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Everything posted by WWB

  1. I would have to echo what redwolf said. Having just upgraded from a 2000+/A7N8X to a 2500+/A7V8X I would point out that it was not really worth it insofar as speed went. Minor benefits but nothing amazing. A7N8X boards cannot run at 3200+, as that processor requires 400mhz FSB, which those boards cannot do IIRC. The jury is still out on weather or not ram faster than PC2700 is worth it anyhow. WWB
  2. Had an A7V8X. Make sure it is below the rev 1.4 version--which I doubt yours is since you are running the 2800 at 333mhz. The real issue with those mobos is RAM. You can only run one slot at 3200, or 2 slots at 2700. And there is no dual channel option. WWB
  3. Hmm, good point, forgot the Levant and E africa. Could be edited to "they fought in few large-scale, major engagements." WWB
  4. There are several good reasons why one does not see vichy forces: 1) What exactly was the company level OOB and TO&E? Can it even be established to some degree of accuracy? 2) Finding 1 would have been time and resource intensive. Time was not avaliable for CMAK. 3) They fought only for a few weeks. So, given 1,2 and 3, it was not worth the effort to include them. Especially remembering BFC does not do half-assed, best guess TO&Es. WWB
  5. Designer's note: Scout cars are supposed to die. Bloodily, and on the first turn. WWB
  6. Don't see it happening. BFC has bigger fish to fry than holding tournies for one. Second what redwolf said--casual players and no pressure equates to dropouts. And putting money on the table will make everyone bitch to high heaven. A big part of the reason the ROW is so games intensive is to get a large enough sample in a short enough time. In any case, this two-round, rather intensive tourney, takes six months. Anything more casual will take a year or more. WWB
  7. Planes are only active for the battle which they are purchased for in operations. So no stukas for you. WWB
  8. Hmm, I like your way of thinking Hans. One could even make the ditch soft ground to differentiate it visually plus add the effect of increased bogging in the dug-up earth. Hedgerows will stop vehicles, at least axis ones and allied before August 44, but they will also block LOS, and probably slow down infantry too much for my tastes. WWB
  9. Usually I use terrain dropped 5 or 10m with rough in it. Looks half-decent and has the proper effect. WWB
  10. Bob, Awesome site, and a very good resource. It was the main source for the "Knifefight in Cecina" scenario which I made for the CD. I plan to turn a few of the other vingettes into scenarios as well. Keep up the good work. WWB PS: Mike, I would say that forces and OOB are as accurate as I could make based on the source. Map is not accurate, as I had no good source. But it is intended to create the climactic situation in the story (Sherman getting flaking shot on Tiger).
  11. I know we have been quiet for a while but that does not mean we have not been busy. First, two major announcements from Boots & Tracks: First and foremost, I would like to welcome Thomas Killerich to the team. He is a crafty player and quite qualified playtester and will help us to keep producing top notch battles. Second, I am pleased to announce that the site will now be avaliable from a new domain name. Please visit us at http://www.bootsandtracks.com . Fear not webmasters and bookmark junkies--the old addresses are still valid. In fact, the site is now mirrored. But I would encourage all to go to the new site and update links as it is possible. It is much easier to remember anyhow. *WWB notices a growing anger in the crowd. Announcements are cook, but the Scenario Junkies are itching. WWB wipes the sweat off his brow and continues. And, probably most exciting, the CMAK TCP Pack is now complete. If you already have it, you can just download two new pieces of Genuine Rune Evil: The Rats Strike Back! and Vines and Vineyards. Enjoy! WWB
  12. I know we have been quiet for a while but that does not mean we have not been busy. First, two major announcements from Boots & Tracks: First and foremost, I would like to welcome Thomas Killerich to the team. He is a crafty player and quite qualified playtester and will help us to keep producing top notch battles. Second, I am pleased to announce that the site will now be avaliable from a new domain name. Please visit us at http://www.bootsandtracks.com . Fear not webmasters and bookmark junkies--the old addresses are still valid. In fact, the site is now mirrored. But I would encourage all to go to the new site and update links as it is possible. It is much easier to remember anyhow. *WWB notices a growing anger in the crowd. Announcements are cook, but the Scenario Junkies are itching. WWB wipes the sweat off his brow and continues. And, probably most exciting, the CMAK TCP Pack is now complete. If you already have it, you can just download two new pieces of Genuine Rune Evil: The Rats Strike Back! and Vines and Vineyards. Enjoy! WWB
  13. Can't say exactly as I have no experience with McAfee. But I never had an incident when I was using ZA as my firewall, and I hosted quite a bit of TCP games. WWB PS: What is the worm in question?
  14. Other thing is you are really talking about 4, maybe 5 games above once you start breaking things down by engines. So the list is a bit more impressive than it seems. The other thing to remember is that all the above are coded by dozens, whereas CM is just Charles. I dont think he has the time to make a 3rd platform work. Then again, given OS X's BSD basis, and OpenGL's cross platform nature, I would not put it past the realm of possiblity. WWB
  15. No, the versions on the scenario HQ are the versions of the scenario, not the version of CMHQ. I happen to have been involved with making that scenario, it was made using 1.03. Now, regarding the PBEM thing, it is easy to workaround it. Just make a copy of your 1.0 executable, calling it say CMBB_100.exe. Then install the patch. Shortcuts you had will go to the patch, but should you need to open 1.0, you just need to use that file. You can also upgrade a PBEM in progress by: 1) Open in older version of CM. 2) Save the game. 3) Open saved game in newer version of CM. 4) Finish turn and send PBEM file. Opponent will need to upgrade too obviously. WWB
  16. Make sure you are patched to 1.03. Earlier versions will not show later version scenarios. WWB
  17. I would suspect your soundcard or its drivers are to blame. I have seen this happen alot with integrated sound as opposed to dedicated cards, which run fine. An easy way to check would be to use windows media player to play the music while playing CM. If it is still choppy, consider investing in a new dedicated sound card. WWB
  18. You can mix and match times and even regions in the editor. As for the second part, no, one cannot maintain the notational company bade. And the badge is only notational. No leaderless squads. One can always start the HQs routed which is effectively the same thing. WWB
  19. Stuffit should handle RAR compression . . . WWB
  20. Stuffit should handle RAR compression . . . WWB
  21. Stuffit should handle RAR compression . . . WWB
  22. We spend most of our times hanging out at Steve and Charles' cabana on an unnamed island in the carribean sipping mai-tais and watching the bikinis. Sometimes charles even visits the big blue room. And weasels are fun to drive on the beach. Oh, and every once in a while we go visit matt in the little cage the local police put him in after "the incident." WWB
  23. I think the version he sent is an access 2002 file. Will discuss options with the guy about file formats. WWB
  24. Hey guys, pages will be up this weekend but I have recieved the file and it is now living at its temporary home. Feel free to DL at will. WWB
  25. No problem General, I can help you more. We at Boots & Tracks would be happy to post the utility. Email me at wwb@3dwargamer.net to work out details. WWB
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