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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Poynri Express is a very well researched example of that attack. As for guns, at that time, IIRC, soviet AT was 45mm organic to infantry battalions, with independant and divisional 76mm AT units. So one would see a mix of 45s and 76s. WWB
  2. Unless you are working with a rather complex legacy operation that does not do asynchronous transactions well. Asynchronous in this case would be Move/P1 PBEM. Hold movie. Then Movie/P2 PBEM. I would note how hotseat has the same movie order issues--seems like it is only shown once, and moves cannot be saved while movies are about. Hence the current system. Now, when I am refactoring for CMX2, this would be on the list of things to change. You pretty much have to to get full-game replay anyhow. WWB
  3. Okay...Are there any sound made on battlefield that may don't used warning label for example: Sound of soldiers movenemt in different speed? Sound of tank/AC moving in different speed even can tell different between type? Sound of FT? Sound of commander of tank being hit by sniper firing, before buttom up (need to know if score a hit)? I had see icon show up as it said "infanty sound" but what sound was? Are they cough or laugh or just stroll that what I was talk about? what does enemy firing their weapons like rifle or handgun or MG or deadly SMG. I need to know before I take risk to assult it's poistion or call up heavy weapon to fire at area. It happen to me as my squad got hit bad so I had to call several squads away from importand goal and assult "hidden and firing enemy" and it turn out it was tank crew armed with just pistols. I lost some good turns and plenty of my units reveal their poistions to other hidden emeny units and hits our untis bad. That's why I need to know what worth targets are by listen their weapon. I found most dangerous "hidden" target which is so fool to assult hidden enemy is SMG squad. Is that fact you hearing players have upper hand over deaf player with kind of sounds? </font>
  4. Back to the main subject. I think civilians should generally not be included. The examples of them clogging roads highlights alot: 1) That is not in the zone CM simulates. That would be the very sharp end. You want to simulate a traffic jam? Simple, make reinforcements show up late and spariodically. 2) Those civilians were fleeing the zone CM simulates. That is why they were clogging the highways. Unlike in the US, where warfare around one's home was a very rare thing, europeans were somewhat used to seeing fighting about. They understood what reasonable people did. Hide valuables too big to carry, grab the rest and flee to the countryside. Failing that hide in a basement until the shooting stopped. Except for the largest cities, warfare was generally civilian free because they (rather intelligently) got the hell out of the way. WWB
  5. As soon as certain designers get their computers back from the shop. It might be a bit. But stay tuned--we do have some January treats coming very soon. WWB
  6. Just to whet the collective appetitite a bit more, you can now view the countdown to ROW IV signup season. WWB [ January 26, 2004, 11:21 AM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  7. Ok, you would be ROW contenders are no longer slaves to my drinking schedule. The ROW signups will commence at Midnight, Eastern Standard Time on Feb 1 2004. Definition of midnight is up to my host's webserver, but it is somewhat near correct. WWB [ January 25, 2004, 09:43 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  8. So improvise--a sherman firefly would stand in nicely. Anyhow, AFAIK, cromwells were brigaded separately. I have actually contemplated such a battle. Dont think it would work out so well in cmbb without some serious adjustment away from the movie. WWB
  9. Me too. What _time_ on Feb 1 will signups open? Ta, GaJ. </font>
  10. Unless PC is using a captured German or Italian map, how is that relevant? Michael </font>
  11. Unless PC is using a captured German or Italian map, how is that relevant? Michael </font>
  12. Hello all, Just wanted to give the heads up that we at Boots & Tracks have finally posted individual detail pages for the Kursk Pack battles. So if you have heard rave reviews of Poynri Express or the monstorous Tank Warning you can get em now. Enjoy! WWB
  13. Usually squares are one KM wide. And I have seen a number of WWII era maps, mainly captured from german or italian stashes. WWB
  14. Hello all, Just wanted to give the heads up that we at Boots & Tracks have finally posted individual detail pages for the Kursk Pack battles. So if you have heard rave reviews of Poynri Express or the monstorous Tank Warning you can get em now. Enjoy! WWB
  15. Possibly something to do with backups, usually done in the wee hours of the night, and usually causing much higher server loads. So things like CGI process can seem to time out and fail at odd times. WWB
  16. Try Boots & Tracks--link in my sig. You would especially be interested in the Solitaire Battles quicklist. WWB
  17. I dont think the locked camera thing is a bug, but rather by design. What if you set the camera position to be say, off the battlefield? WWB </font>
  18. No problem. I would also reccomend www.alistapart.com --some awesome articles. The 2 parter on retooling slashdot to comply with web standards converted me to CSS-based design. And, in the realm of books, if you are at all serious about web development, get Zeldmann's Designing With Web Standards. It is the classic in the field. WWB
  19. I dont think the locked camera thing is a bug, but rather by design. What if you set the camera position to be say, off the battlefield? WWB
  20. There is one in your manual, or the PDF file if you bought the CDV edition. I am fairly certain it is there, I did write it. WWB
  21. You could turn unit labels on (Shift-G). That will at least convey the information you need. WWB
  22. Trick with "reinforcement" fortifications is to buy them for battle one and deploy them past the visible section of the map, padlocked. They will then show up, properly sited, when the map gets there. WWB
  23. Hehe. Websites are notorious for overcomplicating CSS. Though you can really go nuts with it (see Css Zen Garden). Also, you can do things like change fonts globally: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">body { font-family: Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }</pre>
  24. Peter--got your email, just been a bit bogged this week. Will try and get you something over the weekend. WWB
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