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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. It isnt innaccurate. Its just innaccurate outside of 125m's, or on a windy day, or in cold conditions, or when you dont pray to a deity before and after you shoot it. In the Army thats a damn fine weapon system for 11B.
  2. Only 4 things you need to do in order to be biased BFC fanboys like some of us are. #1. Go to https://www.combatmission2.com/products.html #2. Click "blue" Order Now Button (Located at top of page to make it easier). #3. Pick $70 option so you can download it and get a hard copy with extra goodies. #4. Reserve membership at cmsffanboypadawan.org Seriously though. CMSF was rushed out the door and NOT because Battlefront wanted to release it then. But it doesnt mean they arent fixing the issues as fast as they can. They have a great track record that is second to none in software development for supporting thier games. So relax. If you dont buy the game now, you will eventually, but the longer you wait the less time you will get to play with the editor. -fanboy1123 out
  3. Why do people always assume that spraying a building with fire is going to kill everyone inside instantly? Hell I have been involved with fragging a room where people not only lived but werent injured until we shot them. Sometimes the bullet doesnt have your name on it. (Dont take this post as saying spraying a room with a .50 isnt a beautiful thing, just saying nothing is 100% successful. )
  4. First off, wow what a post. You are seriously trying to hold BFC to make the same game over and over? And why are you quoting a different game manual and expecting the same result? Its called evolution. Even apes adapt to new stimuli in thier environment. Maybe I am just silly but WEGO is also a part of the game still isn't it? And you can make battles that arent company level, just what fun would that be? And if you dont like BFC's newer games, theres always Matrix to fall back on LOL. They publish the same type games over and over just for the dissatisfied players like you.
  5. I would blame Matt, but I have already blamed him for everything else, so I will blame rune!
  6. This game isnt meant to simulate occupation. The ROE is much better in CMSF.
  7. I often wonder about why things must be as they are. The Stryker is no better or worse than any vehicle we can deploy there outside of an Abrams. Maybe we should just give the troops bicycles and sleds, but then someone would just get mad when that mountain bike GI Jonah is riding on got a flat tire. But the Stryker does its job. It isnt an Abrams thats for sure, but these days what would be safe from an RPG? And yet again it's another "WE ARENT WINNING THE WAR" throw in. We have already won the war. Wars are won by militaries. We have without a doubt established our military presence in the region. No one can kick us out by force. The only war we are losing is with the way the military is being used. Until politicians realize that our training isnt conducive to being the worlds police without establishing our own government in occupied areas, then we will never again appear to win a war according to your ideas of winning. Look at Israel and Palestine for example. Israel could, like the US in Iraq, wipe out the entire population at will. They can come in by force and do raids, knock down settlements, and kill terrorist leaders at a whim. But do they have 100% control or have even a relative level of safety even in Israel? So why do the American people think that the US has some magic answer to make peace through occupying a culture of people that havent been able to be controlled by any foreign national power. (Romans, Brits, Soviets...) So expecting some total victory without nuking the whole middle east is mindless....
  8. Well I give it a 9,000,000 rating out of 10. What does that do to your 69% ratio? Seriously, these reviewers will usually not re-rate the game after all the patches are in, so I never listen to what goes on in the reviews as much as I do from message boards. Most of the "reviewers; writers" are usually interested in different genres than wargamers anyway.
  9. I think that Europe is becoming more anti-Arab than Israel. And who says that Americans love Israel? I mean maybe American Jews do, but the rest of the populace here most likely doesnt even give a rats ass about anywhere but Iraq and Afghanistan as far as foreign countries go.
  10. I might get into trouble with Steve and company for saying this, but you guys need to step back and roll with the punches. Ok so i am on a temporary deployment and I have missed so much of what you guys have been saying and the problems you guys have with the game. So I havent got to read much of what has been going on since the release, but you guys are acting like BFC has just released the worst game to ever hit the PC. But you guys are first of all WRONg that this game is crap or that you need to wait 6 months to buy it. This game is highly playable RIGHT now, so please stop telling people who come here not to buy it. You should know better that BFC S U P P O R T S thier products. So it has a few issues, big ****ing deal. Do you think they aren't working thier asses off to fix these issues? I know for a fact they sacrifice thier lives to bring these games to you guys, and believe me they are WAY MORE GROG than you. So chill and let them fix it. It took 4 years to get this far, whats a few more months. . It also has things that no other games can even approach in cool factor and realism. The Arty model is just spot ****ing on, especially with Matt's work on the sounds. And the editor.... ya find a better game released editor than this one. Red vs Red and Blue vs Blue gives this game awesome replayability with much more than just Syrian troops. You can make scenarios with just about any Middle East or African nation against whomever you wish. IMO, BTS should have charged a module fee for this functionality. Another problem is that the beta testers/designers had to learn this stuff on the fly too. We are just like you guys, we want it all and we want it right now, but BFC can only give what is available in the time they have. But since WE have found a way to love this game, why the hell can't you stop whining and realize that this game may not be perfect yet, but damn sure has the potential to be on your hard drives for 10 years. And you WEGo vs RT idiots, stop fricken complaining. You can play one or the other or you can play both. I mean you guys change your underwear, why dont you expect gaming to change too? But BTS didnt abandon you WEGO and PBEM players did they? Oh well back to the field. Return Fire at Will.
