July-1944/American/Combined Arms/Infantry. Problem solved. And you can still buy tanks. Mechanized means forces from an Armored Division, which was very short on infantry in any case, and had a single armored infantry regiment, and no leg or plain motorized infantry IIRC. This is far different from the german force layout where an armored division would have 2 infantry regiments, most of which would be simply motorized. Then again, in terms of equipment and TO&E, a standard US infantry division had about the same amount of mechanization and heavy weapons as a German PanzerGrenadier division. WWB [ April 03, 2004, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  17. Good stuff here. Especially terrain FOW. There are alot of scenarios I have data on that I could not do because they did revolve around tanks blundering into soft ground and such. Regarding dynamic victory conditions, that can be rolled into the event engine to some extent. They really do go hand in hand. But the general idea to move towards mission-based, not casualty-based, scoring is a very good one IMHO. WWB
  18. Subscribe to the RSS feed and you will know instantly . . . WWB
  19. See http://www.bootsandtracks.com/ROWRules.php#scoring for details. Bottom line is you just should score as well as possible in all your games. WWB
  20. We all have our wishlists. But we should be thinking big and earth shaking, not just prettier CM. So, with that said, a few neato things I would like to see: 1) Some kind of events handling in scenarios. So, when one side approached a certain point, took a certain amount of casualties, took a certain flag, etc, etc. one could then trigger things like messages, reinforcements, bonuses, new flags, and all manner of goodies. Would be best if this was wrapped in a nice, extensible events engine using some sort of scripting. 2) Ditch the tile based mapping system. Go with a vector based system instead. Bye-bye square blocks, curveless roads and more. 3) If we must stick with tiles, break it out into terrain and objects upon the terrain. EG, you could have a brush tile with a wooden house. The ability to tie the objects to points rather than gird squares would be really cool in this scenario. 4) Allow for multiple combinations of forces, etc, within one scenario file. This would let designers make one map the tweak it for AI or human play without posting multiple battles. 5) For the campaign types--build in an XML schema for CM Units. This would allow for easy import and export of units, making somewhat automated campaings possible. 6) True multiplayer. In addition, a spectator mode would be very, very cool. Imagine fulltime CM servers. 7) Not earth shattering, but quite important--allow the game to be started with command line switches. That would allow 3rd parties to make utilties, such as PBEM helper, much better. And allow for an application like hyperlobby. Manually entering IP addresses is so last century. Thats all I have to say for now. Carry on. WWB
  21. Not directly. But some conversions have been made. See Boots & Tracks for details. WWB
  22. We tried to talk Wild Bill out of retirement, but we could not. So we settled for the next best thing--we recreated some of his classic CMBO battles. When he was not busy running the Rumblings of War, Kingfish kept himself busy remaking not one but four Wild Bill battles. And now Boots & Tracks proudly presents: Chambois Death of the Titans To the Last Man Ardennes-Team Desobry In addition, to help you all feed your sceanario additions, we are proud to present our XML RSS feeds. Currently the site offers two. The first syndicates the site's news. The second is pure, unadulterated scenario smack. It feeds only the recently released scenarios and operations. To recieve the feeds, point your aggregators towards: News Feed: http://bootsandtracks.com/newsfeed.php Scenario Feed: http://bootsandtracks.com/battlefeed.php Enjoy! WWB
  23. We tried to talk Wild Bill out of retirement, but we could not. So we settled for the next best thing--we recreated some of his classic CMBO battles. When he was not busy running the Rumblings of War, Kingfish kept himself busy remaking not one but four Wild Bill battles. And now Boots & Tracks proudly presents: Chambois Death of the Titans To the Last Man Ardennes-Team Desobry In addition, to help you all feed your sceanario additions, we are proud to present our XML RSS feeds. Currently the site offers two. The first syndicates the site's news. The second is pure, unadulterated scenario smack. It feeds only the recently released scenarios and operations. To recieve the feeds, point your aggregators towards: News Feed: http://bootsandtracks.com/newsfeed.php Scenario Feed: http://bootsandtracks.com/battlefeed.php Enjoy! WWB
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