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Everything posted by Barrold

  1. As if I would take a hot dog from a soup kitchen. Move on hobo boy. BFS5
  2. My top 5 guesses: 1. So Lonely 2. Fungus Cream 3. Itchy Nits 4. Restraining Order 5. Soup Kitchen BFS5
  3. Will this imminent screenshot be for the WWII title? BFS5
  4. Don't forget to hang your head in shame. Wearing a hairshirt is optional though. BFS5
  5. I don't think that's exactly right. Steve was talking about TITLES and dumrox was talking about a TITLE and 2 MODULES. I think the correct interpretation is that 3 of the next 5 TITLES might be non-WWII. BDH
  6. Well you northern nong, I did not establish the assertion as a fact, but rather what I thought which should be readily recognized by now as a minimal function. However, it should be apparent that since my perceptions of the CM environment were based on having both eyes functional, one eye out AND a new system represents a change in TWO variables. Therefore in order to truly appreciate a comparison between the old and new CM environments, I tend to think I would need to compare them with the same visual capabilities. Another point is that after being poked in the eye, I would have to spend a good amount of time acclimating my remaining vision to the old system as part of the experience needed to adapt my senses to the new perception. Who knows how long this would take? Longer than it will take to get a screenshot? Egads, this is hardly the basis for suggesting it as an improvement over simply showing what the new system's capabilities. BFS5
  7. Sergei violently spat: I think the loss of depth perception would hinder rather than help me visualize the leap into the new system. Therefore, a poke in the eye is not likely the solution. BFS5
  8. Steve wrote: I for one am willing to take this plunge. Alas, the boundaries of my imagination are such that some sort of concrete assistance from BFC to further this transition might be necessary. It wouldn't have to be much, but I'm having trouble making the leap without some sort of visual push. Huh? Eh? BDH
  9. With file formats likely to be 3000% incompatible because of a completely different engine, my completely unofficial and uninformed WAG would be not only no but fork no. BDH
  10. I reached this same conclusion using the very same methodology and evidence in one of the 'guessing' threads earlier. I do look forward to seeing how they can stretch their legs with the new system, but I fully expect them to prove the concept with WWII and then move on. I for one welcome our Interstellar Crustacean Overlords. BDH
  11. But of course, yet the prospect of being weighed on the Balance of Wit only to be found lacking in comparison to the twinkling intellects found within the Cess leaves me cowering. Then there are the rules that I just can't get my head around and my Tourette's-fueled torrents of testicle talk...holey moley I'd be in trouble all the time. Plus the forms...gawd I hate filling out forms and your such sticklers for having every detail right. So you're right, I was going to take a shower anyway and used this thread as a pretense. BFS5
  12. Ack! We have a serious loss of Peng containment!!! I warned 'em!!! BFS5
  13. By goby Lord Peter could be right. I've been thinking though and this entire thread could have been avoided with better use of the perch function. BFS5
  14. We weren't going to mention it but now that you've brought it up...I can see where you might think just that. BDH
  15. Now I'm insulted. I have never posted in a Peng thread and will now have to shower after reading such an implication. I have absolutely no input nor would I want input on the Peng response. All I can say is that invoking Peng outside of the designated cesspool is like...well setting up a buffet next to a cess. Your weird willie is something your going to have to deal with on your own. BDH
  16. While I agree with you on the RTW tutorial, I would add the caveat that it worked well for that system. I am not so sanguine that such a system would translate to a CM scenario. However, I do think somefink will be done in this regard to provide more of an in-game introduction to the command system. While I am still happy with the current set-up and yelling RTFM, I can see where this is not the friendliest marketing. If you have had a chance to play a scenario you might notice that the actions of the AI are not scripted such that an expected reaction can be counted upon. Of course this is very dependant on the new system, which I don't know anything specific about, but I don't expect certain aspects to be radically different. Your example, while quite cool, seems more suited to a FPS or roll playing game. The primary concept that you might just have to push the "I Believe" button is the free-form. There isn't going to be a rock-paper-scissors combination answer that will fit the same situation everytime it is encountered. The flexibility of the system not only allows for the amount of scenarios and quick-battles, but each players approach to the situation can succeed if applied correctly. This flexibility has contributed greatly to the longevity of the game. Tactics that generally produce favorable results can still hand you a great loss. Steve has said the CMBB demo was all about showing the differences and advances made from CMBO. Re-playing the scenarios several times while waiting for the game release was instructive to handling fragile infantry facing MG's, how even a crap tank rules when the other guy has none, and how to easily waste what little artillery you sometimes have. I really hope the solution to informing noobs isn't a system on rails that holds their hands but limits the instructive experience gained by being able to explore, experiment, and adapt. BDH
  17. Since my first 5 have been so popular, I have more! 6. Barney Fife and his whistle directing traffic. 7. Jar Jar Binks 8. Giblets 9. Elite Maus Battalions 10. Neanderthals BFS5
  18. *Points at the heretic Eeew he mentioned Peng in a non-Peng thread title!!!! In a just and decent forum, this would be a bannable offense, but since it's here, I suppose you'll slide. You may even be sent to Coventry without actually stepping into a Peng thread, which is likely a first! As to my list, my selections are perfectly appropriate based on forum history. However, you fail to note the distinction of the sign-off though. Since I ended the post with BFS5 and not BDH (my initials), nothing contained within is to be considered serious. Signing the post as Brainiac from Smartron 5 ensures the sarcasm, satire, whimsy, and humor do not get confused with actual content. BDH
  19. Be careful, it sounds like he can't stand much morey of these. BFS5
  20. 1. Cheese powerups 2. Sprinting Bren Tripods 3. Pointy sticks 4. Hampsters 5. Scratch and Sniff Cordite cards BFS5
  21. Not to be Koi, but the Shellback ceremony on the Nimitz will give me terrific insight on the new game. BDH
  22. Holy Mackerel! This thread is really starting to flounder BFS5
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