  11. It was left out because it would have taken months to code it. Charles only has so many hours in a day. Other things took priority.
  12. The beta team doesn't work so we can get paid off in getting a deal on the game, we do it so we dont have to watch TV. Steve, It's Vista + ATI - perhaps the three of you are on XP and tested on XP. Anyone with a new machine since the start of the year very likely has Vista. Most are using nVidia cards these days, but the ATI folks are out there. Hey, if you didn't run into it you didn't - a professional hardware QA team wasn't likely in your budget. Since "stuff happens," I'll just get over it. Perhaps you could appreciate the once-bitten twice-shy as several of Battlefront's titles did not have a smooth release. I'm going to be constructive rather than rant (which I've done since last Friday - sorry, I'll never pre-order from Battlefront again): Since you have this eLicense thing going on, I wonder if you can leverage it to your advantage? Why not release a paid public beta, which is content-limited to just a few missions and a partial campaign? Perhaps you could limit some of the QB options too. The purpose of this paid-for beta (perhaps you charge 1/2 the normal asking price), is that you'd discover bugs such as those cropping up with this release and you'd have a wide use-base from which to analyze these bugs. Once you are ready for the release version, you change the eLicense such that the those with the Beta licence will need to have obtained a full-release license. The beta guys would be able to get the pre-order deal plus a little something extra (like the deluxe version at normal price). With all the enthusiasts who crowded around in the CMSF forum for years before the release, you would have had quite a number of willing (and paying participants). Since money talks and bs walks - this would probably be win-win for you. Hey, Microsoft Flight Simulator X had a free public beta and it probably served as a great hardware compatibility test for them. Battlefront could easily get away with asking for money as the frea.. uhm, "grognards" who are your fan-base are all zealous - heck, you've got guys who will defend a semi-broken release and jump down the necks of your detractors. With watchdogs like that, you've clearly got loyalty and willing testers. Just a thought. Despite all my rage (I'm still just a... ). oops, I mean, believe-it-or-not, I would have PAID to do the beta thing and would not have been as upset as I am now when the game didn't work with the ATI card. I realize that the only downside of my idea is the bandwidth - you would probably make less money as you'd have to mass-distribute the latest build to everyone - however, aren't there diff-patches that could be used? Here's to a speedy solution to the ATI problem - it has been a real bummer for anyone anticipating this release. </font>
  13. Well he does read the forum, and the reviews are mostly the same, but wtf cares? We have a little more information about what is going on with fixing the game than you do and Mr Dorosh also must remember the 3 previous titles and the support they got so he has faith that most if not all of the problems you guys are having will be fixed. Also play Mr. Dorosh's "Slumming It" scenario and tell me this game isnt good. Its just about the best scenario any of the testers/designers made. A look at the new user names who signed up to congratulate him on the title has already proven you wrong, though. Not that the criticisms aren't without merit, but why embarrass yourself with stupid blanket statements like this that can be disproven by a casual glance at the forum's first page? </font>
  14. Actually a lot of us on the beta team use dual cores to play. The configurations varied but I really have had none of the glaring problem you guys have faced, throughout any of the testing process.
  15. No I simply stated that they should read the manual and if they cannot find a solution then feel free to ring rong a dong for a hol-e-day. Why would you need tech support at Taco Bell?
  16. Yes, send me your rig and I will get it working! A terrabyte hard drive..... I need one of those!!!
  17. Can you please look at the manual and see if you can find an answer before starting 9,000 threads. BFC is really busy and the less they have to answer here will speed up solving the problems you guys may have. Thank you.
  18. I dont think PBEM will be replaced by RT. It will however give you a better gaming experience with both in. I mainly started this thread to see how many change over a month or two from now. But I think most of you who speak about RT have CMSF confused with Starcraft. Do a Zerg rush in this and you wont like the results. Unload your troops to cut down wood they will get cut down alright. Try to build a farm with the Eng platoon and you will be buying that farm. But you can get out of a Stryker and lay in a wheat field in the hot Syrian sun if you like. But some of you will find that in Real time sometimes you can correct your mistakes in planning. In Wego, you are stuck with 60 seconds of mistakes.
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