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    MikeyD got a reaction from Jobu88 in CMBS lighting glitch ??   
    Alt-B 'Artificially bright night' (or whatever its officially called) automatically switches off at dawn, or thereabouts. So you're witnessing the auto switch off.
  2. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Marwek77 aka Red Reporter in Clock countdown   
    I do believe in the decade+ that the CMx2 forum has been active you may be the first person to have made that request.
  3. Upvote
    MikeyD got a reaction from HerrTom in Vehicle Immobilization   
    Some titles you can combine dirt roads with damp ground with mud terrain tiles with heavy rain 'til you're in a situation of "Why would you even consider deploying armor in conditions like this?" CMFB seems to have more instances of extreme weather/ground conditions than other titles, but you don't often see extremes of rain or snow used. Because they can be show-stoppers, depending on what forces you're trying to deploy, and scenario designers aren't in the habit of making purposefully unplayable scenarios.
    Oops! I may have to eat my words. I just played a heavy snow/blizzard QB in CMFB and got no bogs at all, much to my great surprise. Maybe the ground was so frozen that it reduced the chance of bogging. And BTW, after spending much of the year in the Syrian desert I forgot how gorgeous winter Ardennes can be sometimes.

  4. Upvote
    MikeyD got a reaction from Ghost of Charlemagne in Challenger HE loadout too low?   
    I recall a complaint from tankers during the battle for Fallujah that they had precisely the wrong weapons mix for such battles. A big-arse cannon that was a danger to nearby troops and a single coaxial mg. Plus the limited-utility commander's hmg that required him to unbutton to fire it. That reduced the mighty Abrams to little more than a very well armored mmg platform. If you're frustrated with your ubertanks in urban fighting that's not a reflection on the game but real world limitations.
  5. Upvote
    MikeyD got a reaction from c3k in Stoltz von Bayern blue tactics   
    I thought I had touched all of the scenarios during the Beta but I had somehow managed to entirely miss this one. You can't really call this one a serious tactical simulation. Its more "Lets have some fun for fifteen minutes before supper's on the table" kind'a scenario.
  6. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from ushankashenk in German tankers with C8A1 bug   
    That was a weird 'individual vehicles' bug that doesn't occur in TO&E-selected vehicles. Its already been fixed and will show up in the coming v2.01 patch.
  7. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from HowMuchForYou? in Shock Force 2 Discount FIXED   
    Try this:
  8. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from zinzan in Brit army grogs or vets - whats the deal with the warrior   
    When Belgium in the 1970s went looking for an armored close infantry support vehicle they were offered a stripped-down Leopard 1 for the role. They turned it down in favor of Jpz-Kanone. Their reasoning was if a vehicle looks like a 'tank' commanders will be tempted to use them as 'tanks'. But they aren't 'tanks', they're dedicated close infantry support. If you strap an anti-tank weapon to an APC some commander somewhere will try to use them as anti-tank vehicles. I've seen picts of Stryker remote weapons station with a Javelin missile strapped onto it. My first thought was when shrapnel or sniper fire detonates that exposed missile it's going to take the whole CROWS weapon station with it.
  9. Upvote
    MikeyD got a reaction from HunterGathers in 60mm Mortars Canada   
    Nyala carrying 60mm mortar guys of 'independent battegroup' comes with some extra 60mm acquireables, about dozen rounds.
    LAV III carrying mortar crew doesn't though. And worse, the LAV-III mortar guys carry significantly fewer rounds than the 'independent battlegroup' light mortar guys. Possibly because the LAV-III mortar guys appear to be a split teams from an infantry squad. The two mortar teams in the Nyala appear to be from a dedicated mortar section.
  10. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Sulman in 'ATGM Ambush' Experiences?   
    Bradley tends to survive HEAT hits to the sides better than frontal hits. That makes a difference in this particular scenario.  Its the difference between an immobilized vehicle still able to lay fire down on the suspected attacker and a burning vehicle that occasionally cooks off stowed rounds, suppressing the infantry around it.
  11. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Harry Speakup in Turkish Leopard 2A4 mod preview   
    All of CMSF2 is one big MikeyD mod.  Almost everything's been touched in the game and 7/8ths of it nobody had actually asked me to do. They'd just come in to work in the morning to find a Carl Gustav rccl gun skin uploaded or new telephone pole art. I'm surprised nobody yelled at me.
  12. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from melm in 'ATGM Ambush' Experiences?   
    That particular scenario emphasizes the difference between mg effective range vs carbine effective range. Its a help if you can keep your one mg guy healthy and actively suppressing enemy targets from beyond small arms range. Also, its easy to forget those Humvees have big-old hmgs to play with too.
  13. Upvote
    MikeyD got a reaction from HerrTom in CMSF2 RPG-7 & Warheads, Slat & ERA Armor - Capabilities and Limits Player Guide   
    Actually, that's technically incorrect.
    The (real world) purpose of the slate cage is to dent the sheetmetal cone of the incoming RPG warhead and short out the electrical connection from the piezoelectric fuse in the nose to the warhead base, causing the warhead to fail. That's why the slats are spaced a bit less than the width of an incoming RPG round. Pre-deployment tests demonstrated that slat cage had a roughly 50% success rate. The very first RPG round to hit a Stryker slat cage in Iraq detonated against the forward cage and pierced the front hull between the MEXAS ceramic tiles, severing engine cooling lines.
    When Chinese-made RPG rounds began appearing in Iraq that was the beginning of the end of the slat cage. Because the Chinese round doesn't have the fusing flaw of the original RPG round. You'll notice US Stryker in Iraq during the most recent battles to oust ISIS lack the slat cage.
    See the illustration of RPG warheads. That Chinese 'airburst' warhead is interesting. All it is is a delay fuse and a metal ring around the nose of the projectile which causes it to skip and tumble on hitting the ground instead of penetrate.

