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Everything posted by Sixxkiller

  1. Very near release, LMAO. With BFC, the day after release is considered "Near".
  2. I think playing vs humans, you will get more than your moneys worth. The AI wasnt that bad in CM before, occasionally it would win. NO Ai in any game is that good, atleast CM doesnt cheat as much as some games.
  3. BFC ALWAYS HITS THIER TARGET RELEASE DATE (Considering they release it when its done)
  4. I wanna see the chapter, "Unlearning Combat Mission". You should release it so we can see it.
  5. Well CM Invasion Japan had great AI. I can honestly say I never beat it.
  6. Man I would almost rather be in a burning Sherman with a Kompanie of Panthers shooting at me than ride in a M113 again.
  7. Whoa killer, lets not say no more WWII. We still havent fought in Japan!!! Plus I think Battlefront is going to do very well with CM:SF, but by the time they get to CM(WW2), its going to be time to revisit WW2 with the new technology and sell to a new audience. Plus WWII is what made them famous. If you take away thier meat and potatoes, all you have left is the plate. I can see Matt eating a plate though!!!
  8. Since I started my career in the All Americans, only the bottom pic is of REAL airborne soldiers! The saying goes, "If you aint 82nd Airborne, you aint!"
  9. Mikey, And how would a non-gun owner shoot bullet holes in a robot? I think you have better alcohol than I do, so SEND ME A CASE DAMNIT! I want to see pink robot uav's (in slow mo) being shot too.
  10. OMG thanks for the stomach turning reminder. We called it Chicken A la Pee. We should have just given it to the Somalis and then they would have a valid reason to perform terrorist acts upon us. The good ones now are Spicy Penne, Cheese Tortellini, and the Chicken Fajita. The Veg Pasta one is still bad as is the Beef Patty, but nothing like the King.
  11. Not one of you guys has seen the game, so no one knows if ATI will run CMSF or what will be affected, so please stop with the guessing. There could be people coming to this board thinking, "Well I have an ATI Raedon x600 and it will run badly, so no sense in buying this game." So BFC loses a sale, and you look stupid when it runs CM just fine. Wait for the demo.
  12. And if everyone thinks like you do, good luck getting CMx2 WWII. But I hope to PBEM you when the WWII game comes out......
  13. Ya people dont like change. A lot of the folks here are probably going to scream bloody murder having to run Strykers into ambush zones when they realize they wont stand up like a Jagdtiger. But I think for some, they will learn to be better at using proven tactics that they could get away from in CMx1. I imagine a M1A2 isnt going to miss you more than once if at all in your shiny dead T-72 or straight to hell BMP. And I imagine it will work both ways when you turn your side to a T-72 hiding out of sight on a hill somewhere. But comparing a game to CMSF is silly. Its whats under the hood that will count, and I think from the screens, CMSF looks just fine thank you.
  14. Only way to truly find out is if these tanks fight it out with eachother or against a T-80 or T-90. But I say M1A1 as it would have decided advantages to defeat a Leo due to the advanced communications and sat downlinks. We would own the sky so its gonna be a hard road for anything that comes up against us.
  15. Well Vin, CMSF isnt CMx1, and I think Steve has said that it a few times. I think they do the zoom in shots so we can marvel at the graphics. I dont think they would make it so it is less visual, so I am sure you will be able to see stuff just like always. As for mouse and keyboard controls, its now got a RTS option so I would bet it will have to be adjusted somewhat. That I guess we will have to wait and see.
  16. Well Vin, CMSF isnt CMx1, and I think Steve has said that it a few times. I think they do the zoom in shots so we can marvel at the graphics. I dont think they would make it so it is less visual, so I am sure you will be able to see stuff just like always. As for mouse and keyboard controls, its now got a RTS option so I would bet it will have to be adjusted somewhat. That I guess we will have to wait and see.
  17. Well Vin, CMSF isnt CMx1, and I think Steve has said that it a few times. I think they do the zoom in shots so we can marvel at the graphics. I dont think they would make it so it is less visual, so I am sure you will be able to see stuff just like always. As for mouse and keyboard controls, its now got a RTS option so I would bet it will have to be adjusted somewhat. That I guess we will have to wait and see.
  18. CM has a real time component just like TOW. If you play on the highest setting you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO ISSUE ORDERS WHILE PAUSED. CM also has a turn based option. CMx2 will be doing a WWII module soon enough. Let them get the game out before they get the WWII stuff to you guys. Another thing you need to realize is tow wasnt designed from the ground up by BFC, they just improved it. CMSF is. CMSF is also based around mech inf principles, so infantry does matter I would think. One last thing, has BFC ever let you guys down? Isnt CM the standard for wargames? Dont think they would start making crap after 3 games, remember they make games they want to play and if you hand them money, they keep making them.
  19. Too cheap. These guys deserve financial security for putting up with you guys for so long.
  20. You mean you guys arent playing it? I wake up every morning, tell the wife to make my breakfast, take the dog out to do her business, put Slayer on the stereo, call my psychic advisor, pick my winning lotto numbers, call the Playboy model mistress for our daily "massage" session, waxx philisopikal, THEN sit down and save the US pacifists from the evil that is in CM! See it isnt even the first thing I do in the morning, so I can wait for the release.
  21. Celeron 2.2 512 mb ram Sis 650M 64 MB vid Downloaded demo, clicked icon and it didnt have the heart to tell me that my laptop sucks more than a Vegas hooker.
  22. Oh no its bad enough you are French, dont become English too.
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