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Everything posted by gunnersman

  2. Lets not forget the the crack cocaine and hookers.
  3. Yes, it will come with an editor. I just posted content on another thread. But I will repeat it again. You will not be able to physically change the map itself or create your own map BUT, you will be able to change unit types, nationality, triggers, victory conditions, reinforcements...I think there are some others but thats the meat of it.
  4. Oh, and yes you can edit maps. You cannot change the map itself. But you will be able to completely change the triggers, reinforcements, types of units, dimensions of the play area, and the conditions of victory. I may be missing a few things. But thats the big stuff. Its pretty powerful.
  5. There is a "hold fire" and a "hold position" command at the bottom of the command menu. They work great...unless your unit panicks. There is no "ambush" option like in CM. You have to unclick the hold fire command to get your units to open fire at an given range, that is IF you have commanded them to "hold fire". There is no "cover arc" option. The AI is pretty good and covering an area but only after the enemy appears in "that" particular area...whatever that area may be. Otherwise use the "rotate" command for your unit to physically point in a particular direction.
  6. There will not be an exclusively Bastogne campaign. Each country has its own campaign except UK/US which will be intermingled. You do play one side and then the other to some degree. But its not exactly mirrored.
  7. AMD 3200 2.2 Ghz 1 Gig Ram ATI x800 XT 256mb Sound Blaster Live EAX I turn off detailed water, turn off detailed sky, and tone down the grass to normal and everything runs great. Everything else I leave at high settings. I get a little choppy when the infantry reinforcements swarm in on Seelow Heights but other than that, everything runs great. Lord Simmox, I dont think you have enough bells and whistles.
  8. The sound seems that way because the farther the camera is away from the action the less you will hear. When you place the camera right on top of the action the sound is louder. If you are playing the game from a birds eye view, and I imagine most of you are, the sound will not sound right. Go to options and turn the music sound down or off and turn the rest of the sound way up...and then turn the actual speaker volume way up...that'll make things more interesting. Surround sound is nice too.
  9. Think of it as the magicians rule to never reveal their secrets. As far as tips and tactics go, if you have any understanding of basic tactics it would be just as effective to apply them in ToW.
  10. Maybe its just my style of play, but, if you want your units to survive (particularly your infantry) you WILL have to take it slow. Besides that, you will usually get no more than a platoon of infantry at the most (squads are ~10 soldiers at a time), if that, on the map at any given time. So its not like there are many units to keep track of at the same time. Most maps that I have played are combined arms. There are few pure infantry maps...as of yet. And the AI infantry does a pretty good job of taking care of itself.
  11. It'll put hair on your chest. No....Really. Not only that... -Mission Editor -you can play Russians, Germans, Polish, French, British, the US - 1939-1945 - All 3-D models - Rich in detail; graphical, game play and historical units - Multiplayer has up to 8 players who can play with or against each other; blue on blue as well. - Campaigns or single missions - Armor hits leave marks - The game requires skill and actual application of sound tactics to succeed, even against the AI - Great sounds! - Mission Editor From the website * Inclusion of a full featured Mission Editor! * Visibility and engagement ranges have been substantially increased to realistic levels. * Hand to hand combat for infantry has been added (abstracted visually). * Restrictions to the use of captured vehicles and equipment has been added. Now only soldiers with suitable skills can use captured equipment. * Heavy artillery and light mortars were added as off-map support. * The infantry to armor ratio in all missions has been substantially increased. * Relative spotting indicators for each individual unit have been added. * The campaign has been changed to now allow advancement to the next mission despite defeat in a previous mission. * Fire on the move for vehicles with good enough crews has been implemented. * Delayed detonation and real-world physics for hand and anti-tank grenades have been added. * Enhanced physics modeling for all large caliber shells have been added. * Better burst duration modeling for automatic weapons added. * Infantry movement rates on various ground surfaces have been improved. * Realistic physics for vehicle movement (usage of gears, throttling etc) have been added. * Targeting for all units has been improved, it now depends more on target visibility, target movement status and firing mode. * Various tweaks to vehicles and equipment: model sizes, damage calculations etc. * Improved morale calculations. * New missions have been added. * Heavy air-bombers were removed from close air support role. * The delay for air and artillery support has been increased to realistic levels. * Unit path finding has been improved. * Recon airplanes added into the game. * Weather conditions and their effects on spotting, movement and combat have been improved. * Realistic Uniforms, Ranks, Names and numbering conventions for all nation’s soldiers and vehicles have been implemented. OH! And did I mention the mission editor? I can go on and on (and cut and paste and cut and paste) but my fingers hurt. [ April 04, 2007, 05:37 PM: Message edited by: gunnersman ]
  12. The red line lets you know what target your unit is "tracking"...for lack of a better word. Suppose to help improve your situational awareness.
  13. This whole topic was debated when ToW first showed up here at Battlefront. And in one of the threads it was stated that mortars were in at one point, forests were in at one point and going indoors was a capability. All were taken out for one reason or another due to certain limitations (I'll let you do the search for it). The fact of the matter is there aren't any maps where going indoors would be a factor deciding any big outcome. As I look back on it there was never any point where I was wishing I could go inside of a building.
  14. Not only that but you can have as many as 8 players total, depending on the map. And you can Choose alliances. AND Germans can play against Germans or Soviet v Soviet, etc.
  15. If you drive cars that can go as fast as they do you don't need air conditioning.
  16. The Tiger is as about as close as your going to get to seeing the Flak 36 at this point in time. Look on the bright side...you can pre-order!
  17. Not only that, but I want to know how they captured it in slow motion AND panned the camera to follow it, which I presume can only be a high velocity. It doesn't look like CG to me.
  18. Wow! That is a small number. I would have thought it would be more than that. But then again, you guys probably wouldn't survive on just the people who post. Or at least you would probably work REAL jobs on the side if you did.
  19. Im sure I would have thought of that if I had gotten any sleep last night. I'm just curious about the actual numbers without about being too blatant and too nosey.
  20. I was looking at the number of people who posted that they pre-ordered and was wondering if that translates to a bigger number of people who actually pre-ordered but didnt post? Do you guys have a formula for that sort of thing? For instance, 1 person posting that they pre-ordered means that there are actually 12 (or 20 or 100 or a bazillion) that actually pre-ordered? If that is the case, does that translate to those who have not pre-ordered but plan to order eventually also? Or is that asking reveal too much? Enquiring minds want to know.
  21. Hoooah! No need for coffee this morning. Cool remix of "The Power".
  22. According to the first article at MSNBC: "As envisioned, the aircraft would fly in a figure-eight pattern over an area deemed a likely site of a missile launch." As in...enemy territory? I don't think so. I think it is actually suppose to "stand off" at a distance to do its job.
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