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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. All you guys who havent played, unless you are God, the Syrians can and will kick your ass. Rune mentioned evil scenario designers, and I can tell you there's a few in the campaign you guys will have a hard time with, in WEGO or RT, no matter how good you think you are. They could rename this, CM:HAMF (Hard As Muther Fcuker) AND I WOULDNT ARGUE. :mad: Now add in a human op, and I am betting the Syrians can and will win games. More than the AI did in CMx1 I promise you.
  2. What I will never understand is if you consider yourself a wargamer, then any game covering any period that offers as much as CMSF does would be worth playing. And you forget that since CMSF Modern is first, BFC will have a chance to add much more options and suggestions before CM WWII comes out. That will save some of the IF ONLY IT HAD THIS FEATURE stuff you grogs are really wanting.
  3. The Ranger force makeup isnt all that different from a Stryker Brigade, especially nowadays. The Experience and Motivation options in the editor being set to Crack and High simulate Rangers just fine.
  4. I do not think that the US forces spot IED's (But we are still in Beta so this can change at anytime or not) but there is a mark mine command. I have never seen it, and one of my scenarios focuses on the use of an IED and a Vehicle IED. But they are without a doubt one of the coolest features of CMSF. You can hide them under flavor objects, in grass, behind walls.... And the bigger such animals will scare the **** out of you if it's unexpected, especially the first time you see it hehe. That said, you folks are going to find if you are relying on them to win your missions that if you do not have good tactics for covering them and finishing off the remaining vehicles or troops, you will still be in trouble. CMSF isnt CMBO, CMBB, or CMAK, and in a month you will finally understand what that means.
  5. Send $3,486,976 and you can play my copy. For half that I am sure Steve would just add you to the beta team. I am pretty sure I will pre-order 1 or 2 copies.
  6. No to flipping vehicles unless you drop some acid and stand on your head while playing. Charles can only program for people who drop acid and sit right side up. He isnt God ya know.
  7. Ya wait till you hear all the cool sounds. The artillery still makes me get all goosebumpy. And be careful not to have your headphones on with the sound on high if you are in close proximity to an Abrams. That blood on your earpads wont be getting you any purple hearts.
  8. That is a really early Beta version it looks like. I think Rune made that and I havent seen it in months. Did I mention I am happy I havent seen that one in months?
  9. And may I be the first to say publicly, Mr Dorosh here made a great scenario called "Slumming It". One month from now you will actually get your ass kicked by it too. I was the one who met you at the gate, having set up the cots and prepared the menu. However, I'm ready to strike the tents and disband permanently. I know not everyone will have the same reactions, but having no interest in the subject matter at all didn't stop me from getting sucked in by the game play. It's classic CM; ease of interface, good camera controls (better, now, actually, with the addition of the mouse wheel), just enough units to control without having to micromanage (unless you're Kip Anderson and deploy a brigade on a 1 km square map ), and the little dudes running around just plain look cool. It's like Operation Flashpoint, only you get control over every unit on a side, and the grenades don't explode on contact with the window frames. It won't be for everyone, but I predict it will work some charm on at least a few of the pessimists. There will be a large number of people who say that they don't know beans about modern anti-tank weaponry and armour stats and small arms capabilities; well, there were many, many guys who said the same thing about the Hungarian or Italian armies (or for that matter, the German and Soviet armies) in the Second World War who approached CM:BB from the standpoint that it would be an exciting way to learn. </font>
  10. Well CMx2 WW2 doesnt exist yet, but I think when it does go back to Normandy, you are going to be one of the "OMG Thank YOU BFC for going back to Normandy!" guys.
  11. Ok it seems there is enough interest. I just have to get Steve and Moon to give the go ahead and let me have a few extra license keys for the day. Anyone interested can email me at sixxkillersquadron@hotmail.com and I will relay the info to Steve and see what he thinks. No guarantees guys but I think this would be very fun, if only to see the look on your faces when you see some of the cool stuff. You will also have to sign the standard NDA and bring me a pizza.
  12. Was your O ring made out of 24 karat gold?
  13. I need more incentive than that, and since I am almost married I dont think it would be enough, unless Jessica Simpson and Jessica Alba are coupled with the beer, Steve and Moon have to say yes and I am thinking they will be harder to convince we should get to play the game than it would be to get those lovely ladies to ummm well you know.
