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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Have not had a chance to look, but is it compiled with the runtime? Many people dont have MS Access. I happen to own the developer's edition, so can compile it for you. WWB
  2. Mission to exit, as well as whom to exit, should be mentioned in the briefing for sure. In any case, here is how scoring works: Player A is tasked with exiting unit U: 1) If unit U exits the map successfully, player a recieved its kill point value in Exit points. 2) If unit U fails to exit but survives, player A takes a penalty for not exiting the unit. 3) If unit U is destroyed, player A takes both the kill point penalty for the loss and the exit point penalty. WWB
  3. Webspace is something no one should be without. One can find 100mbs or so of static hosting for a pittance--$3 a month or less. WWB
  4. Psst Psst--try shift-c instead . . . WWB
  5. Psst Psst--try shift-c instead . . . WWB
  6. Psst Psst--try shift-c instead . . . WWB
  7. Snipers not using main weapon if close is by design, not a bug. If you were a one-man unit would you shoot at many more armed people 50 feet away? Was more fun back in the CMBO when no one had sidearms and snipers would sit there, 5m apart and share smokes and war stories all game. WWB
  8. This happens in CMBB. I like the fact that a senior commander from a diffrent allied nationality can command troops of another nationality under him. </font>
  9. No, sir...I'll go inflict some living Hell. <font size=4>[Grumble] Stupid [grumble, grumble] public forum. [Grumble] I thought it was the designer's job to inflict living Hell.</font size> </font>
  10. No, sir...I'll go inflict some living Hell. <font size=4>[Grumble] Stupid [grumble, grumble] public forum. [Grumble] I thought it was the designer's job to inflict living Hell.</font size> </font>
  11. No, sir...I'll go inflict some living Hell. <font size=4>[Grumble] Stupid [grumble, grumble] public forum. [Grumble] I thought it was the designer's job to inflict living Hell.</font size> </font>
  12. No, sir...I'll go inflict some living Hell. <font size=6>[Grumble] Stupid [grumble, grumble] public forum. [Grumble] I thought it was the designer's job to inflict living Hell.</font size> </font>
  13. No, sir...I'll go inflict some living Hell. <font size=6>[Grumble] Stupid [grumble, grumble] public forum. [Grumble] I thought it was the designer's job to inflict living Hell.</font size> </font>
  14. No, sir...I'll go inflict some living Hell. <font size=6>[Grumble] Stupid [grumble, grumble] public forum. [Grumble] I thought it was the designer's job to inflict living Hell.</font size> </font>
  15. IIRC, there were a few skirmishes between US & German forces in the last days of November 42. Brits were fighting pushing them West from Alamein on in any case. WWB
  16. Dorosh, how wrong we are. That list is flawed. You have 13,000, putting you on top. And I would have made number four. WWB
  17. Just a note that I have recieved requests for email addresses for the tourney, and should be processing them by saturday at the latest. So, if you asked, sit tight. If you dont get by saturday afternoon, feel free to ask again as signals might have got crossed. WWB
  18. Ok, I think we got everything cleared up. We are not really seeking new playtesters at this time, though if you know any team members they will usually playtest things with folks. And, just a little teaser, I think I am about to eat a few of my above words, in some way. WWB
  19. Are you sure about this? I looked at the file sizes on my computer and zipped files were about 75% the size of unzipped files. When you attach a zipped file to an email, does this increase the size of the file versus a regular text file? </font>
  20. Thankyou, I hope you find it evil and twisted in a fun and friendly sort of way... Don't forget to download 'Richie's Instant Reichstag' from CMMods.com for your wargaming pleasure... </font>
  21. I know last time, with the CD scenarios, they were posted by a third party, mainly as a shakedown for the CMAK section of the depot. I generally get around to posting mine eventually, but given I have a good publication system I dont worry about it immediately. I have noted though, that, given a scenario posted on B&T alone vs one posted on The Depot & B&T, the cross-posted one gets about twice as many downloads. So there should be author interst in posting, for no other reason than because it spreads the seed a bit farther than going it alone. WWB
  22. Makes the file larger to transport. On the ends it can be made smaller, especially by the mail services. I know yahoo charged me by actual size of attachment, not by the base-64 encoded size (which is why they are larger). In any event, for those of you in need, I can offer folks email addresses @3dwargamer.net. Email me at wwb@3dwargamer.net with desired login name and password. WWB
  23. I think we got off on the wrong foot here. I do thank you for the nomination (see preceeding post), and I was not quite being snide. Unfortunatly, I was writing well before morning coffee so I probably came off a bit on the harsh side. Regarding the "having been around this block" statement, remember Boots & Tracks was once at militarygameronline.com. We are no longer there for a reason--controlling our own destiny became a necessity. Also, I just spent 70+ hours retooling the site. It was essentially a ground up redesign using many cutting-edge techniques. So to hearing it is not quite up to "professional" standards is a bit rough to hear. I am quite open to criticism, I have even openly solicited critiques on the matter. I understand quite well that any website is a work in progress. So, if you think something needs work, feel free to point it out. But saying what needs fixing/tweaking/updating is pretty necessary to fix/tweak/update anything. I don't think making a third URL move in as many years to a different platform will help anything at all. WWB
  24. Yes, Cory and Mark are correct, it was my error when trimming names and such. Will try and update it tonight. WWB
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