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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. Oooor...maybe juuust maybe they are giving other people an opportunity to break into the market when no one else will? Hmmm? I think they have earned the benefit of the doubt. And maybe make a little money in the mean time. For any organization to survive and grow it HAS to make money. ToW is a good game. Its not perfect, but it is a good game. And it sure is pretty.
  2. Ok...I'm back. Been busy. Did I miss anything?
  3. I have yet to destroy an Elefant with a AT grenade. Or even immobilize it for that matter. I had one of my guys throw six AT grenades at the tracks of an Elefant with no effect. Your gonna have to take out the Heavy Armor with the Su-122 or with side or rear shots from a T-34.
  4. In my experience, once you MANUALLY target for your unit (as opposed to letting the AI do the targeting itself) your unit stays glued to that target until it goes away i.e. is destroyed or loses LOS.
  5. You may have something there. I imagine its the infantry AI reacting the same way they might react if they were trying escape enemy vehicles which are trying to run over them. Its not easy to run over enemy infantry. I've tried.
  6. Hm, dont know what to say there. They should appear in the next unit selection menu for the next battle. It is after that next battle that the captured unit will be taken out of selection and you will lose your crew. So for instance, you captured a tank in the first battle. It will show up for the second battle, but not the third. So you will want to reclaim your crew after the first battle. If you so desire to use that tank, then you might want to put an inexperienced crew in it. To be honest I have not tried to capture anything in this latest version. But that is what should happen.
  7. There are off map mortars. Thats it. The reasons why have been discussed earlier on. Try a search.
  8. The other option is to set up all of your armor on the reverse slope of the hill where your 3 ATGs and 2 Infantry squads are. Let your ATGs take out the first wave of armor. They wont last long against the second wave. But you will still have your armor. Just sit and wait for the Elefants and Brumbars to come. Trying to sucker the heavy German armor in close is your best chance.
  9. If your two troopers didn't move they would have been run over...yes even though they were not that close. Vehicles only have to be what appears to be 1 or 2 feet away in order to run over infantry. But it never happens to friendlies. Solution: don't get too close to your own infantry and they wont move. It only seems to happen when your vehicle is on a course towards your soldier.
  10. Just drag and drop when you are at the unit menu of the next mission. You will have to replace whatever crew you wish to switch out with a less desirable crew. Pick and choose.
  11. That map (like most maps) you really have to be conservative. Once the enemy start appearing, let them come to you. Don't go after them. Your tanks are much more accurate and spot easier when not moving. And get off the road. Move to either side.
  12. You can change everything except for the map terrain itself. Trenches, sandbag emplacemnts, and I believe buildings as well ( I could be wrong with the buildings) are all part of the terrain. However, units, triggers, victory conditions and combat area dimensions can be changed.
  13. I think the player should be allowed to issue orders prior to hitting the "start" button.
  14. Ok, now if you would just put up a looooooooong list of things that you like about the game in the hopes that it would stir up alot of conversation so this thread can go on for six pages. That would round things out.
  15. Have you read the "Multiplayer Configuration readme"? If you are trying to host and you are behind a router, it is very important to read.
  16. These are some good observations. You really need to be patient with your infantry, particularly when on the attack and there is enemy armor around. This is not unreasonable. However the infantry can be very dangerous when the armour is right on top of them...meaning within range of whatever AT weapons they might have, throwing or otherwise. "Combined Arms" really means alot in this game. It is very important to have infantry supporting tanks and vice versa when the enemy has the same. Particularly on defense.
  17. Yea, I would love to see everything. But I doubt the game would have come out when it did if they focused on everything with the level of detail they are putting into the models. In fact I shudder to think how much longer that would have taken.
  18. If you have played an offensive mission yet where the enemy has ATGs in the open, your units will not spot them until the enemy ATGs open fire. Not sure what your saying here. But, the only problem I have ever had with the "hold fire" button is forgetting I told my units to hold fire and wondering why they aren't shooting when the enemy is right on top of them. The ATGs are suppose to be hidden by default. But for some reason the training map spots them. Not much to say about that at this time. When you click on your unit and then take your mouse cursor and put it over the area of the 3D map you want to range, a range counter tells you the range in the upper right corner of the minimap The minimap is in the lower left corner of your screen. And to add to that, the unit screen shows a bar at the bottom as well showing penetration ranges of that particular unit. A sliding bar (for lack of a better term) moves in conjunction with the range finder giving you the penetration value of that particular gun at that particular range. [ April 21, 2007, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: gunnersman ]
  19. I guess it can't be said enough: ToW was not conceived, planned, coded, and developed by BFC. BFC is the publisher. All BFC could do is make recommendations. And despite ToW's faults, I am glad someone finally did publish it. It aint the cutest baby, but it is sure fun to play with.
  20. rofl, what map is that on? Do you experience this on the same map or other maps? I have seen my guys hit with the Panzerfaust many times before. But I have also seen them miss what seem like relatively easy shots. Just wondering.
  21. That particular training map is not representative of the rest of the game. It is particularly difficult. I had lots of trouble with it too. Moon stated in testing that the skill levels of the German tankers are not high at all. For some reason that map is just hard. It has been beaten. I almost beat it a couple of times (out of... maybe 15 tries, at the least). On another note... Don't forget that you can choose what type of ammunition you can use; Click the main gun graphic in the menu at the bottom of the screen and it will bring up the ammo options that are available for that particular gun. One technique I like to employ when using ATGs (or tanks for that matter) is to aim for the turret. Usually you will end up disabling the main gun. That effectively disables the whole purpose of the tank. You will then be able to allow your crew to focus on another target. However, EVERYTHING depends on crew skill levels.
  22. The "mini map" being in the lower left corner of your monitor. You can click on it to move your camera where you want. Or click on a unit Icon and then hit "enter" and your camera will instantly zip to that unit and view from its view (kind of like hitting "Tab" in CM). Hit enter once more to free you from locking onto that unit and free look again.
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