  14. So how many of you out there from the greater LA area are interested in a release party/preview? I would possibly hold it in a net cafe where I can secure up to 30 computers. You would have to pay for the time on the computers in either $2 an hour increments or $15 for a 24 hour pass. I would be willing to actually stay for the entire 24 hours and I am thinking it would be best to do it on July 21st or 22nd. Ofcourse, the only way I could do it is if Battlefront was willing to let me do it, but it never hurts to ask. If they say yes then I will have to make sure I can get the proper location. Interested?
  15. If you go to the Alienware website, anything you buy over say $5600 will be a 100% lock to run CMSF. Anything over $4000 will be a 99.9% lock to run CMSF. Kidnapping Bill Gates is an %80 lock that you will be locked up longer than CMSF's lifespan. I say go with the Alienware...
  16. Also remember guys the length of development time for CM games. Then Paradox will get a portion, the Gov-ment, the bling they must give thier wives for thier continued absence at bedtime, the new gadgets they must get to capture animations, Matts Rhinoplasty (He likes em big), Beer money, cost of the Servers and bandwith, Steve's obsession with depleted Pez-ranium dispensers, elicense fees, the packaging, payments to the Bush administration to actually start a war in Syria in 2008 and you have dwindled down that $4 mil. Plus this will do far better than 100k in sales. And if they have $4 mil after this, I am hoping they port it to the consoles so that can make 30 times what they will in PC's.
  17. And how about "Wedding Thursdays?" They really get into the spirit of marriage in Iraq... AK-47 style. In Afghanistan its the same except depending on the household we may let them keep a pistol along with the AK. Just depended on the vibe you got from the house. do you have of these rules posted somewhere on the internet ? im sure its a GREAT read - WHAT KIND a "rule" is that ? who "ruled" it? is that Iraq's constitutional right to keep arms? if that is i dont think its valid as their constitution being "remodeled" - maybe i shouldnt speak of the "things i have no knowledge of" but i'm learning and willing to look like an idiot if i learn something, so far on the topic i've only seen HUNDREDS of videos- footage of journalists - family houses raided at night kalashnikov found and males detained - i do have little knowledge on the "one kalashnikov" rule matter but from history i remember there was NEVER ANY RULES in warfare - anyone could get killed or robbed or detained by superior enemy... and why one kalash not 2 what if theres 2 brothers live there - seems like if this one kalashnikov rule nowhere on the paper its not even LEGAL and justified - my objective point of narrow view . :confused: P.s kinda make no sense to me why just single rifle ? most of americans own a whole arsenal of rifles... also look at LT. Mike - he mentioned found it in some dude hous this thing will cost more then 900 for most of us and its just a found for him not that im jealous or anyhting... </font>
  18. The is no such shortage of such an animal. Maybe a slight modification in the plasma claw weaponry though. But if it looks like a space lobster and smells like a space lobster...
  19. I hear Djoubti doesnt allow CMSF into the country until the Space Lobsters Are Panda Rescue Robots mod comes out.
  20. But will you "I :heart: the MGS" when a T-72 makes it less useful than an empty tuna can?
  21. Well if it wasnt for CMBO's demo, a lot of us wouldnt be here. The day BFC doesnt demo a new game is the day Charles quits to join the French Foreign Legion and his first mission is to use Madmatt as target practice and Moon joins the Space Lobster Federation, admits he likes Mexican beer, and joins the cast of Ugly Betty.
  22. Why wouldnt it run fine with dual cores? If it runs fine with single core (P4) its going to do just fine with P-D inside. My guess is the ammount of RAM and Video Card you have is going to be much more of a concern than your CPU type.
  23. Boy you guys think this is gonna be a cake walk. The Syrians are far from inept, especially in a company level game. They have tanks, ATGM's, RPG's, IED's, and a scenario designer can balance the battles as he wishes. Stop thinking this is some turkey shoot because there are M1A2's in the game. I have faith this game is going to be balanced and with the additions of different objectives its going to be possible to win as any side. This kind of thinking is like thinking a Tiger II was unbeatable....
  24. .Charles Mode On.> If only Matt's Llama could program. I will never steal one from Matt again. I will steal Steve's Weasel! ./Charles Mode Off.>
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