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    benpark reacted to TheFriendlyFelon in CMBS 2022 - Battle of Antonov Airport/Hostomel   
    Sorry, better quality pic.

  2. Like
    benpark reacted to JM Stuff in JM´s Corner   
    My pictures of the day !






    limbered unlimbered 
  3. Like
    benpark reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Another interesting forensics thread from Danspiun, providing context for various videos and images, in this case the recent fighting around Bakhmut. Worth browsing.
    Master map-making gold here, eh @benpark?🤪
  4. Like
    benpark got a reaction from 37mm in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  5. Like
    benpark reacted to Ultradave in Broken Shields: Campaign AAR   
    "It's too quiet" was exactly how I felt when approaching the town. In fact, from playtesting, I think one of my pictures captioned exactly that made it into the BF tease announcement. Love the atmosphere of this one. 
  6. Like
    benpark reacted to DerKommissar in Broken Shields: Campaign AAR   

    Task Force Oldendahl's infantry are on their way to secure Vertesszoloes' South flank (Bottom-Center).

    Task Force Weber (Top-Center) clears the North woods. Vogt's radio operator (Bottom-Left) transmits the orders for taking the hamlet.

    Oldendahl (Left) and Weber (Right) will assault the flanks of Vertezzoloes. Schmidt's panzers (Bottom-Center) will be the base-of-fire.

    Aufklärung Pioneers slip into the hamlet's rear. No contacts.

    Weber (Bottom-Right) reports that his task force is in position.

    Shortly after, Oldendahl's HQ (Bottom-Left) radios that his men are standing-by. Vogt confirms: the assault begins now.

    The violent crack of a 14.5mm anti-tank round shatters the silence. Task Force Oldendahl's veterans know that sound, all too well.

    Unterscharführer Hamblen's section opens up with the MG, on the brick building. Ricochets fly around, dangerously.

    One of Hamblen's men is wounded (Bottom-Center). The assistant squad leader's (Right-most) semi-automatic rifle fire finds their target.

    Screams are barely audible over the storm of gunfire. After dispatching a contact, Hamblen's assistant yells "Cease Fire!". The machine gunner got too carried away.

    After the gun-fire dies down, reports are transmitted to Vogt. North of Vertesszoloes is clear. Oldendahl suggests at least one anti-tank platoon in the Center.

    As Weber's task force probes South-ward, another anti-tank blast comes from the Center. Unterscharführer Hiller and his Aufklärung Pioneers hug the ground.

    Obersturmführer Hauer's Panther sends an HE shell at the contact. There's a split second of quiet, and then a cavalcade of PPSH fire.

    Task Force Oldendahl's infantry spot the PPSH fire, and answer with their own automatics.

    Unterscharführer Gloser's infantry section steals Oldendahl's thunder, as part of Task Force Weber's advance.

    Vertesszoloes is clear. Vogt transmits the go-code to continue clearing the road. Towards House A!
  7. Like
    benpark reacted to George MC in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    First off thanks to all those who have supported the Battlepack by purchasing it, and a shout out to those who have provided their support in the creation of this project – and a huge shout out to those who have freely given their feedback and additional support publicly via various means – online streaming vids, DARs, AARs and various forum posts etc, Its truly heartening to read and see these. 

    It’s just as well, being Scottish, that we are renowned for being slow to anger and not prone to unprovoked outbursts. On a personal note a mahhoosive amount of work went into the battle pack, at my end. Work of which I am truly proud off. The lion’s share of research, mapmaking and AI plan stuff was devoted to the two campaigns and the Rakow and the Dying Sun scenario. These all involved painstakingly creating huge new maps from primary sources. Research turned up several ‘loose’ ends regarding accepted historical narrative and I’m as chuffed with these as the scenarios!

    I digress… In short this sucked up a huge amount of time and I was also involved in several other projects (which I was keen to be involved in including CMFR and CMCW). Creating new content, AI plans etc for the Battlepack was a significant endeavour. So yup I used bits of various previous maps (which were my own creations and made available publicly) which I then significantly tweaked – mainly because I could not positively ID RL locations, or the fact is I thought the map – like Der Ring (which by the way took nearly a year to produce) to have a new life after some major tweaking. I’ve done this on previous game families with other maps. A few astute observers might have spotted them. 

    But, and I should stress this, in the case of Der Ring it was heavily reworked and I created brand new AI plans (I had to as I’d chopped and reused bits) etc. So yes whilst some stuff is based on sections of der Ring they are more the offspring – rather than the map wearing a false wig and a pair of dodgy specs…

    Re the rather offensive swipes about scamming, well,  re the master maps it’s pretty clear that as stated on the BFC website that they are “New maps based on maps from the Battle Pack missions”. 

