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Everything posted by Barrold

  1. "Ah, the typical internet sarcasm reply. I wouldn't expect anything less." No actually I was being serious. My friend from work has played the CM:FI demo a couple times. He generally likes the challenge and does game, but his taste runs towards Company of Heroes for a recent title and Panzer General going all Old School. He finds the interface and camera a bit clunky so his learning curve is a bit steeper. I think this manual with the detailed yet easily comprehended explanations of game functions will even that out a bit. Combined with his general interest in the subject matter, this manual just might tip the balance for him to commit to mastering the game. Such cynicism...tsk tsk
  2. Agreed. I have a friend who is on the fence regarding the game and I think the manual just might be the tipping point.
  3. Perhaps, but who among us is not at least a little bit quirky in the eyes of someone else? He gets a ration of grief but always returns in good cheer, making his rather thick skin...probably a reptilian aftereffect to be sure, something to admire and a trait I could probably use more often.
  4. Jealousy is an ugly emotion...and in this instance probably smelly too...member. BDH
  5. Reading the new manual now. I am liking the sound of the tutorial campaign as a nice way to lure in unsuspecting new players. The explanation of the camera was done well too. BDH
  6. Indeed! My new Alienware 18 is on the FedEx truck and will arrive tomorrow so...bring it on! BDH
  7. Thanks to Chris for the stream of a very interesting battle. The AI really behaved differently from previous iterations. It certainly looked like it was providing a challenge all along the way.
  8. I have no idea but I hope he is still involved or participating somehow.
  9. I have mine pre-ordered. Visions of the CM:BB preview at rune's place are recalled as my anticipation grows.
  10. I just had a flashback to the CMBB Sneak Peak at Rune's place... Thanks for the Christmas Bone, I am looking forward to it! BDH
  11. Wow...just wow. After 13 years on this forum and subjected to insults both fair and unfair, I have come across the worst and least imaginative example yet. Seanachai breaking wind in his prime would have topped that weak sauce. B
  12. Seeing that picture first thing in the morning is chock full of not right. BDH
  13. I am glad mines do not pop up like a Jack-in-the-box...with a scary clown coming out...that would be scary. I am also glad there are no mimes in the game. They would not help immersion at all. BFS5
  14. We have reached the age where there are "senior moments" regarding Duke Nukem and Doom...lol. I stand corrected. BFS5
  15. Nice. Panther armed with Duke Nukem's BFG 9000 BFS5
  16. Bah...a couple drops of Grecian Formula in Charles's brain jar fluid and he'll be good for another 30 years. BFS5
  17. "I dont think they are even speaking english anymore" Any more? That would mean at one time they did. 8-D BFS5
  18. Awesome...whose oxidation mod did you use for that? BFS5
  19. I agree about the text of the manual...it definitely could be more eye friendly...but I think BFC agrees with that. BDH
  20. "Sounds like my future exwife when she is yelling at me... =(" Good luck with that...ya know they say there is a reason divorces are so expensive...they are worth every penny. BFS5
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