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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. I cant find anywhere that says there will not be any penetration or thickness data. All I could find is this --> http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94381&highlight=thickness 8 posts down from the top Steve says: I take that to mean there will not be a data penetration table like there was in CMBO. In CMBO you could hit "enter" for a selected unit and a data table would show you the penetration values for the main gun of your tank/AT gun. However in CMBN I suspect there will be a armor value graphic like in CMSF...AND an armor penetration value like CMSF. The two are on different tabs but they correspond with each other, in effect. The armor penetration graphic does not say X gun will penetrate X millimeters at X distance. It is more simplified and is more of a rule of thumb. Then again the muzzle velocities of WW2 cannons are nowhere near as fast as those of CMSF. Not to mention the technology is leaps and bounds ahead. So I would imagine there would need to be some sort of indication of what penetration will occur at a given distance against a certain thickness of RH steel, or what have you.
  2. Here ya go. From the horses mouth...so to speak. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94378&highlight=foxholes http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94322&highlight=foxholes Edit: That's better. Posted the same link
  3. See what happens when the DAR pauses? Things get off topic. Not good.
  4. The effect of artillery on trees being defoliated is in CMSF. Why wouldn't it be in CMBN?
  5. Those sneaky bastards. Crotch shot. That woulda hurt. Or face...depending on the height of the wearer/victim. So that's where "Dusk 'til Dawn" got the idea from.
  6. I want to know what kind of rifle the guy on the far right and close to the wall is carrying.
  7. I'm starting to get the impression there will be no tcp/ip wego, flamethrowers, flames or nonprolific/rare/exotic tanks. Did I miss anything? This is getting old.
  8. It means it is ooooh so close. Yet not quite done. It will say when there are pre-orders. What I usually do is forget about it until it is done and I get the email from BFC. It's kind of like Christmas all over again...if your into that sort of thing.
  9. The whole 'to chin strap or not to chin strap' thing always puzzled me as well. For what it's worth, I found this link on the Mythbuster's website. And this link as well of the ball and clevis strap.
  10. Friggin' beautiful! If I recall correctly, as per the book "Charlie Wilson's War", CIA wanted only Enfeilds, at first. I forget exactly why at the moment. I think it was mostly because of logistics though. They didnt want the Muhajadeens to have Ak's. Like I said...at first.
  11. I was afraid someone would say that. But why would it matter? They are not getting supplied anyways, yet they still move... I'll give it a try anyways. Thanks Rusty.
  12. Im playing the as the Axis. I am trying to take UK out of the war. I load my Army onto amphibious transports to invade Southern England. I have to land way to the west of Southern England. At the same time I dropped two Paratrooper Armies on either side of London (West and East). But my Armies cannot flank to the North of London to support my FJ's. My Army can only move along the southern shoreline and not inland anywhere. Eventually my FJ's get destroyed and my Armies are still not able to move inland. Why is it my Army cannot move inland anywhere? What am I missing?
  13. As it is now LOS can go beyond the crest of a hill, but not very far. I would imagine, ney, I hope LOS for area fire will be able to go into smoke.
  14. Pictures are worth a thousand words...video, doubly so. Show everyone what you are talking about.
  15. As unrealistic as it might be, some scenarios are tested and retested over and over again and require a level of conservatism before you can actually get a picture of the enemy situation and then push hard (speaking in terms of an attack scenario). When I say unrealistic, what I mean to say is, being on the attack may not always be as demanding as many scenarios (with good scenario designers) tend to be. If you rush and are careless, you will lose your *ss. If you take your time at first and get a picture before any bold moves, that will help things along. It all depends on the defense type (defense in depth, rear slope defense, etc)
  16. That is still a long distance the jet has to cross before reaching the hull.
  17. I've never understood how a tandem warhead could defeat slat armor. If slat armor stops the first part of the tandem warhead, wouldn't it defeat the second stage as well? I could not find anything definitive on the internet. But the best I can tell is that the first stage would have to completely blow open the slat armor making a gap big enough for the second stage of the tandem warhead to pass through and onto the hull of it's intended target.
  18. Jeez. This is a shock. Usually when I go away for a long time, I see good news. It takes a big man to take up such a task and an even bigger man to know when he is beat. Back to beta group!
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