    Years back I used to be with a punk band – another life another story…. One of the bands (way more successful than we were) we did some gigs with, had their singer on one of their records state this quote, it was along the lines of – “Whatever you do they’ll slate you off and criticise you to the ground…” It’s stood me in good stead through life.
    So aye happy to take the constructive knocks, but I’m less inclined to give credence tae whingers.
  8. Like
    benpark reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Also happy holidays, everybody! 🎄
  9. Like
    benpark reacted to chrisl in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    That carrier is always on the verge of burning or sinking.  When they manage to get the engines running it generates a continuous smoke screen/signal and the rest of the time gets hauled around by a tug.  It didn’t need any help catching fire.
  10. Like
    benpark reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    A most unpleasant might have been. To say we owe Zelensky and the Ukrainians a LOT is an understatement. Truly, some tanks and some longer range missiles are not even a tithe of what we owe them.
  11. Upvote
    benpark got a reaction from sttp in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  12. Upvote
    benpark got a reaction from AlexUK in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  13. Like
    benpark reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    That lawn mower brigade was snarling at my mixed race 8 year old back in 2020 on the street in front of my house. 
    Sorry to personalize it but I think it's important to that people understand what it was like to keep a baseball bat by the front door because actual fascists were parading around your city for a couple of years.
    PS The point not being that my family went through some things but to make it clear that what people saw from a distance as a sudden event was actually a sustained effort for months/years that culminated in that event. And part of that effort was that the local police were effectively paralyzed by the administration in office. That's *not* a clown car. Tucker and his ilk should not be underestimated. 
  14. Like
    benpark got a reaction from Vacillator in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  15. Upvote
    benpark got a reaction from Lucky_Strike in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  16. Like
    benpark got a reaction from Vergeltungswaffe in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  17. Thanks
    benpark got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I'll add this very roughly-formed scenario (attached) for people that want something to entertain them on a cold winter's night.
    This would have been a branch off of Broken Shields (off of the 6th scenario), but it just didn't work with the overall flow. I also have another one set in Seregelyes that I may get around to posting here that's in the same state.
    There's no briefing nor briefing graphic, and can only be played from the German side (no German AI).
    The gist- defend the occupied positions and town, and use any infantry and armor that may arrive to stage local counter-attacks to regain the town.
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, ya cast of characters.

    AT Positions!.btt
  18. Like
    benpark reacted to Phantom Captain in Combat photography: Photos from the front..   
    A possible teaser, maybe, of another graphic novel style AAR, this time of @George MC's "Five Days One Summer" from the new RT Battlepack?
    After 1pm, July 1944.  Somewhere in central Poland...



  19. Like
    benpark reacted to Billy Ringo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I woke up this morning to sub zero wind chills, howling wind and a little ice/snow on the ground.  Worried about the heat, do we have food in the fridge for a day or so, are the roads clear enough to go see my girlfriend,  etc.
    Then I thought about Ukraine.  And I STFU about my own concerns.  
    God Bless all of you in harms way, the Ukrainian military, Ukrainian refugees scattered all over Europe, and those in Ukraine trying to go about their daily lives with air raid sirens in the background wondering if today is their unlucky day.  The Ukrainian children taken from their homes/parents and now living in some backward hole in Russia---and think about my own kids in a similar situation.  Those that are no longer with us.
    It makes me sad, then angry as Hell. 
    God bless all of you going through such Hell and a return to safety and normalcy as soon as possible.  I've got nothing much else to offer but my words and my prayers. 
    Peace to all.
    (With apologies if this is a little off topic with regards to military strategy,etc. )
  20. Like
    benpark reacted to George MC in Cold War Holiday Tournament!!!   
    I’m happier now 😁Ive gone into reverse ferret mode! 
  21. Like
    benpark reacted to DerKommissar in Broken Shields: Campaign AAR   

    The Panthers of Task Force Center arrive at the entrance of Verteszoloes. The Hauptsturmführer Schmidt (Bottom-left TC), peers across the snowy slope.

    Task Force North takes second place, Weber's HQ riding on-top of the StuG IV. The convoy is here, and the infantry are not far behind.

    The Southern Task Force's infantry are almost in position. Oldendahl rides in his staff car, as the panzergrenadiers hold their grumbling.

    As Weber's infantry catches up, Sturmbannführer Vogt (Bottom-most Kubelwagen) arrives at the scene.
    Hauptsturmführer Wöhler (Left-most Kubelwagen) gives him the situation report.

    Obersturmführer Kahl is the last to arrive, he somehow got separated from his Aufklärung Pioneers' Schwimmwagens. 
    Wöhler (Kahl's CO) gets chewed out by Vogt, as the offensive is already behind schedule.

    The Aufklärung Pioneers carefully probe the north side of town. Unterscharführer Hiller reports no contacts. It's quiet.

    The Kampfgruppe's Forward Observers creep towards the south side of town. Obersturmführer Ross reports no contacts. It's too quiet...
  22. Like
    benpark reacted to Butschi in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   

    The map I promised will feature the village https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loope around 1980. (The map is more like 1990, as I didn't have an older image handy). Preview version, the terrain will be a little smoother, some hedge rows will be added, etc.
    Should be quite suitable as a Quick Battle Map. There are long engagement ranges but also good cover, plenty of open and covered roads, pathes and tracks, etc. Eventually this is supposed to be the place where the first mission of my Agger Valley Campaign for CMCW will take place if I ever manage to do that.
  23. Like
    benpark got a reaction from Vacillator in Christmas 2022 Scenario Challenge   
    I still have might have one or two FR "cutting-room-floor" scenarios kicking around somewhere. Busy at the moment, but I'll take a look-see.
  24. Like
    benpark reacted to Combatintman in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    What looks to be a pretty good article on Russian Cyber Operations from the Carnegie Institute came out a couple of days ago.  I confess I haven't read all of it due to personal bandwidth issues but their stuff is pretty good.  From the bits I did read, the deduction that stuck out for me in my line of work is that Russia struggles with intelligence-led planning/decision-making - certainly not an earth-shattering revelation to either myself or followers of this thread but always good to have confirmation.  I'm sure the more analytical types on this thread will draw out a hell of a lot more than that:
  25. Like
    benpark reacted to Combatintman in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The Eyes on Russia Map produced by the Centre for Information Resilience has been updated.  For those not aware of it, it claims to show verified open source data.  For fans of geolocation, it looks a pretty good resource:
    Eyes on Russia Map
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