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Everything posted by WWB

  1. That was me and Treeburst being extra devilish in RoW I; Wild Bill's scenarios did the rest of the damage. It work, did it not? </font>
  2. Yes, css is definitely the way to go. See Boots & Tracks for an example of a completely CSS based site. Also there are other advantages like search engine optimization, faster loading smaller pages etc. WWB PS: Also, one comment on the site. Overall pretty good, but I would ditch the green page background. Anything too far from white for the main text is inadvisiable.
  3. I think you are reading too much into this. While veterans are given priority we generally get at least a few new folks in. In addition, this is the largest one yet, so there are plenty of slots. Make sure to hit the signups early and you should have a very good shot at getting in. WWB
  4. Best trick is to put them on top of a flag or two, with hide orders and in good command. Without any neutral flags in front of them. WWB
  5. I do happen to have a copy of the german planning map for what seems to be the final assault sitting about. Dont remember the division numbers offhand, but they were getting down to ~1km frontage in the city. Will try and dig it out. WWB
  6. No worries John, RTF is a word doc by another name. And, what Holien said. WWB
  7. Buyer beware--just cross referenced a few titles with amazon. One was alot cheaper, others were within cents. WWB
  8. Drop me an email Peter, I have a thing or two that might help. WWB
  9. Scarily enough, I actually agree with Grog Dorosh for once. IIRC, back in the amiga days there was a wargame that gave a very realistic feeling of being a brigade commander. Basically, you sat there staring at a screen and reports started coming in, of varying accuracy. You gave orders in response, which might or might not arrive and then which might or might not get executed. It was not a particularly fun game and definitely did not sell well. That company is now, AFAIK, out of business. Need I say more? WWB
  10. One other issue--unlike the germans, who made new force structures weekly, the allies, especially the americans, really ended up with cookie-cutter divisions. Standard equipment, standard OOB. At least according to official documents. Of course, in the field, adjustments happend. But BFC tends to follow the "book" on in-game OOBs, so very few of the "ok, this is how it really was" forces appear. WWB
  11. And that pretty much sums it up. We have been around this block before. Some people like to spend dozens of turns scouting positions and carefully laying the groundwork for attacks. Others are not nearly as patient. Luckily, the CM scenario editor is easy enough that just about anyone can put together a battle suited to their taste, and literally thousands of battles are avaliable for download. Personally, if I start a battle and nothing has exploded by turn 10 or so, I have a strong inclination to set it down. Much like writing a novel--you need to hook the reader in the first paragraph, preferably in the first phrase of the first paragraph. I think Berli hit the nail on the head regarding larger engagements. One must distill it down and create smaller sections representative of the whole. It makes for much more interesting gaming. There are some practical matters afoot here too. Steve has repeated several times that while CM is intended to be a realistic simulation, they also must keep the fun factor alive to stay in business. And, by and far, people consider smaller battles more fun. That does not even take into account the real world issues, like not having 16 hours to dedicate to one massive scenario. So, I will keep making smaller, time-compressed battles. If you dont like that style, you are free to look elsewhere for your scenarios. WWB
  12. Reason you got the regimental was that you were the attacker. Reserves appear based on ratios between the attacker and the defender. There is no such thing as an even, ME type op. IF you need the specific numbers, do a search for a post by charles in scenario talk in the 2001 or 2002 archive. WWB
  13. Order in the Forum! Order I say! Official announcement and signup thread will be coming shortly as there are a few administrative details being worked out. But, should you plan to participate, I would not plan too many trips for late Febuary and March. WWB PS: For now, you scenario junkies can get your fix with the B&T TCP Pack. [ January 13, 2004, 11:13 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  14. See sig. WWB EDIT: Nevermind, read first post. Glad you found us. [ January 13, 2004, 10:57 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  15. Sorry about the slipups and thanks for the kudos guys. Enjoy the battles. WWB
  16. Link to the full pack should be fixed now. Technical issues mean that the pack will be expanded once the rest of the scenarios are avaliable. WWB
  17. Boots & Tracks is proud to present the CMAK TCP Pack. Battles included are: <ul> [*]First Taste of Honey [*]Murphy's Law [*]Well of Souls [*]Midnight at the Oasis [*]Gazelle Force-Telephone [*]One Hedgerow at a Time Unfortunately, due to a few technical disasters, we have been forced to release this pack in parts. So stay tuned for part 2! Enjoy and don't forget to review. WWB [edited cos I suck at checking links] [ January 12, 2004, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  18. Gotta check with the boys @ BFC, but I think such a thing should be possible. Treeburst: I did not say all the CD scenarios are designed for solo play. Best thing to do is read the briefings for reccomendations. As sergio points out, there are a few that only work h2h. Regarding this specific scenario, I should also point out that it is about the toughest design challenge I have had in recent memory. I pretty much did 3 ground-up redesigns in the process. Hopefully it will all work out with a little tweakage. WWB [ January 12, 2004, 01:44 PM: Message edited by: WWB ]
  19. No worries, though I have looked at the file and spotted the flag issue. The 2 front ones should be small flags. As for reinforcement timing, it is more to keep it fair against the AI. One cannot really do pure multiplayer scenarios for the CD. If I could, I would have done a few things different. WWB
  20. CM's autopurchaser is not all that smart when it comes to history. Set it at high if you want the FJs at crete. Regarding conscript FJs, there were alot of them in 45, when the LW ran out of plans and started handing out rifles. WWB
  21. I humbly ask that people not make derivitive works off my work and redistribute them. WWB
  22. Dynamic flags dont work in QBs. The load map option is very limited. WWB
  23. Nice expalantion, but it is a bug. They should not have the (radio) in the name. WWB
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