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Everything posted by Barrold

  1. I checked my trace files and found a SUX2BU error. Hope it gets better though. BDH
  2. I like the bacon scratch and sniff BFC applied to the DVD's in the pre-order Steelbooks. I do not like the amount of time real life interferes with my CM time. BFS5
  3. if you add "in my modest opinion" to such statements they become more reasonable. Cheers BDH
  4. http://www.facebook.com/battlefront Like Away BDH
  5. Got the message that mine has shipped. BDH
  6. Lessons learned...after 10 friggin' years I still suck at this game! There is not a crossfire that I do not bumble into...a delaying action that does not hinder my progress...a killing zone that I do not put troops into before going for a beverage...well almost. It is good that I am so terrible lest I love this game too much and quit doing all else. BFS5
  7. I even played a couple scenarios in real time...and I liked it...I may even get used to it. There still is a certain charm of WEGO to be sure...so many amazing moments to catch in the replay...but the real time may pull me in. BDH
  8. I vote for "Gah" AND more cowbell BFS5
  9. I got the email while I was wasting time golfing! Downloading now! Pardon me while I w00t! or somefink. BFS5
  10. I for one welcome our Nazi Zombie Overlords...All Hail the Uber Zombie Truppen BFS5
  11. After a great deal of intensive internal dialogue after playing the demo and debating the changes from CMX1 I am ready to provide a balanced and nuanced disposition on the quality of the new game and my anticipation for the full release. It is as follows: Hootchie Mama!!!! Great Googlie Mooglie!!!! Thanks to all those who made this possible. BFS5
  12. Giggety...just giggety...giggety, giggety...giggety... BFS5
  13. Hiya Steve...long time...I guess that is why the cliche' in practically every war movie of not making friends with replacements was true. Thanks BDH
  14. Disappointed I did not check in on this sooner. Even though I live a bit farther away, a nice drive to Chicago is doable. BDH
  15. I was going to buy a panzerfaust with a credit card but it put me over my limit...so I bought a pizza and some beer instead. BFS5
  16. Another old timer coming back. I have purchased some other games from Battlefront over the past few years but I am genuinely getting excited about the new CM game. Watching the VAAR is bringing back lots of thoughts. BFS5
  17. I believe the wind was mighty and the sea was angry...but it had issues. BDH
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