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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. I am guessing it will not look as good as ArmA, but how could it. Bi Studios has lots of money to spend and lots lots more employees. Also the FPS market is larger and the computer specs better on average than the smaller market that BFC plays in for now. (even though this may change that) Also I do not know of any RTS games that come close to FPS graphic abilities. CMSF looks great but also will have a better grasp of realism as far as physics, ballistics, and unit model behavior than any FPS has done. You can call that a trade off if you like but I think its just a great balance system considering you would need a super computer to play a game that could have it all.
  2. Oh crap I thought you died Peter. My bad, great job bard, you took away his kills and damages perfection.
  3. Oh man, sorry about that. Cant believe you flew w/o ed. But you did get to 4000+ kills. RIP Mamba!!!
  4. And I would hardly term someone who comes to power in any country as incompetant. War isnt easily defined by one thing, but wars tend to improve economics and give the winner an even firmer grasp on control. Imagine if Germany had won in the east. It would have had the resources to pretty much dominate the world economicly even with out invading the west. Invading America would have been harder to win than the SU due to the sorry state of its navy and the suppy nightmare it would have had. The ocean is far harder to supply from than 2000km battlelines, even if Germany could have come from South America, no way they could have established a foothold big enough to sustain operations long enough to break the industrial might.
  5. Ok Modern examples... Afghanistan- remove Taliban from power: Result. Puppet Government will still maybe less power than Taliban. Iraq 1- Remove Iraq from Kuwait. Result. Success because of worldwide support. Iraq 2-Remove Saddam. Success but power will shift after civil war WWII- Remove Hirohito and Hitler from Power. Both havent been to war and had very little need to war due to improved economic conditions. Vietnam- Fought to keep communists from taking over. Defeat, but the most stable region in SE Asia Korea-See vietnam. Defeat, but South Korea is in a very good state even though constant threat from North and growing movement to once again be unified. I believe this will happen in my lifetime.
  6. I dont see this. I bet the closest thing they will model to robots is UAV's, and not even sure about that.
  7. It doesnt sound much different to me, just goes from a percentage to a time based period because of real time.
  8. I believe some forces will be military and some will be "terrorist" forces, so it could have been accurate depending on the scenario I would guess. I guess Moon or Steve will most likely be the ones to answer that.
  9. Hi Loki, After much discussion, Custom games have been deemed to easy to get kills/xp so the custom missions are just for fun and so you can make dream matchups. I dont see the point of limiting anything with pilots already over 4000 kills and 170k exp. I say open it up and lets shoot down bombers, but I have been overruled.
  10. Lust for power or to deny power to someone else is the cause of war. All ideaology such as money, resources, expansion, nationalism, etc... are just bi-products.
  11. Finally now BFC can make good games. I dont want the door to hit Matt on the way out but if it does I hope it leaves a mark!!!
  12. Mikey, that picture works better than my link Is that a mod???
  13. Hard to hunt with a handgun And the P226 is such a wonderful firearm. Not sure why people dont just throw the Glocks in the trash. But to each his own I guess. And you can find them cheaper than $880
  14. Hard to hunt with a handgun And the P226 is such a wonderful firearm. Not sure why people dont just throw the Glocks in the trash. But to each his own I guess. And you can find them cheaper than $880
  15. Hard to hunt with a handgun And the P226 is such a wonderful firearm. Not sure why people dont just throw the Glocks in the trash. But to each his own I guess. And you can find them cheaper than $880
  16. Theres lots of new news, they just havent told you it yet!!!
  17. Look I am not saying going to the range isnt fun. Just saying if you go to practice, do it right and for a purpose.
  18. Look I am not saying going to the range isnt fun. Just saying if you go to practice, do it right and for a purpose.
  19. Look I am not saying going to the range isnt fun. Just saying if you go to practice, do it right and for a purpose.
  20. The only reason a civilian SWAT team uses the MP5 over say an M4 (Which isnt the case anymore in most departments) is because the JHP round that is mostly used will not over-penetrate as their goal is to not shoot up the house and kill the neighbors. The North Hollywood shootout changed a lot of departments thinking though and body armor is not common for criminals but usage has jumped in recent years. A MP5 while accurate has very little chance of defeating decent body armor, especially say an MP5A3SD which is the most common version used by Swat. Its also a better mount for the Surefire, but who cares about that hehe (Just me maybe) But I must admit, I love the MP5, and for my money its one of the best weapons ever invented.
  21. There is no other reason to own a gun than to have it to blow someone else away. Thats what they were invented for and since they dont dispense candy, compute complex mathmatical calculations, end world hunger, or make Metallica sound as good as the 80's, that is still thier only purpose. And going to the range is fine, but in a combat situation you dont want to switch midway through from say a gun you are comfortable with to something that you cant hit the broadside of a barn with. So when on the range, use what you are planning to use if a situation arises.
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