  14. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Ridaz in I am split between...   
    Here's a test.
    Hand the game list to a friend and tell them to choose for you. Whichever title they pick ask yourself "Am I disappointed that they picked that one?" If the answer is yes that's an indication there is a title that you subconsciously really want to have.
    If you want my suggestion I'd pick CM:Final Blitzkrieg. Simply because you've already got the summer Eastern Europe terrain in CMBS and fall & winter Northern Europe is quite picturesque.
  15. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Turkish Leopard 2A4 mod preview   
    To round out the Turkish mod pack, here's my almost-completed Dutch-turned-into-Turkish troops. Their new uniform  camou scheme looks like it might've been bought from Russia because it resembles the new Russian camou pattern. And yes the 'Artic Warfare Sniper Rifle' is used by the Turkish army.
    Next up, assembling the full mod pack. I hope its not too large.

  16. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from tpr in CMSF2 CR´s Experiments and Tests Videos   
    That first video was hilarious. It reminded me of similar tests done using the king tiger 88 back-in-the-day.
  17. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Kevin2k in I am split between...   
    Here's a test.
    Hand the game list to a friend and tell them to choose for you. Whichever title they pick ask yourself "Am I disappointed that they picked that one?" If the answer is yes that's an indication there is a title that you subconsciously really want to have.
    If you want my suggestion I'd pick CM:Final Blitzkrieg. Simply because you've already got the summer Eastern Europe terrain in CMBS and fall & winter Northern Europe is quite picturesque.
  18. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Blazing 88's in CMSF 2 During Action Report 'Canadian Club'   
    Watching these movies is so hard for me! I have to sit on my hands to keep them from instinctively reaching for the keyboard while watching
  19. Upvote
    MikeyD got a reaction from sttp in I am split between...   
    Here's a test.
    Hand the game list to a friend and tell them to choose for you. Whichever title they pick ask yourself "Am I disappointed that they picked that one?" If the answer is yes that's an indication there is a title that you subconsciously really want to have.
    If you want my suggestion I'd pick CM:Final Blitzkrieg. Simply because you've already got the summer Eastern Europe terrain in CMBS and fall & winter Northern Europe is quite picturesque.
  20. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Thoughts on the future of BS   
    The boss(es) at BFC do know about our yearning for 'uncons' in CMBS (I've certainly harassed them enough!).  The question is less 'whether' they'll show up but 'when'. Put them into the next module? Add them as part of a forces & vehicles expansion pack? They have their reasons for doing things in the order they do, though its difficult to tell what it is.
    If you were to look at Mujahideen in CM:Afghanistan you'll see they're carrying everything from AK-47s to Enfields to old M16s to FN rifles. For a CMSF2 mod pack I 'borrowed' a German G3 rifle model out of CM:Afghanistan to replace the Dutch C7 rifle. I was frankly surprise that the transfer worked!
  21. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from melm in Scout Team cannot acquire Jav CLU?   
    Load restrictions also affects buddy aid. If a soldier is already loaded down he's not going to pick up the 'special weapon' of his fallen comrade.
  22. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Sgt.Squarehead in Vehicle Immobilization   
    I recall reading about Marines LAV-25s in Afghanistan at the start of the war. During their first significant operation (involving cross country travelling to cut a distant highway) it was reported that EVERY vehicle in the task force needed to be unditched at least once, several multiple times. Humvees in particular suffered from multiple broken suspensions and needed to be airlifted By CH-53s back to base. The operation was a 'success' in that they finally reached the highway and shot up anything attempting to drive down the road. But it was a costly operation getting there.
    Vineyards in CMFI are not to be fooled with. A combination of stout vine bases and long lengths of wire that wrap around the suspension as you move through it.

  23. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Rokossovski in CMSF2 "Black Sea" Vehicle Pack   
    If anything you're likely to see the opposite happen. Marines from CMSF2 getting moved over to CMBS. I believe someone in the Russian military is still using Shilka - Russian naval infantry I think. People have been talking about wanting to see uncons in Ukraine.
  24. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Bootie in CMSF 2 During Action Report 'Canadian Club'   
    Watching these movies is so hard for me! I have to sit on my hands to keep them from instinctively reaching for the keyboard while watching
  25. Like
    MikeyD got a reaction from Jotte in Minor visual Obdervations Full Game   
    AAAAH! I recreated your problem!
    The German Leopard crews in the full TO&E carry the G36 rifle. The 'single vehicle' select Leopard crews come with the C8A1. What a bizarre bug! Am running off to report it now.
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