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Everything posted by WWB

  1. Thanks for the nomination but, in a few words, no, we aint moving. Especially over there. I would rather pay for webhosting--rather cheap really--then be beholden to some outside entilty for support. We have been around that block before, and it was not pretty. There are some technical reasons for declining this offer too. First, they are running on *Nix of some sort. Which means the DB solution I have in place does not work. Also means all the links must be rechecked for case-sensitivity. Both of which are deal killers right there. Toss in a banner ad and it is a no go from the get go. Regarding the site being slow, I have not heard any complaints about that. It is in a shared server and is a bit resource intensive so I can see some burps, but nothing completely out of line. Generally the front might take a second to load, as it has to establish the DB connections. After that it is generally blazingly fast. I am actually looking at a few new hosting options, but nothing is too firm yet. Aside from this speed issue, how is it "not up to the standards of execllence"? WWB PS: I have noticed that the B&T site is running especially slow today. Host has been contacted, hopefully that will clear things up. [ February 09, 2004, 09:33 AM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  2. Boots & Tracks is proud to present three new CMBB battles for your PBEMing pleasure: ROWIII-The Petroskov River Bridge by Kingfish Battle for the Reichstag by Richie Devil's on the Loose by Marc S In addition, the ROW III Battle Pack has been updated. Last but not least, Mark "Warlord" Ezra has made a faithful reproduction of Wild Bill Wilder's Wilitz scenario of CMBO fame. Enjoy!
  3. Boots & Tracks is proud to present three new CMBB battles for your PBEMing pleasure: ROWIII-The Petroskov River Bridge by Kingfish Battle for the Reichstag by Richie Devil's on the Loose by Marc S In addition, the ROW III Battle Pack has been updated. And there is a new CMAK battle to boot. Enjoy. WWB
  4. And I must say this one is special. Mark "Warlord" Ezra has made a gorgeous recreation of Wild Bill Wilder's Wilitz battle for CMBO. There are also a number of CMBB goodies. Visit Boots & Tracks for more details. WWB
  5. Ok, here is the official list, in alpha order. If you aint on it, you aint in it. WWB [edited cos I can't copy and paste neither] PS: No amount of begging will get you in at this point. Bribes in cash or kind might. [ February 05, 2004, 08:34 AM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  6. Form has worked flawlessly. If you got a thank you for registering, you got in successfully. If it emailed me an error, and saw an error message, you did not. I have not got a single email. WWB </font>
  7. Form has worked flawlessly. If you got a thank you for registering, you got in successfully. If it emailed me an error, and saw an error message, you did not. I have not got a single email. WWB
  8. Security-wise, the general public should never be allowed to enter straight HTML. I would force them into something like UBB code then regex it out of there myself rather than risk cross-site scripting attacks, etc. WWB
  9. You cannot load them into the editor. You can load them as QB maps and import the forces. WWB
  10. Reinstall the Java Virtual Machine. Or get a real IRC client (http://www.mirc.com). WWB
  11. Looks pretty good. One change I would suggest--normalize the scenario names. Encourage people to pick from a list, or add a new one. Then attach the scenario details to the scenario record rather than having all kinds of double entry of that data. WWB
  12. You just dont have enough of an overlap. You really need about 1/4th to be sure. WWB
  13. Yes, AAR site would be tres cool. An AAR/Tactics site is the main thing the community is missing at this point as most of the other bases are touched quite well. I have played around a bit with some OO PHP article type things, and will throw what I have into helping to code the thing up. WWB
  14. Some_God has a very nice one. We over at Boots & Tracks (see sig for link) have a number from ROW I-III that should be posted in the near future. WWB
  15. AAR posting plans are still active. One can dream up alot of things, but finding the time to code things up can be difficult. In any case, it is definitely on the planning horizon. WWB
  16. Just because you filled out the form successfully does not mean you will get in, given the precedence of veterans, etc. That and I hate the PHP mail function--it slowed down the script by a factor of 25 or so. No comment on the signups, except to say there is clearly significant interest. WWB
  17. Large US platoon HQ size is accurate, not a bug. That other issue is probably a rarity issue. What month was it in? WWB
  18. That is alot of town map to make. Easiest thing to do with yards is just treat them as meteres. They are rather close anyhow, and CM's mapmaker will for more scaling issues than converting between imperial and metric systems. WWB
  19. 2 days left to go. To reiterate for folks, sigups will be by web-based form which will go live at the stroke of midnight of on the night of Jan 31-Feb 1. Also, for a trip down memory lane, I have posted the ROW I and II battles. WWB
  20. Platform is another key--linux, windows, BSD, etc. Also effects scripting avaliable. If you are not windows (which appears to be the case), cross off .NET, ASP and MSSQL. If I were considering, I would definitely need pretty much what GJK asks for above. WWB
  21. Some, probably most, dont follow briefing orders. So you need a stronger stick. Then there is the whole general public aversion to anything much over 30 turns. In any case, with proper playtesting, a happy medium of berivity and good enough time limit can be arrived at. As for the CMAK scenarios being longer, that is as much a function of the larger, more open maps requiring more careful moves combined with a bit more designer experience. CMAK is alot more like CMBB than CMBB was like CMBO, so there were a number of learning pains as people realized things would take longer. As for a time limit rant, lets save it. That horse has been beaten to a pulp. WWB
  22. Or one could constuct the map and the time limits such that if a player does not push with what is on map to begin with they end up screwed in the end. <G>. WWB
  23. It would be nice if BFC would at least tell us what it is if. If it's at their host, perhaps a sysop there can explain it. </font>
  24. Hehe. Originally, that scenario WAS a long range test for 88s, though the release version ended up being far different. In that engagement, where the 88s were hastily deployed in the open desert with no time for ranging, they held fire until inside 1000m. I think that, if given more time for deployment and such, they would probably have the quivalent of CM TRPs. The hard part about hitting distant targets in those times was not windage or angle but range, so finding range to a few key known points--like the ridgeline 2000m in front of you, would be very worthwhile. The other issue is that once they range in something, they should remembmer it presuming they dont move. Gunter the gunner does not forget that the sherman he blew up was 1400m or so away after he blows up another at 2000m. Rather he remembers it when another pops up near there. The way CM behaves is to treat that as an entirely new shoot. So bottom line is that CM does not handle the 88 well, at least not at extreme ranges, without TRPs. WWB
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