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Everything posted by gunnersman

  1. lol...fair enough. The video was interesting to watch though, in all of it's corniness.
  2. Just one question, me being ex-squid myself and all, why does a Sea Bee want ME to join the Army? Just wonderin'.
  3. You can start here. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=95399
  4. Eventually. One of a few posts about it out there. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94311&highlight=Flame+throwers
  5. This just in... Valve is putting out an IPO very soon. More to come...
  6. There may not be enough scenarios to make it worth while.
  7. I love the new interface. The old florescent green rifles were kind of annoying. It all just looks great now.
  8. Here's a thought; Hows about letting myself and one other random player produce another DAR? Like I said, just a thought.
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